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ClipCache ProDiscount

ClipCache Pro

Give Your Windows Clipboard Superpowers

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista (32 and 64 bit), 7 (32 and 64 bit)
ClipCache Pro ScreenshotClipboard Software ScreenshotClipCache Pro, Clipboard Software ScreenshotClipCache Pro, Desktop Customization Software ScreenshotClipboard Software, ClipCache Pro ScreenshotDesktop Customization Software, ClipCache Pro ScreenshotDesktop Customization Software, Clipboard Software ScreenshotClipCache Pro, Desktop Customization Software, Clipboard Software ScreenshotClipCache Pro Screenshot 8ClipCache Pro Screenshot 9ClipCache Pro Screenshot 10ClipCache Pro Screenshot 11ClipCache Pro Screenshot 12ClipCache Pro Screenshot 13

Please note folks, a ClipCache Pro license allows the use of both the portable and single-user versions. Now that's a good deal!

We make no secret over here of our general dissatisfaction with the Windows Clipboard. After all, it's dumbed down the potential of the PC clipboard to the point that 99% of the people out there don't even consider the possibilities beyond Ctrl-C.

But all is not lost! ClipCache Pro takes the Windows clipboard and makes it relevant again. For starters, it used to be that you could only store one item on the Windows clipboard (Ok, 12 with the "new & improved" Windows clipboard). With ClipCache Pro there are no limits. That's right, you can cut, copy, and paste without fear of ever overwriting data already on your clipboard.

Once installed, ClipCache Pro runs silently (and efficiently) in the background. All clipboard activity is saved by ClipCache Pro and organized into folders. You can edit or merge text entries on the spot or perform advanced searches through the history archives. The folder implementation is flawless - you can preview clips, drag and drop clips between folders and applications, and even set limits on the number of items in each folder, so once that cap is reached, ClipCache Pro will delete the oldest clips to make room for more! Navigation is intuitive, allowing you to move forward and backward in folder browser history with ease.

Using ClipCache to do serious research? You're in luck! ClipCache now reliably records the source of your clips by capturing and storing the name of the source window!

How about this? ClipCache also features extensive text cleanup features. You know those infuriating emails filled up with ">>>>>" indentation markers? All you need to do is copy the offending message into ClipCache, and it'll remove all those arrows in a flash! But stripping email indents is only the beginning. ClipCache's cleanup function can also:

  • Remove leading spaces and tabs
  • Remove trailing spaces
  • Remove duplicate lines
  • Remove linebreaks
  • Remove empty lines
  • Strip HTML tags
  • Decode URL encoded text...
  • ...and much more. You can even create custom cleaning routines!

Even pasting is improved in ClipCache Pro! You can assign specific clips to hotkeys, for instant one-press pasting whenever you need it. PowerPaste performs a series of pastes of consecutive clips from a folder into the active application - great for filling out forms online. Enable Clipboard Routing, and everything that you copy to the clipboard is automatically pasted into another application.

The best part? ClipCache Pro is also available as a portable archive, small enough to fit on a portable USB flash drive so you can carry your clips with you wherever you go!

The latest and greatest version of ClipCache Pro comes on board with many performance enhancements, including support for Microsoft Vista's clipboard listener - ClipCache Pro brings the era of broken clipboard chains to an end!

This promotion includes the following:
ClipCache Pro Single User ($29.95)
ClipCache Pro Family Pack (5 computers) ($59.95)
ClipCache Pro Portable ($29.95)
Review Written by Derek Lee
The Conversation
The Fine Print
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John Williams Sorry Cory but I received notification that connectivity to our website (not the BDJ website) may be interrupted during the original sale date. This was out of our control so we had to rescheduled the sale.
XRayz Software - Aug 15 2014 at 8:27am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Cory Roberts - I am sorry about the issue. We have just fixed it.
BitsDuJour Admin - Aug 15 2014 at 9:28am Copy Link
Northern sp. z o.o. I'm using many years and i strongly recomend :)
Sep 10 2014 at 12:11am Copy Link
eb235 FYI : The website link is faulty. I suggest using
Sep 10 2014 at 12:31am Copy Link
Craig Haywood I have tried dozens of clipboard managers and for me personally nothing comes close to the freeware Ditto Clipboard Manager
Sep 10 2014 at 3:24am Copy Link
Ennovy @ Craig Haywood
Then you did not try ClipCache ;)

I want to recommend ClipCache too. Great software!
Sep 10 2014 at 7:01am Copy Link
Peter Dr You may be interested in looking at the Neat Net Tricks Review of Clip Cache Pro in September 2013. Go to
Click on the Software Reviews Button on the left, then 2013, then September.


