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Writing Outliner for MS WordDiscount

Writing Outliner for MS Word

Turn Microsoft Word into a Powerhouse!

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 7/8/10/11 with Office 365/3019/2016/2013/2010/2007 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Writing Outliner for MS Word ScreenshotMicrosoft Office Software Screenshot

"A must-have for all serious writers who use MS Word!" -- Andrej E. Skubic, novelist and playwright

Love it or hate it, for better or worse, Microsoft Word (and the DOC format) is pretty much standard when it comes to writing on a PC. Ubiquitous, even.

That's exactly why we're so excited about Writing Outliner for MS Word. It's an add-in that takes Microsoft's industry standard word-processing platform and supercharges it with a host of tools designed specifically for large-scale writing projects.

In a nutshell, Writing Outliner allows you to treat individual sections of a large project as smaller separate documents. This project-based method of writing is ideal for any complex document. For example, novels, research papers, technical white-papers, a series of columns, a short-story collection, or even a personal diary!

The hierarchical outliner is probably the most important and powerful aspect of Writing Outliner. It faciliatates better, more intuitive organization of notes and thoughts, offers a big-picture overview, and allows for much easier navigation of long texts.

But that's only the beginning! Writing Outliner also features lightning-fast full-text search, tabbed document editing, Outlook-style document status flags and icons, custom document tagging, a comprehensive document synopsis and notes system, and much, much more. Make sure to click over to the Writing Outliner website for a thorough overview!

Writing Outliner also includes a fantastic feature called the Corkboard View! The Corkboard is a fantastic tool for plotting a novel, or providing a visial overview of the entirety or parts of your project. Want to see the Corkboard in action? Take a look at the brief video demo.

What's new in v1.9 since v1.5:

  • - Supports all the new versions of Word including Word 365, 2019, 2016, 2013, 32-bit and 64-bit, for Win 10 or older versions.
  • - Supports 4 color index cards - pink, yellow, blue and green.
  • - Significant corkboard usability improvements.
  • - Supports high resolution screens including 4K monitors.
  • - And a bunch of other improvements.

You can check the new screenshots and a video here:

The Conversation
The Fine Print
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Edwin Yip What’s new in v2:
User interface
- Reworked, automatic font size for high DPI monitors – no more small font issue on large screens, nor needing you to manually adjust the user interface scale for large screens (Note, if you have a very large monitor and still experience any font size issue, just send me the screenshots and I’ll fix it).
- Index card: in addition to the status name that’s already displayed as stamp text on the card background, now the label name is also displayed in the footer of the card.
- Arabic and other non-English characters can now be correctly displayed on the cards.

Writing goal management
- See live word/character count in the metadata pane as you are writing.
Instant, non-disturb notification of the achievement of target word/character count.

More user interface enhancements
- Larger, clearer status and label icons.
- Non-disturb notification after a project document compilation (combination).
- Small speed optimization of project document compilation (combination).
- Fixed a lot of blatant issues which has been introduced when upgrading for Win 10 and upgrading the development tool of WritingOutliner in year 2020.
- A bunch of small enhancements that are too trivial to list here.
Innovation Gear - Nov 25 2022 at 7:34pm Copy Link
Peter User Ist die Verwendung von Writing Outliner unter Windows 11 und mit Word 2021 möglich?
Nov 27 2022 at 2:33am Copy Link
Peter User It is also worth checking out Docxmanager by the same author.
Nov 27 2022 at 3:33am Copy Link
Edwin Yip @Peter,

WritingOutliner is designed to work with Word 2010..2021, with Windows 7...11 If you encounter any compatibility issue I will fix it.
Innovation Gear - Nov 27 2022 at 3:55am Copy Link
Peter User Danke Edwin für die schnelle Antwort. Ich werde das Programm bald testen.
Nov 27 2022 at 4:07am Copy Link
Jan User Installed the trial version and encountered 2 errors:

1. Could not open/download the manual from within WritingOutliner.
2. Could not create/save a new project.

Just sent you both error reports via the web form.
Nov 27 2022 at 4:27am Copy Link
Haydn Just installed the trial version (first time doing so) and the progream won't run. The ribbon says the trial version has expired, even though I have not yet used it.
I also logged the issue on the website, but really want to trial the software in time to get the special on BitsDuJour.
Nov 27 2022 at 5:29am Copy Link
Gary User First, the link to the website throws out a warning message because it is not a secure HTTPS website. That's the first suspicious item. Then, when I attempt to install the program windows puts out a warning that the file may harm my computer. There may be nothing wrong with the website or the program but until the vendor fixes the website and windows certificates I'm not taking a chance. I'm sure the vendor will reply "there's nothing wrong with our website or product" - but that is no assurance to me.
Nov 27 2022 at 6:53am Copy Link
Edwin Yip @Jan, I'll check the error reports you sent in.

@Haydn, not sure why the trial didn't work for you, I'll check the issue, but it might take some time. If you want to take the advantage of the promo (event just for testing), you can just do it, and you can always ask for a refund within a month.

@Gray, I know the issue of the certificates, I'll get them sorted out soon. But yes, both the website and the software are ok, you can prove that with ;)
Innovation Gear - Nov 27 2022 at 7:23am Copy Link
Kat D Any deal on DocxManager Basic Edition?
Nov 27 2022 at 7:41am Copy Link
Joel Dubow Can Writing Outliner be used effectively for scientific and technical writing? That writing involves symbols, equations, references and citations, and figures.

