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Virus Scan for Easy Explorer

Take Control of Windows Explorer Windows

Easy Explorer lets you organize multiple Explorer windows with ease, saving and recalling window layouts quickly and easily.

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Easy Explorer Virus Scan Report
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Easy Explorer Virus Scan Report

What are people saying about Easy Explorer

Chris Why?

Transfer of a license to another owned computer is not allowed.

Online license activation is required with a hardware footprint, and 1 installation per footprint.
Aug 12 2017 at 1:42am Copy Link
Christian User The Fine Print :
Transfer of a license to another owned computer is not allowed.
Online license activation is required with a hardware footprint, and 1 installation per footprint. what's this?
Deal breaker for me !
Aug 12 2017 at 3:33am Copy Link
Paul For those that can get past the one computer hardware footprint restriction, what happens when the company goes out of business? Better never upgrade your computer....... I'm staying far away from this.
Aug 12 2017 at 8:13am Copy Link
CFGuy Normally I would agree with everyone who posted about the "non-transferrable" license, as this is very "user unfriendly" and would absolutely, under different circumstances, be a "deal breaker" for me, as well. However, I must say that at this low of a price-point, I will be able to overlook what otherwise would be a "deal breaker" for me over non-friendly and inflexible licensing. I would encourage the developer to change his/her policy on the licensing, but at the same time for a low price of just $3.95 per license, I (personally) would be willing to overlook the licensing inflexibility and just look at it more as a "disposable license" situation - where I would definitely be out the $3.95 should I upgrade or change my computer over the next year, but at this low price it would be worth the "gamble" to me. Nevertheless, everyone must make such a decision for himself or herself, and realize their licensing complaints are very legitimate, and be aware of what they are getting into going into this deal. Just my own personal thoughts. And again, I strongly encourage the developer to change their licensing policy, no matter what the price-point of the software. -Cfguy
Aug 12 2017 at 8:56am Copy Link
Stephen Warkentien I need a home license! I have six physical machines and another six virtual machines. Virtual machines are also disposable. I need to be able to transfer licenses.

Need site license with ability to move software to other PCs.
Aug 12 2017 at 12:39pm Copy Link
Paul CFGuy, I guess some people can rationalize anything and make excuses for others, "that's why the price is so low" but lets be honest here, this is a program that remembers windows explorers window positions..... it's probably only worth the current price without the current restrictions..... I'll just move the windows myself or.... use one of the other programs that have this feature. I think you are confused about something, you mention a year, and say "gamble", you can use this program forever (unless your hard drive goes out or you upgrade your computer), you just get upgrades to a newer version should one come out in a year so you can use it until you get a new computer.

In today's world, most of use get new computers often because the technology becomes obsolete rather quickly. Most of use get new hard drives often because we're constantly needing more space, or they go out.

SO for some this is a good deal that can last years, others get punished for wanting a better system and upgrading, or wanting more space, or if their hard drive goes out, they get extorted for more money, it's not fair.

This company also contradicts itself just to further stick it to you, it's licensed, per user, but it's also per machine, this is the only time I've seen a company choose both ways to stick it to the customer, most companies pick EITHER per machine, or per user.

Happy "gambling"
Aug 12 2017 at 1:09pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Some clarifications on licensing:

- Easy Explorer is licensed per machine, which means a single physical or virtual Windows installation

- if you have a 100 user accounts on a single Windows installation, all 100 user accounts can use the product using a single license

- if you have a 100 virtual machines running on a single physical machine, all 100 virtual machines will need a separate license for the product. In these cases, we will work with BitsDuJour to offer a bulk licensing option

- as long as your Windows installation stays the same 'physically' (may not be physically the same for virtual machines) , the '1 installation per footprint' means that you can activate the license unlimited times should you need to reinstall Windows on that machine

- if you need to move your license to a new machine, we will entertain such requests as long as they are within reasonable limits.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Aug 12 2017 at 6:43pm Copy Link
Stephen Warkentien That is not what "The Fine Print" tab says.

For example:

Easy Explorer is licensed per user, so if more people are going to use Easy Explorer you will need to purchase additional copies.
Aug 12 2017 at 11:20pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Agreed, the example you pointed out could have been worded better to avoid any ambiguities.

At face value, the statement is true. We can reasonably assume that no 2 users will own the same computer, and that they will own different computers, and thus will require separate licenses for the product.

However, when a user owns 10 computers and wants to use the product on those 10 computers, he will require at least 10 licenses. I say 'at least' because if like in your case, each computer runs multiple virtual machines, each of those virtual machine will then require their own license.

If the term 'user' is used to include user accounts, then that statement you pointed out isn't true. Easy Explorer is licensed per machine (physical or virtual), and can be used by any number of user accounts on an installation of a Windows environment.

Hope this makes it clear.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Aug 13 2017 at 1:00am Copy Link
Benjamin User OMG, the discount is out. Last time I tried to buy it, I had a maintenance issue and now the 60% discount is out. I won't buy it the full price. If I can get it for the 4$ discounted price, I'll do it right away.

Does anyone like this application?
Aug 14 2017 at 1:41am Copy Link
Roberto Its a nice one Benjamin :)
Aug 14 2017 at 2:03am Copy Link
Paul Umm I don't think your missing much Benjamin, right after I installed it, it said an update was available so I clicked update and it uninstalled itself and nothing else happened I had to reinstall the "older" version that I just downloaded moments before. After using this program a couple minutes, simple feature like creating a new folder stopped working. Keep in mind this company has no motivation to bring you a great working program because they charge you for updates and bug fixes every year.
Aug 14 2017 at 5:01pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond When you create a new folder or file, it gets placed at the bottom. Easy Explorer doesn't automatically select and bring the new item into view. This has been changed in version, released today. You can update to this version using the 'Check for updates' function.

