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TreeDBNotes ProDiscount

TreeDBNotes Pro

Comprehensive Personal Information Management

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows Me, 2000, XP, Vista
TreeDBNotes Pro ScreenshotWriting and Journaling Software ScreenshotTreeDBNotes Pro, Writing and Journaling Software ScreenshotTreeDBNotes Pro, Hobby, Educational & Fun Software Screenshot

It used to be that the term 'information management' only applied to companies, conjuring visions of humming server rooms and entire departments dedicated to making sense of the facts and figures. But in today's world, we're all so busy, and we have so many things to track, that we all need our own information management system just to maintain a measure of control over our personal affairs.

TreeDBNotes Pro is the information management system we've all been waiting for. At the top level, it is comprised of four primary modules: Notes, Contacts, Passwords, and Tasks managers. But that's only the beginning! TreeDBNotes Pro also includes a screen capture tool, alarms and reminders, a calendar generator, and eBook authoring utility, and much more!

In a nutshell, TreeDBNotes Pro is here to help you visualize and organize everything in your life.

Let's start with the interface. TreeDBNotes Pro showcases your information in a clearly defined, tree-structured hierarchy, with each and every note represented as a node. For each note, you'll have the full support of all of the standard word processing functions that you're used to, such as font and paragraph styles, tables, images, and more. You can also use any of the included templates to create a note that's already customized to your needs.

With the Contacts Manager, you can easily filter through your contacts to find people quickly, plus you can export entire lists of contact emails and addresses with just a few clicks. Never forget your passwords again thanks to the convenient password manager! And for your time management needs, take full advantage of TreeDBNotes Pro's appointment and reminder system. If you still have some free time on your hands, you can even create and publish a self-executing ebook using TreeDBNotes Pro!

TreeDBNotes Pro offers a comprehensive set of security features designed to keep your information secure. You can encrypt any document and even password protect any part of the document (tree, folder). Finally, you can manually backup your information and even schedule auto-backups.

Got some work to do away from your primary PC? TreeDBNotes Pro makes it simple to create portable versions of your trees and files right from the main menu!

