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WinCatalog 2024 ProfessionalDiscount

WinCatalog 2024 Professional

Catalog Anything!

20% Off
$47.96 $59.95
for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8(.1), Windows 7, Windows Vista or XP SP3
WinCatalog 2024 Professional ScreenshotCataloging Software ScreenshotWinCatalog 2024 Professional, Cataloging Software ScreenshotWinCatalog 2024 Professional, Hobby, Educational & Fun Software Screenshot

Are your files scattered across DVD-Rs, HDDs, NAS-drives, CD-Rs, flash cards, memory sticks, and zip disks?

Do you have troubles in finding and organizing your files?

WinCatalog 2024 Professional makes it simple to catalog and search various media for files, documents, PDF, video, images, RAW files and music no matter where they're stored!

Please note folks, the new WinCatalog 2024 Professional is the most powerful version of WinCatalog to date! It uses an ultra-fast database engine at its core and can open collections of any size in seconds! In addition, WinCatalog 2024 Professional can now store picture thumbnails inside the collection files! It can also grab thumbnails from video files, for PDF-files and from RAW images (in addition to regular JPEGs, PNGs, etc). It also adds a new cool feature called "Scanning Profiles" - an ability to have several different scanning options and easily switch between them.

WinCatalog 2024 Professional creates and maintains a database containing relevant information about all files stored on your removable media. It can extract tags from JPEG photos, MP3 files and other audio formats, it can scan inside ZIP, RAR (including RAR5), 7zip archives and can even retrieve Audio CD track names from the Internet.

Collectors take note: WinCatalog 2024 Professional can be easily adapted for non-digital items. Catalog your books, videos, or even postage stamps and coins!

The latest version introduces a new feature User Defined Fields. It allows to add any text fields to files and items description - you can use those fields for searching and sorting your files and any other items. Besides, you can add any picture to an item (file) description. It also introduces the following: the scanning algorithm has been completely renewed, the speed of scanning a disk has been greatly increased and the process of updating a catalog has been renewed and works mush faster.

All this combined with the powerful report generator makes WinCatalog 2024 Professional the best cataloger for beginning and advanced users, and everyone in between. Please note folks: Since the previous promo, WinCatalog 2024 Professional adds an ability to generate XML reports and to export Thumbnails and Icons into HTML reports.

In addition to other cool features, WinCatalog 2024 Professional has command line support for most used operations, Zip compression for backups of the collection files, synchronization report (it displays which items were added, removed or changed since last disk scan).

Please note folks: the new version provides the ability to delete real files right from WinCatalog (which was the most wanted feature among all the feedback we collected for the past 5 years). Now we ask for your feedback on the new feature! The search feature was also improved, now filtering a catalog branch (using the Look In filter) works extremely faster!

The last update also adds the ability to store catalog related data (search history, last backup date, etc) outside the catalog file (so, WinCatalog is now cloud folders friendly), an ability to change the size of the thumbnails in the Thumbnails view, to use dynamic patterns for the (Display) Name column (built from ID3 tags for music files). The subsequent updates will add the ability to copy entries inside the catalog, further improvements of the search feature, and more.

For Audio CDs fans, WinCatalog added the support of the MusicBrainz online database. Now in addition to the disc title and track names, WinCatalog downloads and stores album covers in the catalog.

Please note folks: one of the key features of the 2024 update is the improved search speed - we moved the search index outside the catalog file, so now WinCatalog can use the full power of your computer when using the search index. If the catalog file (and the search index) is located on an SSD drive, the search may be up to 5 times faster on an average computer). The second major improvement is the ability to open more than one Main tab at a time. Previously, you could open several Search tabs at a time, but only one Main tab is allowed. The new version removes this limitation. The ability to save searches is another new feature of WinCatalog 2024. Now you can restart frequently used searches just in two mouse clicks. Below you may find short videos showing the first two features in action:
Multiple Main Tabs:
The Search Speed:

Unlock the full potential of file organization with WinCatalog 2024, now at an unbeatable discount! This latest version revolutionizes your experience by extending its advanced text and preview image-grabbing capabilities to Office documents, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OpenOffice, and Markdown, making them fully searchable. Previously available for plain text and PDF files, this feature is now more powerful than ever.

WinCatalog 2024 also introduces a suite of enhanced features such as redesigned search filters, field-specific searches in Exif and ID3 tags, and the 'search within search results' function. Plus, enjoy the ease of generating multi-page HTML reports, hassle-free tag assigning, and accent-free (diacritics insensitive) search. Experience these and many other cool improvements and fixes, like custom icons for entries, or the ability to use relative paths when cataloging, all at an incredible discount. Get WinCatalog 2024 today!