BTW: while you are there, you should check out the NNT forum.
Sep 10 2014 at 7:38am Copy Link
Brenda Adams WOW, I just downloaded, haven't read anything; just started copying various things...and WOW (again). I am totally in love and am buying in next minutes. Tried some copy programs years ago...hated em. Currently, I just use Notetab's built in clipboard catcher feature which is ok (especially considering that it's just a side-feature for the text editor)...but ClipCache lets me to be TOTALLY MINDLESS and keeping on with other things while it sorts and stuff. LOOKS AMAZING!!!!!!! I have about 10 items done up so far. BLOWS ME AWAY!!!!! HAPPY!
Sep 10 2014 at 8:19am Copy Link
Don Zapper I bought CC Pro 2 years ago (BitsDuJour) after trying many other clipboard managers. I use it dozens of times a day because CC Pro is much more than just a clipboard manager.
Sep 10 2014 at 8:27am Copy Link
_*_ Looks nice. My only concern is the last update to work on the program (other than languages) was December 2011. Nearly 3 years with no major updates.
Maybe there is a reason for this; if so it would be good to know the reason.
Sep 10 2014 at 9:04am Copy Link
Louis H I only speak for my own personal preferences. I have been playing around with a comparison of ClipCache and Ditto (on the suggestion of Craig) for around an hour. That is simply not enough time to explore the full depths of either program.

What I did determine, for myself at least, is that considering how I work with saving clips, ClipCache is a more accessible program. Based solely on 1 hour of use, I was able to copy and paste a variety of clips into various other programs - including graphics - quicker and easier with ClipCache than with Ditto. ClipCache Pro handled everything I threw at it. Ditto had problems with the graphical content of what I was copying.

Ditto is indeed a very nice clipboard management application, and it is FREE! With more time, I am sure it would reveal more of it's depth. For me, however, with a much more attractive GUI - far more, quickly identified, options - and the easy automatic saving of the source for the clip - (Something I have far too often spent hours gong back and searching for) - and no glitches with the graphical content of my clips - ClipCache is well worth it's full price. So no way am I turning down the 50% disccount today.

Thanks to BDJ, Xrayz Software, and John Williams for yesterday's LinkStash and today's ClipCache Pro discounts.
Sep 10 2014 at 9:30am Copy Link
Fletch Highly recommended. Used it almost daily for two years now.
Sep 10 2014 at 10:00am Copy Link
_*_ If a 5 computer license is purchased can it be mixed and matched with Desktop and Portable versions together (3 desktop and 2 portable)?

I only own desktop and laptop but would like to use the program on my desktop mainly and occasionally via a flash drive. What is the least costly way to do this?
Sep 10 2014 at 10:12am Copy Link
Scott Youngman I have been using ClipCache since 1998, starting with v2 and later upgrading to the current v3. During that time I have also tried other clipboard programs just to see "what's out there" and perhaps discover something new and amazing.

I've never found anything that beats CC for features, transparency, and easy operation. I can recommend a couple of free clipboard programs to friends who need such, but I always feel rather apologetic because they will have to "put up" with some limitations compared to CC.
Sep 10 2014 at 11:02am Copy Link
John Williams _*_, you can use the single-user license for both desktop install and portable. It's two separate downloads right now. Just to let you know, ClipCache is still being developed. Yes you can mix 5 pack with desktop and portable device.
XRayz Software - Sep 10 2014 at 11:09am Copy Link
Louis H @-*- - I may be mistaken, but I understood the following....

"Please note folks, a ClipCache Pro license allows the use of both the portable and single-user versions. Now that's a good deal!" mean that with today's offer you get to use BOTH the portable and single-user version (which is, according to "the fine print" allowed on one desktop computer and one laptop for each license). So, if I am correct, this would mean if you purchased the family pack you would be able to install on 5 desktops and 5 laptops (with the understanding of one computer and one laptop per each user of the 5 - not 5 users on desktops and 5 different users on laptops) AND each of those 5 users would also be allowed to use the portable version as well.

Hopefully the vendor, or someone from BDJ will correct me if I have misunderstood this.

As to your question about the last actual update, per messages in the forum the vendor maintains, since late last year he has been working on version 4. Hopefully he will be able to update us on where he is in that process. It appears he had been focusing his time this past year in updating LinkStash. (Most recent update Sept 3 2014) That said, I will add that the current version certainly meets my specific needs for such a program. So anything he may add in a V4 will be an added bonus beyond what I actually need at this time. Others mileage, as always, may vary.
Sep 10 2014 at 11:09am Copy Link
_*_ @John Williams, and Louis H, thank you both; I did not read that at the very top of the sale.

I normally start reading at the second paragraph since that is where it typically starts to talk about the program itself.

Then when I clicked to purchase the Desktop and Portable are listed as separate purchases.

Thanks again.
Sep 10 2014 at 12:44pm Copy Link
Brenda Adams .Please extend offer so we can tell more friends about the program and deal. :)
Sep 10 2014 at 8:20pm Copy Link
J T All time FAVORITE and essential program...been using it daily since before v2.9.

I've purchased several licenses in the past and just did so again, to support the developer.

Sep 10 2014 at 8:39pm Copy Link
Husker Tech Yes, please extend the offer. I just missed getting in. Thanks.
Sep 11 2014 at 12:11am Copy Link
Mario Demi Hi John,
please start a new Deal!
Oct 9 2020 at 5:52am Copy Link

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