Note that the automatic update option downloads an executable file and runs it. Some anti-virus programs may not like this, and thus prevent the executable from running. If the automatic update option doesn't work, you can download the installer using the following URL:

If you encounter any bugs or would like to provide any feedback, in the Help > About screen, click on the 'Send a support request' link and send us your comments.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Aug 15 2017 at 12:04am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Minor update released today - bookmark categories can now be deleted.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Sep 14 2017 at 11:20pm Copy Link
Benjamin User Thanks for your information, Paul.
Sep 15 2017 at 12:42am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond If you encounter any bugs or would like a certain feature added, please do contact us at If the feature is something that would benefit the majority of users and is feasible, we will consider adding it. Thank you.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Sep 15 2017 at 5:46am Copy Link
Chris Be careful. I purchased this and had to get a new computer and the key is only allowed to be used one time.
Jan 27 2018 at 12:13am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Send us an email ( to let us know that you want to transfer the license to another computer, and we will make the necessary changes, within reasonable limits.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Jan 27 2018 at 12:18am Copy Link
Dunking @Yeoh Ray Mond: You say "we will make the necessary changes, within reasonable limits." What are those limits?

On a personal level, I would find it very hard indeed to use software which has a license as restrictive as yours, regardless of how cheap it is. It is not the cost per se that's the the problem, but one of control. Suppose I bought it for $1 and used it for a bit, found I really liked it. The problem there is that you might decline to let me continue using it (I upgrade my PC, have a laptop as well, you go out of business, whatever) and I am then stuck, unable to use something really useful to me. Much better not to put myself into that position in the first place.

A bit of thought will indicate that this applies to subscription licenses too: I can be prevented from using something through no fault of my own. For that not to be a pain for me, I would have to not enjoy, or find useful, the application in the first place, so logic suggests it is better not to try it and find out I like it!

Note that I am not against paid upgrades so long as one is still able to use the non-upgraded version. Perhaps that would be a way to get a continuing income stream without onerous licensing that may be preventing original sales.
Jan 27 2018 at 1:12am Copy Link
franp User Do you know if it can be used alongside Directory Opus ?
I mean, Directory Opus intercept calls to the Explorer Will I be able to open a Easy Explorer if Directory Opus is installed on my computer ?
Jan 27 2018 at 2:13am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond We're no experts in using Directory Opus, but installing and running it alongside Easy Explorer seems to have no unintended side effects.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Jan 27 2018 at 5:12am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 28 2018 at 12:11am Copy Link
Robert Crombie I dislike multiple windows for any application.
Windows Explorer should have Tabs instead.
XYPlorer has Tabs, and in so many ways leaves Windows Explorer for dead.
If you Google you can download the last free version - called XYPlorerFree version 17.4
I would recommend the (Google) hits for Softpedia, or Portable apps
PS It can be used as completely portable. I have multiple 'portable' folders on my C drive (EG one copy for PCs, another for Software, another for VB6, etc)
Jan 28 2018 at 3:31am Copy Link
Vanessa User Online license activation is required with a hardware footprint, and 1 installation per thank you this is too much for nothing
Jan 28 2018 at 3:31am Copy Link
Edward Smith I would have considered this except for the odious fine print.
Jan 28 2018 at 4:58am Copy Link
Colin McAllister HI. Bought this a few hours ago now and haven't had registration code email, not even after requesting a resend. The email address in the receipt is correct and current. The "Resend email" link has vanished. How do I get they registration code now?
Jan 28 2018 at 1:00pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Colin McAllister, I just resent you the receipt email containing the registration information.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 28 2018 at 1:03pm Copy Link
geo User The license terms are a no-no for me even at this price.
Jan 28 2018 at 1:10pm Copy Link
Joe M I installed the trial version the other day. It works well. I liked that you could open 2,3,4, or more windows at a time. The one thing missing or at least I could not find it was a file viewer.
Jan 28 2018 at 1:20pm Copy Link
Colin McAllister Thanks Constantin. Easy Explorer is now registered. :-)
Jan 28 2018 at 3:01pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Robert Crombie You have the option to stack the windows as tabs in Easy Explorer.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Jan 28 2018 at 3:30pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Joe McCormick You can activate a simple file viewer by clicking on the 'Display tools panel', or CTRL-0. It's fairly basic, so if there's any improvements you'll like to see made, do drop us a line at, thanks.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Jan 28 2018 at 3:34pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Dunking, @Vanessa User, @Edward Smith, @geo User

Could you please drop us a line at, and let us know what sort of licensing terms you feel is fair, and at what price point(s) you would pay for those licensing terms? Your feedback would be very much appreciated, thanks.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Jan 28 2018 at 3:38pm Copy Link
Chris remove the Online license activation is required with a hardware footprint, and 1 installation per footprint.

then the price is right for a 12 month update policy IMO
Jan 28 2018 at 5:42pm Copy Link
Edward Smith I agree with Chris. Had this been the case, I would have bought ten at this price.
Jan 28 2018 at 7:31pm Copy Link
Dunking Perhaps it's best if I point at something that floated my boat a couple of weeks ago. I was after a log file viewer and came across - surprise - Log View Plus. The license covers updates for a year on any machine I own, and at $25 I had no hesitation in purchasing after a cursory check that it did more or less what I needed. A no-brainer.

I think the trick is to price stuff at the pocket money position, where one doesn't have to get it signed off or justify it too much. For me, anything below about £20 is that kind of level (though that might change as my circumstances do). This Explorer thing at $4 is a very nice price, but I think it is too cheap. It's not enough to really register on your mind so might as well be free. If I were in the market for this and a quick trial run showed it was probably what I wanted, $10 wouldn't be a bad price for, say, a two machine license. Perhaps $15 for any of my personal machines. I should also say that non-activation would swing an otherwise not-quite-there deal for me - sure, you need to trust me but then I also need to trust you and this is a two-way street. A 50% discount on (optional) updates each year would be cool.

The VM issue is a new one on me. I wouldn't normally have made a distinction between a VM and real machine, but then I tend to use VMs to test stuff and I suspect your view is that they are 'proper' machines running a proper setup on a long-term basis. That difference may well determine ones view of how licensing on a VM should work, but it's worth bearing in mind that a copied VM could use the same authenticated install as its 99 brethren. Trying to prevent that kind of abuse is the way to an early heart attack.

I think the approach taken with LVP, mentioned above, may well get more customers than the more onerous licensing loses. Certainly, there will be some level of abuse regardless, but I'm sure the developer of LVP probably sleeps better since he's not worrying about how to tackle that last 5% or whatever that get away with it. I can tell you that his customers, at least this one, appreciate that they're not being tarred with the same brush that some connivers undoubtedly warrant.
Jan 28 2018 at 8:53pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Dunking - Thanks for sharing your views.