Please note folks: you can find several videos explaining the 2024 version features here:
Also, WinCatalog 2024.7 now lets you add Audio CDs and other media without inserting them into a drive by entering the artist's name, release title, or barcode, performing an online search, and saving the details in your catalog, currently supporting with plans to include more data sources in the future.

Prices are subject to vendor's pricing and may change

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Michael Rusakow If you were unable to purchase WinCatalog via ShareIt for some reason, please try the following:

1. Delete cookies and cache from the internet browser
2. Close all windows of the browser
3. Open the browser and retry the order

If this does not work, please try another browser and provide us with
the name and version of the browser where it did not work in order to
investigate further. - Mar 11 2014 at 7:31pm Copy Link
Tortuga @Charlotte, Hi :D
No problem!! I understand pesky deadlines.
If I can be of any help, just ask. Though ... I'm not an expert on *anything/nothing/nada*
Sometimes I just click & cross my fingers ;)
But you should follow the links the Dev posted, I'm sure it will help.
The crux of the thing is, if you are looking for that album you ripped 8months ago, w WinCatalog you'll know it's on HDD#4 or DVD#16 or FlashDrive Blue or "HDD Stuff to Dispatch". It's rather brilliant, really!!
The other day, I had to go through 12G of data scattered through 4 externals, 2 Sticks, 3bkups just to find ONE darn file. Twas EXASPERATING!! Specially that I'm quite organized, so of course loosing an entire folder was just out of the question!! So it was very very frustrating!! Had I completed the scans I was supposed to do (grrrr), I wd hv saved myself MANY stressing hours!! *sigh*
Anyway, I'm sure you will find many useful ways this apps can help :)
Dec 30 2014 at 12:07am Copy Link
Michael Rusakow Hello again, all registration keys have been sent out. If you did not receive your registration key, please email to us (to and we will re-send your key to you asap. Thank you! - May 28 2015 at 12:37am Copy Link
Oli User Hi Michail, thank you very much for your response (06.29.2016) regarding RAW files processing. But allow one more question: is this big problem to accelerate/to speed up recording of RAW files on CDs/DVDs, (as well on XPSP3)?
I think, that just THIS feature will fire your WinCatalog on the Nr.1 place among all photographers.
Try to think about it!
Jul 1 2016 at 7:42am Copy Link
Michael Rusakow @Oli User, thank you for the feedback, it helps us to focus on features that real people need. We will schedule now to try accelerating the RAW files processing feature. Thanks again! - Jul 1 2016 at 8:13pm Copy Link
Michael Rusakow @Oli User, thank you for your comment, we will schedule the optimization round for the RAW module in order to investigate what can be improved in terms of speed. - Apr 13 2017 at 12:26am Copy Link
Michael Rusakow @PortablesFan, thank you! I will add +1 to the portability feature in our wishes list.

Concerning the non-digital items. Unfortunately, WinCatalog can't scan and take bar codes or ISBNs for books. All the non-digital cataloguing is implemented via the Custom Items feature. You can assign thumbnails and as many text fields as you wish, to these items, but, unfortunately, WinCatalog does not provide any automation for this process. You have to do all these things manually.

To add a custom item, please click the purple pyramid icon in the Adding section of the the Ribbon toolbar. - Apr 13 2017 at 12:31am Copy Link
Mappi75 @Michael

Can you put it on the wishlist too?

TeraCopy/FastCopy/Ultracopier/Supercopier4 support ?

So copying is much more flexible than Windows Copy.
Sep 29 2017 at 8:13am Copy Link
Michael Rusakow @Mappi75, I will add this feature to the wishes list, but I cannot promise that it will be released. It should get some more votes first (when we receive similar suggestions, we add +1 to the features that are already in the wishes list). This helps us focus on most wanted features. Hope you understand. - Sep 29 2017 at 9:59am Copy Link
Mappi75 @Michael thanks for the info!
Oct 24 2017 at 3:01am Copy Link
Jim Hampton Ok, while this is a very good program for "finding stuff" it has some major annoyances.

Absolutely keyboard unfriendly. Good lord, you would think you could hit oh say CONTROL F and be in the search bar, no, mouse click, mouse BS.

You've found a file, say it's a jpg, wouldn't it be so nice to just use the ENTER key instead of right click, execute?

Constant 4-5% CPU load on intel I7-7700K CPU. I had to do some system snooping and it would appear the program is doing disk stuff, but what I'm not exactly sure.

Please, please make this keyboard friendly, make it so if i took a hammer to the mouse I could use the program fully. I cannot believe that the programmer almost went out their way to retard the usefulness of the program.

And this one completely blows my mind, you can ONLY update one drive at a time. If you right click on the "main" header, no update option exists. You cannot select multiple drives to be updated - one at a time.

And yes, I did buy it.
Apr 16 2018 at 7:00pm Copy Link
Michael Rusakow @Jim Hampton, thank you for the comments!