It's easy to get started with TreeDBNotes Pro. Information for your notes can be imported (and exported) from TXT, WRI, RTF, TreePad, CSV, Excel, Word, and HTML formats, plus many more!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Alan W I purchased this software a while back.  It is the BEST in it's class.  I have purchased other programs at a much higher price that do not work as well as TreeDBNotes.  Don't let the low price fool you, it is quality software.  Even at the regular price this software is a good buy,  at the promotional price, it is a steal.
Jun 9 2010 at 2:49am Copy Link
Rubby the duck I am interested in TreeDBNotes, but still hestitating to install it on one of my computers. I am wondering as I can see on the screenshot of the product's website that one can create customizable tables (background colour, width and height of the cells etc.) if one just can modify a fixed template, as this looks identical to the one with the . The screenshot with the contacts seems to be a template too. I read TreeDBNotes features list and it mentiones 'Dynamic Editor' and 'Templates'. How dynamic and what kind of templates? It would be very kind if someone who is using this programme could tell me more about the Notes Editor. Thanks in advance.
Jun 9 2010 at 3:36am Copy Link
Dor Mouse I agree completely with Alan W. Excellent software and well worth the price if it is something you will use, and I use if for most of my writing. @C.Roth The Notes Editor is very good & there are lots of ways of using templates. Most of the functionality of the Notes Editor is in the free version of TreeDBNotes and I suggest you install and try that first; you will then have as long as you want to try it out or use it, without it losing functionality. You should then be able to see if the extra functions of the Pro version make it worth buying or (as in my case) you want to pay the programmer for the free program you are using a lot.
Jun 9 2010 at 5:32am Copy Link
Rubby the duck Dor Mouse, Thanks for the reply. I already had a look at the comparison chart and I would be interested in the pro version. I know I could try out the free version, but as I have mentioned earlier, I am hestitating to install it. I already use a similar programme, but I miss a bit of functionality and seek out for a replacement. And I am not sure if TreeDBNote will be helpful for the tasks I have in mind and the screenshots are not distinctive enough to give it a try.
Jun 9 2010 at 6:00am Copy Link
Dor Mouse @C.Roth You can save any Note or selection from a Note as a template. So it is very easy to modify any existing template. Before I fixed on TreeDBNotes, I tried pretty much all the similar programs out there. Many have distinct advantages (and disadvantages) depending on your needs and TreeDBNotes is one of the most fully featured (as a Notes program - PIM features are fewer than many PIM competitors), and it had the combination of features that I needed. I might be able to comment better if I knew exactly what you needed or which program (& deficiency) you use at the moment.
Jun 9 2010 at 11:12am Copy Link
Rubby the duck @Dor Mouse
I currently use a licensed version of EverNote V2 and for creating csv files HelpSmith.
Evernote is a very flexible organizer and a great help when it comes to filtering the notes, e.g. display all notes about astronomy, but not those I have tagged with 'planets' and 'galaxy', to get as a result all notes about stars. (just as an example) I can also create templates to organize contacts and other infos. As I am not using the latest release of EverNote I can't save websnippets directly from my webbrowser. I have to copy and paste them.
On the downside I can't export my databases as csv files. And additionally it is impossible to create any tables in my notes (as a template, yes, but I need more flexibility). Whenever I need one, I have to create it in Office and copy it to Evernote. I also could create templates, but those are not flexible enough for me.
HelpSmith is also a great tool, imho. But I noticed that although it comes with a WYSIWYG editor I never get what I see. Especially when I was working with tables. And I don't really need this programme when I just would like to create a small csv file with a small tree and just one or two branches.
So I was wondering if TreeDBNotes is able to create tables, split and merge cells, create colums with a fixed width etc. I can make out a few buttons on its toolbar that might be related to editing tables, but as as the tables in the screenshots look similar, not to say identical, I get the impression that the user is just able to modify existing templates in TreeDBNotes, just like in EverNote.
Jun 9 2010 at 7:48pm Copy Link
Dor Mouse @C.Roth I too have Evernote 2.2, but I can't say that I ever felt it was suitable as an editor with formatted notes, tables etc., so I admire your persistence in working with it on that. TreeDBNotes is completely different to Evernote. It is an infinitely better editor for writing. It has all the ability to create & modify tables that you asked for - and I find it much easier to work with tables in TreeDBNotes than in any version of Word. And you can then save them as templates if you wish. Quite a lot of control over printing too, though I always have to check the appearance in print preview to do it & tweak it from there; I don't think you can work in the Print View version as you do in Word (although I've never looked or tried to do this as I have my setup optimised for creation not output).
Jun 10 2010 at 6:04am Copy Link
Rubby the duck @Dor Mouse
Thanks a lot for your help and the time you have spent to answer my question. To make it short, you've convinced me to try out TreeDBNotes. The functionality of its editor sounds promising.
Have a great day.
Jun 10 2010 at 6:34am Copy Link
Jason Mayr Is it just me or isn't it possible to enter the "_"?
When I press "AltGr + E" (which is the combination to enter the "_" on my keyboard) the dialogue "E-Book publishing" opens instead.
Jun 10 2010 at 8:14pm Copy Link
Louis H Dor Mouse mentioned the "Free" version and if anyone would like to check out the differences, please see....

It sounds as if what I would use is all there in the "Free" version, which makes today's deal a nice way of acknowledging the work of the programmer, as Dor Mouse mentioned as well. And you end up getting the Pro features to boot!!! (This is what I like about these offers.)