This product is aimed at the home user market, which is why it's priced at USD 10. At that price point, we don't feel the licensing terms are overly restrictive. For a company, USD 10 a pop is a no-brainer if they find utility from the product. At the BDJ price, we certainly didn't expect that most of the comments were going to be about the licensing terms.

Based off our experience with our database products, 'serial' and 'crack' are very common keywords used together with our product names on search engines, which is why our licensing terms are what they are. Unfortunately, it only takes a single person to abuse a less restrictive licensing scheme to cause us economic loss, which was an experience we do not want to repeat. Are we tarring everyone with the same brush? Yes, but the outcome to our customers would be much worse if we were to go out of business, and we hope our customers/prospects understand that.

That's not to say we will not change our licensing terms for Easy Explorer, but we will certainly take your views into account. Thanks once again for taking the time to share your thoughts.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Jan 29 2018 at 12:45am Copy Link
Dunking @Yeoh: Thanks for your considered response. I should just make a small point concerning your view...

I used to buy and play games, which could be quite expensive. This was at the time when one needed to keep the CD in the CD drive to enable the game, which was rather onerous. Rather than do that I would set about acquiring a hacked version to disable the requirement. It got to the stage where, if I were interested in a game, one of the first things I'd check is the DRM and whether it's crackable, and then buy the game if it was.

Now I am somewhat older and have learned that the protection on some games is too hard to mess with unless one wants the risk of some added feature courtesy of the hacker. (Plus, if the author shows no compunction about adding that stuff if it is probably a resource hog anyway.) The result is that I have not bought any game which has DRM for quite a few years now. I still buy games (last week I had a splurge in a fit of boredom and bought four), but they are all from the likes of GOG or Humble and DRM-free. I don't bother reading the description of ones that aren't.

If there is a crack for your product you're on a slope of diminishing returns trying to prevent it being used. Indeed, the more you try the more you are likely to push users towards it - it is often said that legitimate users who have paid for a license have a worse time of things than those that didn't, so there is more incentive not to pay. The big weapon you have is in making it easier for customers that want to be legitimate to be so. Those that would find a crack for something sold at $10, all other things being equal, aren't your customers or even potential customers. They only have to break your protection once and they're sorted, so it's a battle you can't win there. The play for paying customers can be lost, though.

Sorry, meant for this to be a short comment.
Jan 29 2018 at 1:15am Copy Link
atar User the PayPal link doesn't activate PayPal - or anything else. Tried to buy.
Jan 29 2018 at 2:58am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond The promotion's over, so thanks to all the people that supported us, the folks at BDJ, and the people that posted constructive comments/criticisms.

If you did not receive your license key, please drop us a line at, with details of your purchase.

If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions on improvements, do drop us a line at

We also just released a new version of Easy Explorer that fixes a couple of bugs. A topic on the Bookmarks Bar has also been added to the help file. You can download the installer using the following link:

Thanks once again for your support.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Jan 29 2018 at 3:01am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @atar User, I see you managed to purchase the product so I assume everything is OK now?
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 29 2018 at 3:04am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @atar User - are you trying to purchase via BitsDuJour, or via our web site? If the latter, I just tried the PayPal link, and it works. You can also pay using your PayPal account if you choose the Share-It! option.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Jan 29 2018 at 3:17am Copy Link
CFGuy For Yohz Software Rep - This looks like great software at one of the best prices I have seen in all my years as a BDJ customer. Question- I frequently have problems getting the icon "view-type" on my desktop folders saves (most I want as "medium thumbnail", but some I want different). Would "Easy Explorer" allow windows to "memorize" my desktop folder view settings, and keep them the way I want them (even through multiple computer reboots)? If not, this still looks like an excellent program at a price that can't be beat, so you may count on me purchasing a license for each computer I own; however if you do know of a program or hack/technique that would allow desktop folder icon view to be memorized for individual desktop folders, if you would pass this information along to me, I would be most appreciative. I have tried using folders in Windows "library" technique without much success, BTW. Thanks so much. -Cfguy
Apr 15 2018 at 7:15am Copy Link
Vanessa User Online license activation is required with a hardware footprint, and 1 installation per footprint!!!
This is a real Deal Killer.
Apr 15 2018 at 9:38am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond We've fixed the issue with not persisting the view style for each individual window - could you please try updating to the latest version (2.3)? You can download the installer using the following link:
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Apr 15 2018 at 10:06am Copy Link
CFGuy >>Re: Vanessa User Online license activation is required with a hardware footprint, >>and 1 installation per footprint!!! This is a real Deal Killer.

Vanessa, typically I would be in complete agreement with you on this issue, but I believe one has to look at the overall offering- and considering that we are looking at such an extremely low price point (only $2.98 per computer/install!), for me this is acceptable. Just my $0.02, FWIW. :-) -Cfguy
Apr 16 2018 at 7:05am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond For CFGuy, hi, apologies for not making clear that my last comment was my response to your question. As I understand it, you want the layouts to also remember the 'view' style of each of the browser windows. This is now possible in the latest version (2.3), which you can download from:
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Apr 16 2018 at 7:15am Copy Link
Jon Spain According to the current fine print, once can install on 2 (not just 1) owned machines with one license; is that right, please? People were grumbling.
Apr 18 2018 at 2:02am Copy Link
Gary Smith @Yeoh Ray Mond:

I notice the only change in the Fine Print from previous offers, is that now, the software can be transferred to another computer.

Transfer of a license to another owned computer is not allowed. (Prev)

Transfer of a license to another owned computer is allowed. (Now)

The problem is that it is still one installation per hardware footprint. If I need to re-install the OS sometime down the road, my one installation per hardware footprint has already been used. To use the product again, rather than a simple re-install of the OS, I have to purchase a different computer so I can transfer the license, or I will need to alter my current computer in such a way that the hardware footprint would not be recognized. That part can be difficult if I keep some key components the same (e.g., CPU for example). Without knowing what you would use to determine if the hardware footprint is the same, there is still too much risk.

The issue has never been the price. The market will bear that part out whether it is reasonable or not. It has always been the licensing.

