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UpdateStar Premium EditionDiscount

UpdateStar Premium Edition

Automatically Updates All of Your Apps

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista
UpdateStar Premium Edition ScreenshotHard Drive / USB Security Software ScreenshotUpdateStar Premium Edition, Hard Drive / USB Security Software ScreenshotUpdateStar Premium Edition, Security Software Screenshot

Is your computer's performance starting to drag? Are your favorite applications suddenly acting up on you? You may not know that your optimal user experience doesn't end once you install the software -- you need to continually check for updates that squash bugs, improve performance, and ensure continued compatibility with your hardware! But, really, who has time to check for software updates for every app that's installed on your system? Not me. Not you. Thankfully, there's UpdateStar Premium!

UpdateStar Premium does all of the dirty work, going out and finding important software updates for more than 1,746,000 programs! Chances are, what's on your hard drive is a subset of those 1,273,000 programs. Every minor update, every major update, and every tweak for every single program on your computer will be fetched for you, saving you valuable time and legwork. UpdateStar Premium works for freeware, shareware, application demos, and commercial software, so there's no program that will escape the scrutinizing eye of UpdateStar Premium! If you have many, many programs, you can even specify which programs UpdateStar Premium should check, and which should be ignored.

You don't even need to remember to run UpdateStar Premium! The app runs quietly in the background, only letting you know of its presence when it detects an update for one of your programs, which you can download and install at your convenience. With links and downloads verified by the UpdateStar Premium team, you never need to worry about downloading incorrect software patches or fake files packed with malware.

UpdateStar Premium also features some nifty bonuses! Create software snapshots for backup and migration purposes. View security levels for installed programs. Clean your Windows registry to keep your system operating at top condition!

After you purchase UpdateStar Premium Edition, it may be used for 12 months.

The Conversation
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Eric Dear Sirs,

The idea being an attractive one, I gave the product a try (trial version), just to check accuracy & GUI.

While GUI offers most of the relevant info, the accuracy of the utility (which is the main reason to use it) leaves a lot to be desired:
* It displays incorrect versions for the software installed on the PC,
* It assumes that a certain software pack is installed when -- in fact -- another one is

Bottom line, each and every line displayed has to be minutely verified, or harm may come to the User's work environment.

Maintaining a repository with well over 1.5M entries is surely no easy thing, but frequent lack of accuracy (at least in my short-lived experience) is not acceptable.

Hopefully the product will improve along the line.
Mar 13 2021 at 11:06pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! UpdateStar has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Mar 14 2021 at 12:11am Copy Link

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