It would be helpful to have a tool to help create and author articles and manuals. Are there any people who have used WO for this purpose, and how did it work out?
Nov 27 2022 at 1:56pm Copy Link
lisba f How do you compare (if possible) with OneNote? Are there some features OneNote is missing?
Nov 27 2022 at 4:10pm Copy Link
Edwin Yip @Joel Dubow, with WritingOutliner for Word, you can use symbols, equations, citations and figures without any problem, footnotes just like the "ordinary Word". However, you might need to do some manual adjusting of the sequence numbers for endnotes after combining the project.

@Lisba, With WritingOutliner, you can organize notes (written in Word) with an outline (hierarchy), but I think OneNote is different.
Innovation Gear - Nov 27 2022 at 6:38pm Copy Link
Joel Dubow Thanks Edwin Yip. I didn't see a problem, but I had to ask. A few years ago, I bought a copy of Scrivenor and found that it wasn't a good tool for technical writing. If you are aware of a reference for adjusting sequence numbers for endnotes, I'd be appreciative. It would save me time in figuring it out.
Joel D
Nov 27 2022 at 7:13pm Copy Link
Gary User how do i get the refund? Installed, full of error messages, can't close the manual, can't save the document.
Nov 27 2022 at 7:43pm Copy Link
Edwin Yip @Gary, for sure a refund can be issued, please contact me with email so that I can identify your order. Looks like the certificate issues need to be solved soon.
Innovation Gear - Nov 27 2022 at 9:02pm Copy Link
jckinswo Downloaded the trial version fine. You just have to keep telling your browser you understand it's not secure and to go ahead anyways. Same on installing. Even if it says it won't, it will, you just have to find the link on the error msg that will expose the "go ahead" and click on it.

I wasn't able to finish installing though since I forgot my Word was open and of course it needs to be closed. I closed it but the program didn't recognize that it was closed and gave me the same error message. I imagine it will install fine after I reboot but I'm not in a position to do that now.

Glad to see you have v2.x out and are concentrating your development time on this program. Looks very useful and I like the ideas you mentioned in your blog. I'll be back again the next time it's up here.
Nov 27 2022 at 11:16pm Copy Link
Edwin Yip @jckinswo, Thanks. Looks like the certificates issue is really a trouble, I'll get it solved soon. Yes, actually I'm currently in the process of simplifying and consolidating the architecture of WritingOutliner, as a result, it'll be a firm ground for future development ;)
Innovation Gear - Nov 28 2022 at 12:09am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Innovation Gear has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 28 2022 at 12:11am Copy Link
Gary User What is your email so that I can request a refund?
Nov 28 2022 at 5:48am Copy Link
Edwin Yip @Gary, you can contact me here:
Innovation Gear - Nov 28 2022 at 6:16am Copy Link
Gary User Edwin: great, another link that throws out a warning message...
Nov 28 2022 at 6:31am Copy Link
jckinswo Thank for your quick responses Edwin Yip. Not many vendors do and some don't respond at all, so it's appreciated.

@Gary User. READ. Learn. It's been mentioned a number of times. Until Edwin's able to fix the Certificates, those warnings continue from any link on the site. His site is FAR from being the only one for small developers. It's an official blessing from the tech gods on high that all is good. He even mentioned that you can run VIRUSTOTAL.COM to check. You either learn how to deal with the temporary inconvenience, and trust the vendor plus the security on your system, or stay away at the 1st warning message. Simple.

@Edwin, just an FYI. I'm running Word2021 on W10P and even after rebooting it won't let me install the trial. Same error msg that it can't install while Word is running. I'll give it another go a bit later down the line. I'll be looking forward to it.
Nov 28 2022 at 12:46pm Copy Link
Gary User @jckinswo - I have several websites - all have the required Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates (the free ones work just fine). Ignoring security warnings is how people end up with viruses and then spread them to everyone else. If you need to LEARN how to secure your website Google provides a simple 5-step process. Instead of telling people to use n insecure website and install insecure apps, you should be encouraging people to READ and LEARN about how viruses and malware spread.
Nov 28 2022 at 4:23pm Copy Link
Edwin Yip @jckinswo, Thanks for the info.I'll check that. WritingOutliner needs more tests for Word 2021, I must say (previously it's primary tested under Word 365). But It'll take sometime, since the development of WritingOutliner has just resumed and I've got a lot of things to catch up, including the digital certificates mentioned above.
Innovation Gear - Nov 28 2022 at 5:45pm Copy Link
soo mi Edwin, since I am asking my questions so late in your promotion, I'm going to purchase Writing Outliner anyway, as I don't think you'll have time to see/answer my questions before the promotion ends. My first question is: Will Writing Outliner be able to work with/accept information from your FastMindMap product that you offered a few months back here on BDJ (which I purchased)? My second question is: Do you have any plans to make either Writing Outliner or FastMindMap available in portable versions? Other than these two questions, thanks for both continuing to develop Writing Outliner, so that we know we aren't buying deadware, and thanks for coming back again to BDJ.
Nov 28 2022 at 10:59pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Innovation Gear has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 29 2022 at 12:11am Copy Link
Edwin Yip @soo mi, Thanks for purchasing!
- Re. Currently the only inter-operation between FastMindMap and WritingOutliner I see now is that, you can "mindmap" a document in FastMindMap and export it as a Word document, then drag-and-drop it into a project outline in WritingOutliner. On the other hand, I do have other ideas to make the two integration much better, that's one of the reasons I've revived the development of WritingOutliner. But I can't disclose the plans at the moment.

- Re portable versions, since although the license keys are permanent, the current license validation is done through a home-made activation server, it makes difficult to make portable versions. But I understand and see the needs, so I might come up with a solution in the future.
Innovation Gear - Nov 29 2022 at 1:08am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Innovation Gear has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 30 2022 at 12:11am Copy Link

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