In a previous offer, you were surprised that so much of the discussion pertained to the licensing, and you even asked what would work. Users explained the issue with the one hardware footprint issue. There was an opportunity to address that issue, but here we are again.
Apr 18 2018 at 2:43am Copy Link
Jon Spain The third bullet (each license allows installation on a single computer and a laptop) seems rather wider than that; can developer comment, please?
Apr 18 2018 at 3:27am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Jon Spain - that line should not even have been there - keeping things simple, it should have just been one installation per license. However, we will honor that fine print for all licenses purchased while that line is still there.

@Gary Smith - again, keeping things simple, just send us an email stating that you need to reinstall Easy Explorer due to whatever reason, and we'll make the necessary changes. While users explained the issue with the hardware footprint issue, nobody offered any feasible solution that would alleviate that issue for users and still protect our product from rampant piracy.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Apr 18 2018 at 3:42am Copy Link
Jon Spain Ah, thanks, I'm not taking advantage of a mistake and I've just bought.
Apr 18 2018 at 3:48am Copy Link
Paul Kelly Checkout process is timing out (twice).
Apr 18 2018 at 8:01am Copy Link
RC I purchased two licenses. I received my receipt and one registration code. I take it I use the same registration code on my 2nd computer?
Apr 18 2018 at 9:12pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @RC - Yes, that is correct.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Apr 18 2018 at 9:20pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Paul Kelly - thx for the suggestions. We just pushed out a new update that fixed a bug with missing icons for the menu items, and also changes based on your suggestions - we added additional styles (might or might not fit your needs), the option to hide the hot key button, and a button to navigate to the parent folder (this only works for 'actual' folders).
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Apr 18 2018 at 9:38pm Copy Link
Robert Crombie I never have multiple windows open for any application.
However if this software allows me to configure Windows Explorer, and it then remembers that configuration the next time I open my single Windows Explorer, then this is well worth the price

PS If MS reads this -
Please stop allowing your young programmers to Analyze and Design.
Hire some senior analysts instead. And not just for windows Explorer, but for everything you produce.
Apr 19 2018 at 2:45am Copy Link
Ray User Are there any issues using this with a multiple monitor setup?
Apr 19 2018 at 6:38am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Ray User - one issue we are aware of is that the monitor where the Easy Explorer window is maximized is not persisted across sessions. If your layout uses a maximized Easy Explorer window, it will be maximized on the 'closest' monitor, and not the monitor you may have originally maximized the window on.

Aside from that, we aren't aware of any other issues.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Apr 19 2018 at 8:07am Copy Link
mnazmi "This promotion can be used to upgrade or extend an existing license."

I bought it from the previous bitsdujour promotion. My license will expire after 8 months. Can I use this promotion to upgrade or extend at that time (8-9 months later or any time) ?
Apr 19 2018 at 8:33am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @mnazmi - Yes you can. Just use the new serial number to activate your license once the old license has expired. There is no time limit in which you must activate the license. The license validity period will start from the activation date.

Just to be clear, a license allows you to use any version of the product (released within your license validity period) indefinitely. You don't have to buy a new license to continue using the product if you're happy with the version you already have.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Apr 19 2018 at 8:58am Copy Link
mnazmi Thank you for your clarification. I will buy two licenses and I activate them when I need.
Apr 19 2018 at 9:06am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond You're welcome, and thank you for your continued support.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Apr 19 2018 at 9:31am Copy Link
mnazmi Hello again,

I planned to get 2 codes to use on separate time. But I got one code ( I think for two computers) But I have one computer now and I wanted them to use separate time when I need for my computer. What I can do ?
Apr 19 2018 at 9:47am Copy Link
Robert User I purchased Easy Explorer, installed, started the program, and even though I have a license key ready to enter, it starts with getting a Trial License first. My Firewall was in learn mode, and I could not approve of the contact attempts to call home fast enough (contact the Activation Server). After it reported that it had failed, and requested me to contact support, and include the "following URL" but no URL is displayed. I clicked the Finish, then I used the Help | Activate License option, which requested the license key, and then it succeeded.

To make sure I had a clean install, I exited, rebooted, and was surprised to see a BSOD REGISTRY_ERROR. Reboots get the same BSOD repeatedly unless I boot into Safe Mode. When there is a REGISTRY_ERROR BSOD, some parts of Recovery cannot be used, even in Safe Mode, so I might have no alternative but to use go back further than I wished.

Regardless of what is causing the BSOD, I will have to do a recovery operation, which will eliminate my one time activation. I am starting to understand the issue regarding limited activations. Within minutes of the install, the purchase has been wasted. If that was not a problem, I could reinstall Easy Explorer, re-activate with the same hardware, and everything would be fine.
Apr 19 2018 at 3:57pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @mnazmi - that single serial number will have 2 activation attempts allocated to it, and each activation can be made at different times. The license validity period will start from the date of each individual activation.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Apr 19 2018 at 4:06pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Robert User - if you repeatedly activate a license on the same computer, it still counts as 1 activation. If you had to change certain bits of hardware resulting in a different hardware footprint, then our activation server would consider it a different computer. Thus in your case, if all you're doing is rolling back to an earlier checkpoint, you would not be using up your second activation.

Drop us a line at if you require further assistance.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Apr 19 2018 at 4:11pm Copy Link
Robert User @Yeoh Ray Mon:

>if you repeatedly activate a license on the same computer, it still counts as 1 activation.
Thanks; that was not something I had picked up on.

I need to plug back in some RAM, would that be enough to affect the hardware footprint?

Also, what about adding a Graphics card, will that affect it?
Apr 19 2018 at 4:55pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Robert User - changing the graphics card and RAM will not affect the hardware footprint.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Apr 19 2018 at 5:04pm Copy Link
Gary Smith @Yeoh Ray Mond:

You replied that while users explained the issue with the hardware footprint issue, nobody offered any feasible solution that would alleviate that issue for users and still protect our product from rampant piracy.

OK, users will take the blame for not solving your business problem. The problem was always on our side; it was never your fault, unless you consider history.

Please consider the fact that users have been purchasing from lots of developers through BitsDuJour that do not have the same restriction, yet these developers stay in business and are happy to continue offering their products, and customers are happy to take advantage of the discount they offer here. At some point you have to consider doing what works for the other developers; not blame users for not coming up with a solution for your business.