Using WinCatalog you can customize all the keyboard shortcuts you use, please run WinCatalog, click the Catalog button (left from the Main tab of the Ribbon toolbar), and then click Options.

Follow to the Customize page, and then click the Customize button next to the "Keyboard shortcuts" label. In the Categories please select Main, this will show the list of commands from the Main category. Then please find the New Search command in the list of commands. Click into the "Press new shortcut key" field and press CTRL+F. If the combination isn't assigned to another command, it may be selected. Click Assign to save it. Please make the same for other commands: Execute, Open in Explorer, Copy to Physical Drive, etc.

> Constant 4-5% CPU load on intel I7-7700K CPU

This is a known issue and it is addressed to the GUI library we use, but we found a way to significantly reduce that CPU consumption, the fix will be available in WinCatalog 2018 (it will be released in a week or so).

> And this one completely blows my mind, you can ONLY update one drive at a time.

If you select a few drives, you can make a right mouse click and then click Update, WinCatalog will update the drives one-by-one. The only possible interruption is the Update Report, but if you unmark the option to show it, WinCatalog will update the selected drives with no interruptions. - Apr 29 2018 at 9:59pm Copy Link
Jim Hilton Thank you for the reply. Yes, on your facebook page another user advised me about the keyboard shortcuts, but it still falls short as you still have to use the mouse and click on the search text box, so no real advantage and not to mention you will have miles of "new search tabs" opening.

I would even be happy if I could go control F and then hit the tab key to get in the text search box, but that fails. There is no logical tab order in the program.

Ok, so some kind of bug but you have resolved it,

How do you select multiple drives? One would assume it would be hold the control key down and then "touch" the drive with the left click of the mouse (windows standard), but I've tried that, holding the shift key down and selecting say the top drive and then say 2 drives below it, but the left click always clears any previously selected drive and selects only the drive you have last clicked, regardless if the shift or control keys are held down.

These may seem petty, but I'm old, I've used DOS, I have no reliance on the mouse, but this program makes the mouse absolutely mandatory.
Apr 30 2018 at 3:51pm Copy Link
Michael Rusakow Hello Jim, please check the latest version (WinCatalog 2018: ), one of the improvements was the focusing to the edit box when you open a new search tab. Thank you for your help! You can select several entries in WinCatalog by holding the CTRL key and clicking the entries, or SHIFT and arrows (just like in any standard Windows application). Please note, that you cannot select more than one entry in the tree view, the multiselection is only available in the grid view. - May 31 2018 at 9:57pm Copy Link
Mappi75 Oh did not know thats version 2018 was released ^^

Very good program was 100% good buy!
Jul 13 2018 at 10:42am Copy Link
Michael Rusakow @Mappi75, thank you very much for your support! - Jul 14 2018 at 2:10am Copy Link
Marco De Luca I already own a Pro license and the software is pure gold. However, this deal is even better than upgrading the existing version, because you get the next upgrade as well. Is this really your intention to deal with your existing users? Again: nothing beats your software, and I was also willing to purchase a lifetime license, but not, when I have a better deal on this website.
Aug 24 2018 at 12:54am Copy Link
Michael Rusakow Hello Marco, thank you for the kind words! - Aug 25 2018 at 9:01am Copy Link
Jim Hilton Hi, been using this for a while and really like it. But am curious. How can I import the contents of a Tape (LT04) to the main DB? I do have a .txt file of the dir that was stored to tape. Thanks!

Jul 1 2020 at 5:36pm Copy Link
Michael Rusakow @Jim User, I think we have a solution for that. Could you please send me an example of the text file you have for your folder and I will tell if it is possible to import the data?

The file should contain at least filenames, but if the folder contains subfolders, the information about the hierarchy should also be in the file (otherwise, it will be imported as a plain list of files). - Jul 3 2020 at 4:44am Copy Link
tamere User I've just discovered your site, it's really great.
Mar 7 2021 at 5:52am Copy Link
Vipin User @Michael Rusakov: I second all the comments about how good the software is. I am a long time user of the WinCatalog Pro, and the software is a pure gem! I cameback to BitsDujour just to write this review, as I had first discovered WC through BitsDuJour. This seriously brought down the searches it took for me to find a particular file from a myriad of media I have at home. And the regular updates on the software shows how much the company (you!) cares about the customer like us.
Thank you so much, and a WinCatalog user for life!!!