(Ok, maybe it's a "love/hate" relationship as it is changing how I set up and utilize the discretionary spending part of my budget!!!)  ;-)
Jun 11 2010 at 12:03am Copy Link
Rubby the duck @Jason Mayr When I press "AltGr + E" (which is the combination to enter the "_" onmy keyboard) the dialogue "E-Book publishing" opens instead. I've got the same problem. (Ctrl+Alt = AltGr) And there doesn't seem to be a way to change the hotkeys of the menus. I also noticed when I had a look at the Demo_PRO.treeDB that I can't seem to get the search in Keywords to work. I open the 'Notes Demo' tree and have a look at the keywords of the notes in the 'mobiles' folder. I open the search and check 'keywords' and 'Search in ALL notes trees' and search for 'mobiles', 'Nokia' or 'N90' - and the result is in all the cases empty.
Jun 11 2010 at 2:00am Copy Link
Dennis TreeDBNotes Shortcuts : Main menu: View/Customize/ [Shortcuts] Global Search: You need to fill: Search in , Search Options Keywords : (main menu: Folders/Edit Keywords) - Jun 11 2010 at 2:11am Copy Link
Rubby the duck @ Dennis Vygovskiy Thanks for your support and pointing us to option to customize the hotkeys. Your comment about the search for keywords didn't help though. I have tried changing the keywords and search options and nothing changed. Some issues baffle me: I have edited the properties of a note and filled in a description, 'search_string'. I can't find the note when I search in description, but I will when I search in keywords. (That's why a search in keywords doesn't work here.) The search result displays a tree: Notes Demo -> Nokia N90 -> 1)Search_string When I double click on one of the items a message pops up: 'Search string 'Mobiles' not found'. But I didn't search for 'Mobiles'. When I right click on 'Notes Demo' and choose 'Go to folder' I suddenly find myself in 'TreeDBNotes'.
Jun 11 2010 at 2:47am Copy Link
Jason Mayr @ Dennis Vygovskiy
Thank you for the information, works without problems now.

Great software!
Jun 11 2010 at 4:46am Copy Link
Joseph Mayers Hi, interesting product, i just try it out and have an question:

often i paste long line (copied from web browser) into such
an outliner and didn't find an option to reformat the pasted lines
to let them wrap at, lets say after 72 chars.

Question: do TreeDBNotes Pro offer such an feature (maybe to
do this even automatically on pasting too ;-) ) ?

Jun 11 2010 at 9:16am Copy Link
Stephane M I am interested in TreeDBNotes Pro but I cannot find the license terms on the website.

Is it per computer or per user?
I have a desktop and a laptop, do I need to purchase 2 licenses?

It is a lifetime license giving rights to all the future minor and major versions?

If not, how long the license is valid for getting minor and major versions? And after that, is there any discount for registered user to renew?

What is the difference between Business and Personal licenses?

Thank you in advance.
Jun 12 2010 at 1:00am Copy Link
Sue Peterson I've been using this program for 5 years and it is great--well worth the full price.  You can organize a ton of information, bot text and graphics.
Jun 12 2010 at 1:48am Copy Link
John H 3- Questions:

1- Single user  or single computer license?

2-Any provisions for pen input from my tablet PC?

3- Can I print the E-book into PDF formatting for use in a Kindle or other simple PDF reader? (only need to do text and pictures)

I need something cleaner than the pig that Microsoft One Note is but would like Windows Journal in tree format.

Thank You
Jun 12 2010 at 2:03am Copy Link
Louis H @Stephane M... (and John H)

Here is the info about the License from the built in Help file...

Registered version
One registered copy of TreeDBNotes Pro may either be used by a single person who uses the software personally on one or more computers, or installed on a single workstation used nonsimultaneously by multiple people, but not both.

And regarding upgrades....

(also from the built in Help file)

If you are a registered user of TreeDBNotes Pro you may upgrade at no charge to any newer release. Just download the latest trial release of TreeDBNotes Pro and install it without uninstalling the previous version (don't forget to close previous version of TreeDBNotes Pro if running). This will preserve your registration. If the registration code is no longer present on your system just re-enter it as you did the first time and restart the program.

Regarding E-book feature...

It is pretty limited to creating E-books as either an exe file or a treeDB file. There appear to be no other options from within the program itself.