I've helped a lot of software developers over the years. So far, none have considered your idea of licensing a viable solution against piracy.

If you go back far enough to know about WordStar, it was a time long before any methods of piracy protection were in force. The program was the dominant text editor for many years. The company (Microstar) depended a lot on word of mouth advertising. It was not uncommon for users to copy the program, share it with a friend, and later on, many of these free-loaders purchased the program. Without those free-loaders, Microstar would not have been anywhere as successful as they were. At one point it was revealed that the number of illegal copies outnumbered legitimate copies ten to one. The success caused other software developers to encourage users to share, and if they liked the program, to please consider paying for it. Those developers also saw an increase in their income.

Moral of the story: don't worry about preventing a single pirated copy at the expense of losing sales. Develop a great product, and develop a method of activation like all the other successful developers that sell here have done. The key thing is to develop a strategy that works for you AND the customer. Everyone will benefit as a result.
Apr 19 2018 at 11:00pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Thanks for the detailed feedback. Again, if you could point us to some examples of recent products with 'better' licensing schemes, it would be much appreciated. Taking a quick look at today's other offers on BDJ, one is also licensed per computer and sells for over $200, another doesn't require activation but stops working after 12 months unless its subscription is renewed, two others require paid upgrades, and another has similar licensing terms to Easy Explorer and sells for $25. Very different circumstances from Easy Explorer which sells for $3, works indefinitely, and provides free upgrades for 12 months from the date of license activation (not from the date of purchase).

Just to clarify - a license allows you to install Easy Explorer on a single computer/laptop. If you have 10 computers, you need to buy 10 licenses. That's the licensing terms. Once activated, you can use the product indefinitely. But we know users sometimes reintall/upgrade the OS/computer, as per your example. In those circumstances, just drop us a line at, and we'll sort it out for you. If you need to use the product urgently (unlikely because Easy Explorer isn't a mission-critical type of software), just download and use the trial version. I'm sure we'll respond well within the 14 days of the trial period.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Apr 20 2018 at 12:12am Copy Link
Stefan User Unfortunately my purchase was made with a BDJ email address that I had abandoned. An email to explaining the situation and asking for the registration to be forwarded to my present email address has been ignored.
A 2nd email sent the day after - unanswered.
Have just sent a THIRD email on day three, not holding me breath.
Apr 20 2018 at 2:04am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Stefan User - could you please email me directly at
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Apr 20 2018 at 2:22am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Another round of promotion comes to an end, and we sold almost 2.5x more licenses than the previous promotion! Thank you!

To everyone who's sent us emails for support/licensing issues and have not received a reply, you can send your emails to my personal account at or

The latest Easy Explorer release version is If you downloaded your version during the pre-promotion period, these are the changes we have made since then:

- added an option to persist layout for current session
- refreshing an explorer window now persists the selected item
- added option to hide hot key button
- added additional display styles
- added button to navigate to parent folder
- fixed bug with missing images on main menu
- fixed issue with hidden refresh and bookmarks button on toolbar
- last used 'style' is now persisted across sessions
- individual window's display style is now stored as part of each layout

Once again, thank you for your continued support.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Apr 20 2018 at 3:18am Copy Link
Stefan User Now up to request number SEVEN. Sent to support@ and the other two email addresses given above. Not even so much as an acknowledgement.
Seems as though you're thanking the continued support, I wish I could thank you for ANY support!
Apr 21 2018 at 11:30am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Stefan User - we did not receive any emails from you. Would you be able to provide me an email address I can contact you with? Another option would be to try sending us the email from an alternate email address, if you have one.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Apr 24 2018 at 8:43am Copy Link
RC Yohz Software promptly corrected two minor issues with EasyExplorer that I reported to them, nice to see a responsive developer.
Apr 24 2018 at 12:24pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Stefan User - another option is to try sending us a private message on Facebook at
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Apr 24 2018 at 10:15pm Copy Link
mnazmi I have two little problems.
1. When I want to update using help / check for update, Easy Explorer downloads the update, closes itself to install update but does not update and the Easy Explorer does not restart.
2. The site address is in the about section. But when you go to this adrese you can not find Easy Explorer
It would be better to correct this address as in the about section.
Apr 25 2018 at 12:09am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @mnazmi - Apologies for the inconvenience. Those were among the items we fixed in version Could you please download the installer from here instead:
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Apr 25 2018 at 12:22am Copy Link
Stephen Warkentien I like to use checkboxes in Windows Explorer. Are they available in Easy Explorer?
Mar 9 2019 at 10:56am Copy Link
R W Trial version has to be registered.

Couldn't drag files from one window to another.
Mar 9 2019 at 12:16pm Copy Link
Randal H. I installed the trial, made two window layouts, then tried switching between them. I could switch from one to the other, then back to the first, next attempt to switch to the 2nd layout program crashes. Tried several times including uninstalling and reinstalling - consistently crashes.
Mar 9 2019 at 12:58pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Randal H. - could you please send us the layout files? They are stored in your user settings folder e.g. C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Yohz\Easy Explorer