Apr 8 2021 at 7:32am Copy Link
Michael Rusakow Hello Vipin, thank you very much for the kind words! - Apr 9 2021 at 2:13am Copy Link
Law Office of User Hi, been using this for a while and really like it.
Apr 19 2021 at 5:33am Copy Link
Michael Rusakow @Law Office of User, thank you very much! - Apr 19 2021 at 11:36pm Copy Link
miley User how can i download it
Oct 5 2021 at 4:49am Copy Link
Avriel96 thank you so much!
Dec 24 2021 at 3:28am Copy Link
Joe User Each license allows installation on all owned computers.
License activation isn't required. what's this?

can you please elaborate on this
Dec 22 2022 at 12:11pm Copy Link
Michael Rusakow Hi Joe User, this means that under a single license you can install WinCatalog on any number of computers where you work with the program. No activation via the Internet is required, you can install WinCatalog offline and activate it just by entering a registration code. - Dec 23 2022 at 5:09am Copy Link
Joe User thx, I have another question. on the page where it says 'get this deal' for 39.99 I clicked the link to download a free trial for pc. It downloaded wincatalog 2021. why not a trial for 2023?
Dec 24 2022 at 11:33am Copy Link
Michael Rusakow Hi, Joe User, I have just checked the link above, and if I click the 'Download Trial' link on top of this page, it starts downloading the 2023 version.

Anyway, please visit our website - - to download the latest version.

As for the 60% off promo price, unfortunately, the promo at BitsDuJour lasted for two days only and the offer has already expired and the discount was decreased to 20%. - Dec 25 2022 at 11:54pm Copy Link
Michael Rusakow Merry Christmas from WinCatalog to everyone who celebrates! - Dec 25 2022 at 11:56pm Copy Link
Robert Smith This deal states that the list price is 49.95 discounted to 39.96, however when clicking on the "Get This Deal" it shows the list price is 59.95 discounted to (I think) 47.96?
Jan 28 2023 at 2:37pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Robert Smith, I am sorry about the issue. At times, the vendors do update the regular prices of their products without notifying us. This was the case here. I updated the regular and discounted prices for this promotion accordingly (they are the ones you mentioned).
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 28 2023 at 3:25pm Copy Link
Robert Smith Thanks for the quick reply, Constantin!
Jan 28 2023 at 4:29pm Copy Link
Michael Rusakow Hi @Robert Smith, sorry that the price change wasn't reflected here. By the way, you purchased WinCatalog here at BitsDuJour in 2015, and you don't need to purchase the full license again, if you want to upgrade to the latest version, you can buy an upgrade at 50% off. Both license types: Personal and Professional are available for your account. I'll send you detailed information by email. - Jan 28 2023 at 11:49pm Copy Link
Hector F Rucinque Is it possible to upgraden from an earlier version of WinCatalog? How much does it cost if possible?
H.F. Rucinque
Apr 12 2023 at 8:55pm Copy Link
Michael Rusakow Hello Hector, thank you for your comment! You purchased WinCatalog 2019 Professional here via a Bits Du Jour offer. The upgrade to WinCatalog 2020 was free for you and since every valid license for WinCatalog 2020 is eligible for a free upgrade to the 2023 version, the upgrade to the latest version is free for you as well. You do not need a new registration key to use WinCatalog 2023, the one you have is good for the latest version. Please feel free to contact us via our feedback page if you have any further questions: - Apr 14 2023 at 2:19am Copy Link
Donald User Does this do anything different than WinDirStat does?
Oct 8 2023 at 8:57am Copy Link
Michael Rusakow Hello @Donald User, thank you for your question! WinCatalog and WinDirStat are two different products. WinDirStat is a disk usage statistics viewer, it just displays folders and their sizes, whereas WinCatalog remembers each file on each drive (including removable drives) and allows finding these files at any time later even without a need to connect drives to the computer. You only need to connect drives when you need to touch real files.

In addition to that, in the next major update, WinCatalog will be able to generate reports similar to WinDirStat, in other words, in the future version of WinCatalog, WinDirStat-like functionality will be one of the functions of the program. - Oct 8 2023 at 11:43am Copy Link
Plonkar User how can i download it? pls
Jan 25 2024 at 5:49pm Copy Link
Christopher User Looking for a reliable and powerful disk catalog software to organize your huge collection of disks?
Apr 10 2024 at 9:13am Copy Link
Brenda Adams I own 2023 wincatalog pro. I read at your websites upgrade page:

"Upgrade to WinCatalog 2024 is free:

For users, who have a valid license for WinCatalog 2023 or purchased a Lifetime Major Upgrades option in addition to the license for WinCatalog. A new registration key is not required."

To me, the above reads that a person who owns 2023 can get 2024 for free.

Is this correct?
Oct 10 2024 at 1:04am Copy Link
Michael Rusakow Hello Brenda, thanks for your question!

WinCatalog 2024 is a free upgrade if you purchased a full WinCatalog 2023 license or chose the Lifetime Major Upgrades option. For everyone else, we offer a special discounted upgrade price.

On the Upgrade page, you can choose between continuing with the Professional license or switching to the Personal license if you no longer need the professional status.

To check your upgrade status, please enter your email or a registration code here, and on the second step you'll see the available upgrade options: - Oct 12 2024 at 2:15am Copy Link

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