Hope that helps...
Jun 12 2010 at 2:53am Copy Link
Mike G As a long-time Ultra Recall user, the positive comments about TreeDBNotes finally inspired me to take a quick look (by no means thorough or in-depth). TDB definitely has superior rich text editing capabilities. UR's rich text editor is limited, but gets around this by letting you view/edit any document type in it's native editor and save directly back into UR. This approach is less convenient and self-contained, but gives UR more power and flexibility. In addition to text, rich text, DOC and HTML, Ultra Recall handles a wide variety of file/document types including PDF, XLS, XLSX, DOCX, image files, etc. Furthermore, it's possible to copy or link items into UR with drag and drop or copy and link buttons integrated into IE and Outlook. TDB appears to have only copy and paste or import of the text, rich text or html file types it supports. I heard TDB allows multiple trees within a database which I see is true. However, it appears each tree is limited to a single template such as note, task, contact or password. UR has one tree per DB, but any type of item can go into the tree. So, for example, with UR you can have tasks in separate folders or together with related notes, docs, web pages, images, etc. without having to navigate to a separate tree. I like the reminder/alert function in TDB better--nicer looking and includes a calendar which UR does not currently have. UR appears to do a significantly better job of storing web pages and html-formated emails at closer to original fidelity. UR search includes powerful full-text search and also finds words, phrases, tags anywhere within the DB. With TDB my search returned notes containing a particular word, but not contacts. Could be my search options are not set properly. Overall, TDB seems easier to get started and use as a beginner and offers a little more in the way of eye candy. I believe UR has more power and flexibility overall, but it takes more digging and experimentation to find and use it all. Please comment/correct any areas where lack of experience with TDB may have affected my impressions or perhaps comment on relevant plans in TDB's development roadmap.
Jun 12 2010 at 3:12am Copy Link
Dennis TreeDBNotes Several undocumented secrets of TreeDBNotes Pro Drop (Drag&Drop) files/folders into the text editor Link to File by File name, Drive Name, Drive Letter, Drive Serial (with Alt key) Calendar Generator (Notes/Insert/) Notes Tags Cloud (by Keywords) Templates with custom variables Notes Syntax highlighting and more... - Jun 12 2010 at 4:06am Copy Link
_*_ Having never used a program of this nature I am wondering...

Will this type of program tell me where files/documents/etc are located even if the flash drive, or external disk drive is not installed or running at the time of the search?

Beyond the search function what is the main overarching purpose of a program of this nature.

I am not exactly sure what to ask, but any help would be great.

I have looked at the web site, and screens, but I am still a bit in the dark.

Jun 12 2010 at 4:49am Copy Link
S B @Mike G:  many thanks for the incredible post.  I'm really looking forward to responses.
Jun 12 2010 at 6:33am Copy Link
Dor Mouse @MikeG I too have (and use) UR. I regard it as a completely different type of program to TreeDBNotes. I find UR useful primarily for collecting, storing and organising info collected from elsewhere - with some ability to create notes. I use TreeDBNotes primarily to create, store & organise my own content - with an ability to store other files and links. Trees aren't really limited to a single template (you can use as many as you want), but there are fixed types of tree, as you indicate. There's nothing to stop you having your own templates and putting everything into notes rather than using the others. @John H I use a PDF printer to print into PDFs. It works well as a journal in tree format & I do use it for that. I wouldn't describe it as an alternative to OneNote, though; OneNote is better for collection (alternatives being UR, Surfulater, Evernote), but much worse & less flexible as an outliner & I don't find it as good for creation. @MB I think the purpose depends on what you want to use if for. I personally use it as a way of outlining and creating documents; storing them long-term in an easy to search format and having all of them available in one place as a single database. Much quicker and easier than having lots of separate files, but does require a thorough backup policy.
Jun 12 2010 at 9:25am Copy Link
_*_ Dor Mouse, thanks for the reply. I am not sure I need it I guess. I may but I cannot see how at the moment, so I think I will wait. Thanks again.
Jun 12 2010 at 12:34pm Copy Link
ray A I purchased TreeDB about 2 years ago and have used it to organize information related to just about everything- I haven Acadmic articles tab, Encyclopedia articles tab, Hobbys tab, each of which contains a great number of trees and subtrees. Its allowed me to create a huge library of encyclopedia articles, news articles from the web and academic articles as well as my related notes, and most importantly, enables me to find keywords throughout this massive database.

I also run TreeDB from my USB key and can open my huge database on other computers. Very convenient.

Most importantly for me, the program runs on Linux using WINE. The only thing that does not work well running it in Linux is copying and pasting from Firefox. If the developer could make a web-clip plugin for TreeDB that worked in both Windows AND in Linux, TreeDBnotes would be truly outstanding. My other wish- that the TreeDBnotes 4.0 will be released with new features- especially a web-clipper

Overall, well worth the price!

Jun 24 2010 at 4:29am Copy Link

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