and contain a 'layout_' prefix. Please also send us the layouts.txt and settings.ini files, to Thank you.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Mar 9 2019 at 6:36pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Stephen Warkentien - could you please drop us a line at so that we may find out in more detail how and what you use checkboxes for? Thanks.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Mar 9 2019 at 6:51pm Copy Link
Randal H. Yeoh Ray Mond Sent :)
Mar 9 2019 at 7:36pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Mar 10 2019 at 12:11am Copy Link
Jon Spain How can one enter license (I bought v2 earlier), please?
Mar 10 2019 at 1:46am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Jon Spain - in the main window, select the Help > Activate license item, and use that Wizard to enter your license key and activate Easy Explorer.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Mar 10 2019 at 3:07am Copy Link
Gary User The "search" function appears to only search file names, not content like windows explorer. For example, if you search in windows explorer for "chauffeur" you would get back both files containing "chauffeur" in the name and pdf and word files containing the word "chauffeur". In Easy Explorer's search I only got files containing the "chauffeur" in the name.
Mar 10 2019 at 6:18am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Gary User - Yes, that is correct. Easy Explorer only searches on file and folder names, not the contents of files.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Mar 10 2019 at 6:55am Copy Link
Jon Spain Thanks, that optopn wasn't seen first time, I'm now sorted, thanks
Mar 10 2019 at 11:54am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Sorry, but Easy Explorer cannot interact with third-party add-ins to Windows Explorer.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Mar 13 2019 at 3:43am Copy Link
Mark Harper This looks to be a really useful piece of software and I am trialling it now. However, I find the licensing rather confusing and will not purchase without clarification.
I praise the publisher for making the license a user license rather than a machine license. BUT from THE FINE PRINT, two statements seem to conflict and it is this that is preventing me from purchasing at the moment.
The first statement is “Easy Explorer is licensed per user, so if more people are going to use Easy Explorer you will need to purchase additional copies.”. This implies that if I buy a license, I may use it on all my PCs.
The second statement “Online license activation is required with a hardware footprint, and 1 installation per footprint.”. This conflicts with the first statement and implies that the license can only be used on a single PC.
Can some please clarify which is true so that I can decide whether to purchase or just walk away?
If it is the case that it is one license per PC, can you please provide the opportunity to buy a bundle of say five licenses at once at a discounted price?
Sep 10 2019 at 2:41am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Sorry for the confusion - it should have been listed as 'Per-machine license', not 'Per-user license'. At this price point, we can't offer any further discounted bundles.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Sep 10 2019 at 3:39am Copy Link
Mark Harper Thank you for the quick reply and for making clear the licensing terms.
Can you please explain the process for transferring a license between PCs? I use a number of virtual PCs and they are frequently refreshed so license transfer would be essential. Can you also explain how to recover a license should it be left on a PC and the PC is wiped? Would a new install take over the license activation?
Sep 10 2019 at 4:02am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond The basic requirement is that you would need to notify us of any transfer of licenses across machines. However, we can adjust our licensing requirements to reduce the work for both parties, just drop us a line explaining your situation and requirements, and we'll work out something.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Sep 10 2019 at 5:01am Copy Link
Stephen Stimac I installed Easy Explorer for a trial. I am frustrated by a simple task (e.g. Search). Your help shows entering the search item in a Search box. I don't see a Search box. This doesn't bode well for usability and I don't have a solution.
Sep 10 2019 at 6:19am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Apologies if the help file was unclear.

At the bottom of each explorer window, you will see a 'Filter' option. You will need to click on that item to change the option to 'Search'. From there on, you can just follow the instructions as per the help file (

We will update the help file to make this step clearer. Thank you for your feedback.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Sep 10 2019 at 6:26am Copy Link
Jim Knecht I purchased 3 licenses but only received 1 key in the the email. Is this 1 key good for 3 "hardware footprints" or should I be receiving 2 more keys at some point?
Sep 10 2019 at 7:17am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Jim Knecht - Yes, that single license key will be used for all 3 activations.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Sep 10 2019 at 7:23am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Stephen Stimac - we've updated the online help file, and will update the official installer in a while. Please see

for instructions on how to switch between filtering and searching modes.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Sep 10 2019 at 7:24am Copy Link
chris User I have earlier version 2.4 installed on my PC
If I install the new purchased version 3 will this stop my old version working or remove the activation?
If they cannot co-exist how can I transfer old version to my laptop to use?
Sep 10 2019 at 8:42am Copy Link
Barry User Does it include a folder print option?
Sep 10 2019 at 8:43am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond chris User - Your earlier version was purchased in April of last year, so the license would not be valid for version 3. You will need to use the new license if you want to install version 3 on your desktop.

To install the old version on your laptop, just drop us a line at and we'll adjust your license accordingly.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Sep 10 2019 at 8:47am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Barry User - no, Easy Explorer does not include a folder print option. Could you please drop us a line at just to give us a brief idea of what you want to be able to do? Thank you.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Sep 10 2019 at 8:48am Copy Link
Matt Hello,

Can you say when version 4 might release?

Are major upgrades included within the 12-month period or only minor updates?

Do you have a change log or version history on your website? I wasn't able to find one.

Sep 10 2019 at 11:17am Copy Link
Bradley MacDonald Very impressive tool. I have just purchased multiple copies for my machines. At this price - I want to support the author!

Have you thought about putting in the ability to have multiple file list area (ie not having a tree for each one). Another product called Directory Opus has this feature where you can have multiple file lists for each tree view - each in its own tab. So where you have Explore | Search Results ..... You could have something like Tab1 | Tab2 | Tab3 | Search Results

This feature is one I love from Directory Opus - and would save space in your user interface in some circumstances.

I like this tool. Thank you for putting it on sale here!
Sep 10 2019 at 2:34pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Matt - we have no definite release date for version 4. Yes, the 12-months free upgrade period includes both major and minor versions. You can find a change log here -
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Sep 10 2019 at 5:13pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Bradley MacDonald - thank you for your support.

You have the option to hide the tree view in each window if you want to maximise the files area ( Or do you mean you want to be able to use a tabbed view for each window (

Or if it's totally something else, perhaps you could send us an email at and let us know the details? Thank you.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Sep 10 2019 at 5:35pm Copy Link
Bradley MacDonald Hello Yeoh - it is something different from your image above. I will send you a email with some images...

Thank you.
Sep 10 2019 at 6:01pm Copy Link
Matt Hi Yeoh,

Thank you for your reply and the link to the change log!!

I just purchased 4 licenses.

