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Keyboard TracerDiscount

Keyboard Tracer

Capture All Keyboard Activity to a Log File

v2.7.2 for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista, 7, Other Win versions may require rights elevation
Keyboard Tracer ScreenshotKeylogger Software ScreenshotKeyboard Tracer, Keylogger Software ScreenshotKeyboard Tracer, Security Software Screenshot

From time to time, you will absolutely have a need to track the keypresses on your keyboard. Maybe you suspect unauthorized use, and there's no easy way to catch the culprit without letting them know they're being watched. Well, for you and everyone else in this situation, there's today's discount software promotion, Keyboard Tracer!

Keyboard Tracer lets you track exactly what keystrokes were typed on a keyboard, and the date and time of each keypress. With Keyboard Tracer, you don’t even have to be around to monitor what happens on your keyboard, since the software records everything into a log file, including function keys, key combinations, and the name of the application that was running at the time. It even captures the typing speed of the person sitting at the keyboard!

With very low CPU and memory consumption, Keyboard Tracer operates silently in the background, letting you collect as much information for as long as you need to!

After you purchase Keyboard Tracer, it may be used for 12 months.

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Libardo González Does it record credit card numbers? It sounds like hacking, doesn't it?
Feb 22 2017 at 9:35am Copy Link
James Scott My BDJ email address has failed repeatedly. How do I change the address I use?
Feb 22 2017 at 10:07am Copy Link
Alex Suto Libardo, in case if you have installed it in a good faith on your own computer to protect yourself - it is security.
If you using it to hack something, than you doing something illegal. Please stop doing this.
ISV - Feb 22 2017 at 12:54pm Copy Link
Alex Suto James, please contact BDJ support, we do not have control on this.
ISV - Feb 22 2017 at 12:55pm Copy Link
Que La @James Scott, I have just sent you an email
BitsDuJour Admin - Feb 22 2017 at 11:04pm Copy Link

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