Sep 11 2019 at 2:16am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Matt - Thank you for your support.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Sep 11 2019 at 3:45am Copy Link
gpardo7 Hi, Yeoh. Your application looks like a nice piece of software. I have one question though: does "one installation per footprint" mean that we are only able to install it once and if, for some reason, we uninstall the program we will not be able to install it again?
Sep 11 2019 at 9:16am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Jorge User - You can install and uninstall the application as many times as you want on the same machine. If the machine is no longer available and you need to install the application on a new machine, drop us a line at and we'll reset your activation limit.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Sep 11 2019 at 9:55am Copy Link
Bruce Edwards Buggy piece of junk... wont activate. Dont waste your money.
Feb 25 2020 at 12:47am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Bruce Edwards - Apologies, there was a technical issue with our registration system. It's now been fixed.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Feb 25 2020 at 2:53am Copy Link
Peter User I was interested in this and installed the demo yesterday - then removed it 15 minutes later. It kept crashing. It didn't issue any messages, just closed. Shame......
Feb 25 2020 at 4:28am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Peter User - would you be able to give us the steps to reproduce the errors? You can also contact us at Thank you.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Feb 25 2020 at 4:52am Copy Link
Mitchell User I don't seem to be able to select multiple folders. Does this program have that capability
Feb 25 2020 at 5:43am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Mitchell User - yes, you can select multiple folders on the right pane just like in Windows Explorer.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Feb 25 2020 at 5:55am Copy Link
RC Have purchased this software a few years ago and wanted to try out the newest version. Installed the demo and then "an error has occurred in the application."
Feb 25 2020 at 7:16am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @RC - could you please send us ( the bug report that was generated when the error was raised? Thank you.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Feb 25 2020 at 7:36am Copy Link
Peter User Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd,
There were no errors.... the program just exited. It happened when attempting to open a window, duplicate a window, delete a preset, in fact almost every action I did resulted in the program closing. It was completely unusable.
Feb 25 2020 at 7:50am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Peter User - Could you please let me know which version of Windows you are using, and if running Easy Explorer using an Administrator account is any better? Thank you.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Feb 25 2020 at 8:08am Copy Link
Bruce Edwards Apology NOT accepted.
Feb 25 2020 at 12:04pm Copy Link
Peter User Yeoh Ray Mond
Windows 10 - with the latest updates. My default account is an administrator account, so no, it doesn't make it any better.
Feb 25 2020 at 1:06pm Copy Link
RC Previous versions worked well. The developer has always been responsive so I hope he can fix the problems for this useful utility.
Feb 25 2020 at 4:19pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Feb 26 2020 at 12:11am Copy Link
Brenda Adams Well, I for one am waiting for the deal! I've had GREAT support from Yohz Ventures on another software program I bought (cheap) from them. (Easy PDF Explorer) I do own some great Win Exp replacement type programs, LOVE THEM, never going back to just Win Exp, and am anxious to get this one. :) Bring it!! :) :)
Aug 20 2020 at 4:27pm Copy Link
Robert Crombie Tried to install Trial into Win XP Pro 32bit SP3
It refuses saying, not a valid application
Aug 20 2020 at 7:03pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Brenda Adams - thanks for the support.

@Robert Crombie - You're right, the installer no longer supports WinXP. We've built another deployment version using an older version of the installer that supports Windows XP, and from our tests, seems to work fine on Windows XP.

You can download that version using the following link - Do let us know if you encounter any issues, thanks.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Aug 21 2020 at 1:02am Copy Link
Brenda Adams I am loving it already! So far, am using it to clean up a large file. I love how the New Folder icon is at bottom of screen. Just seems far more natural and super-easy to locate. So, I've been making lots of new folders and moving many files into them. I can already see that your program will be my very favorite Win Explorer replacement program for doing things like that. (I have always found other programs to be tedious for such tasks. I really like how easy you make it.) I can't wait to see what other things I'm going to like about Easy Explorer. (I never had time to try your Trial, but after our other communications about your other product I bought recently, I knew I had to try another of your programs...and for such a low price!) Yes, Easy Explorer name fits. Thanks for sharing at this low price!!
Aug 22 2020 at 4:15am Copy Link
Bradley MacDonald What is the current version of the product? I have multiple licenses for V3 - and have been impressed with both the product - and your support. Will upgrade to V4 when it comes out.
Aug 23 2020 at 9:02am Copy Link
Stephen Warkentien One install only! Not for me. I've had to wipe and reinstall two PCs already this year.
Aug 23 2020 at 5:54pm Copy Link
Brenda Adams Stephen: I think you misunderstand the terms. I'm no expert on this, but normally this only means you need to buy if you want to run it on more than one computer at a time. I'm sure you will have no problem if you wipe and need to reinstall. I've never heard off that happening anywhere/anytime with any software ever. THIS seller is really nice and helpful, btw.
Aug 23 2020 at 6:01pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Bradley MacDonald - it's currently at version 3.1. Your license is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase for all major and minor versions released within that period, and thanks for your support.

@Stephen Warkentien - if you need to reinstall the software on a new PC, just drop us a line.

@Brenda Adams - thank you for your support.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Aug 23 2020 at 10:23pm Copy Link
L. D. User Well I don't think much of the "1 installation per hardware footprint" restriction.

That means that if I need to re-install the operating system for whatever reason, I CAN'T re-install this program despite having purchased it.

Why put such a severe restriction on this for paying customers?

Feb 16 2021 at 11:06pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Feb 17 2021 at 12:11am Copy Link
H. H. @vendor
can you explain the fineprint
"1 installation per footprint"
vs "Transfer of a license to another owned computer is allowed"

Probably the "1 installation per footprint" will be an important dealbreaker for many potential customers.

Thank you for clarifying in advance
Feb 17 2021 at 11:21pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond If you purchase 1 license, you can install the product on a single 'computer' (physical or virtual). If you purchase 2 licenses, you can install the product on 2 'computers'.

If you need to reinstall the product for a reason (hard disk replacement, computer upgrade etc), you can contact us and we will reset your activation allocations, within reasonable limits.

For e.g. we're not going to entertain requests to reset activations 10 times in 6 months.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Feb 17 2021 at 11:27pm Copy Link
Mitchell User Can I purchase a new license to update my existing one; version updates expired this past March.

How do I decrease the size of the fonts that are displayed; they are way too big.
Sep 2 2021 at 7:15am Copy Link
Philippe User Hi Can one view PDF or images within Easy Explorer without opening it with a pdf Application for example.
I download the trial copy it don't seem I can view with Easy Explorer. Kindly confirm Thank you
Sep 2 2021 at 7:31am Copy Link
fadi User Is there a way to increase the thumbnail size? the thumbnails are small and barely you can see the preview
Sep 2 2021 at 7:47am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Mitchel - yes, you can purchase a license to update your existing one. Could you please send us a couple of screenshots of the font issue to Thank you.

@Philippe - sorry, no, you can't view PDFs or images within Easy Explorer.

@fadi - could you please send us a couple of screenshots where the thumbnails are too small, to Thank you.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Sep 2 2021 at 8:22am Copy Link
Bruce Dixon Hi, My fonts are way too big too - I'll send an image.
Sep 3 2021 at 5:17am Copy Link
Stephen Warkentien "One computer, one install!" Because of this limitation I did not buy this last time it was offered. Again I will not purchase.

BDJ please stop offering software with a one-install rule.
Mar 17 2022 at 8:08am Copy Link
Rob User Hi, I downloaded the trial version but whenever I try to open a second window the program shuts down. computer specs: windows 10, 64 bit, 4K (I had to adjust the DPI setting because the characters were too big). Please advise how to correct.
Mar 17 2022 at 9:36am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Rob User Could you please email us at so that we can look into your issue? Thank you.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Mar 17 2022 at 6:48pm Copy Link
Michel G. Pensis Very disappointed with this new version that does not take into account the settings of the previous version.
Mar 18 2022 at 7:20am Copy Link
Noggin The Nog Tried to install on XP but got the message that it is not a valid win32 application.
Aug 26 2022 at 6:46am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond You're right, the installer no longer supports Windows XP. Could you please contact us at so that we may look into this further? Thank you.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Aug 26 2022 at 6:32pm Copy Link
Nikki User This discount for this program is really very good.
Jan 14 2023 at 1:23pm Copy Link
Adrian Williams I've just bought 3 licences at this crazy price. I'd like to see a better preview option in future, with the ability to preview video files. The simple layout is clean and functional. The program is not as feature-rich as explorer2 but it is much less expensive and the filter and search option work well. Overall, if you prefer to good old-fashioned explorer style in windows 11, this is the way to go. I'm aware of the one PC licence approach but I'm sure an email to the developer in the event of a PC recovery or re-install would fix it. Use disk imaging software as your backup periodically and your recovery procedure will include the licence anyway.
May 6 2023 at 1:56am Copy Link
Andres Florez Herrero Hello, I also bought the product. Improvements: I would like a double click to level up and a preview of the most popular files. Thank you
May 6 2023 at 7:30pm Copy Link
Robert Crombie If I was the pilot on the first flight tp Mars, and half way there I fired up the computer and found the only file manager was Windows Explorer, I would change the flight path into the Sun.
Most companies don't have Analysts any more, and they let young programmers design interfaces.
I detest the mine shaft where MS likes to store stuff. EG the default locations for downloads, etc.
And the young programmer decided to give those folders prominence in the opening interface,
Whereas I want direct easy access to the C drive, where for example i have the folder C:\DOWNLOADS\ where I store stuff.
Practically every other file manager does not shove the 'mine shaft' folders in your face when you open the program.
Does your program allow us to make the interface more normal ?
PS I just installed your trial. Your young programmer has replicated MS's young programmers design. I do not want those 6 mine shaft folders occupying the first 6 lines in the tree, when I am positioned on the C drive. DO does not do that, and I am pretty sure other file managers do what I want. That will be a deal breaker for me, as I have avoided MS's file manager for decades for that reason. I was a senior analyst in IT fro 20 years. I wish you would hire an analyst.
May 6 2023 at 8:24pm Copy Link
datavet Unable to make the transaction. BitsDuJour does not check the links or test if the transaction works. Once paid, I didn't receive the confirmation email, and the link to download the software does not work. Be cautious if you want to use BitsDuJour for software purchases. I'm going for a refund.
May 7 2023 at 6:33am Copy Link
William Henry Was sent an EMAIL from YOHZ SOFTWARE, and sent to this link, it promoted 70% off Easy Explorer within 24 hours.,
And that ends tonight and the BitsDuJour price is the same as YOHZ SOFTWARE'S site, so Is there a 70% promotion code, bringing it to $4.50?????
I received the email SAT 5/6/2023 at 10PM.
May 7 2023 at 8:39am Copy Link
Mark Snyder I bought the software. The download link does not work. I was able to download from the vendor site.
Aug 24 2023 at 3:57am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Hi, could you please send us ( the download link you received from BitsDuJour? Thank you.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Aug 24 2023 at 5:03am Copy Link
Mark Snyder Sent. Thank you!
Aug 24 2023 at 8:24am Copy Link
Robert Crombie There are a few things that irritate me about Windows Explorer -
1) The young programmers (Companie's don't appear to use Analysts anymore) assume we love to use the documents (etc) folders that are buried miles down a mineshaft dug by a rabid wombat. I hate those folders, as how can one readily back up your files. I create folders at the C level EG C:\DOWNLOADS
The young programmers fill the left side with those mineshaft folders, forcing us to constantly search for the C drive.
2) Windows Explorer (or whatever MS calls it this year) forgets the layout you last used.

If this giveaway remembers the last layout (plural if we had multiple tabs open), that would mitigate most of my concerns. ?
The description above says we can save layouts, BUT I would like it to automatically remember my last session for all tabs ?

AND can you build in a feature like - Tick a box, and that will grant your program/Windows Explorer to manipulate any files/folders.?
Windows 11 is driving me crazy with it barring me from doing what I want on MY pc.
I would pay big money for that feature
Aug 24 2023 at 5:14pm Copy Link
Paul Kelly I purchased this some years ago and use it daily. Clean, simple, multipane file browser - it does everything I want in a file browser without a lot of extra whiz-bang clutter of features I don't care about. For $4.50? Can't go wrong.
Aug 24 2023 at 5:43pm Copy Link
Robert Crombie For the price, I bought this to experiment.
The good news - On first open, immediately I preferred your display. It is usable
Whereas Windows Explorer makes me want to slash my wrists.
The bad'ish news - I was hoping you would have Tabs. What you have is called Windows. I have never been a fan of 'Tiles' file managers.
If I have a few 'Windows' open (Tiles), and they are all side by side (the way god intended), it would be nice if a click on the address bar automatically widened that 'Tile' to a width pre-set in Settings (to say 90%)
I could live with that (pretending to be tabs)
Aug 24 2023 at 8:08pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Robert Crombie You can set up Easy Explorer to use the (last closed) layout as the default layout via the Settings options.

With regards to file/folder manipulation, could you please provide an example where Windows Explorer requires explicit permissions before allowing you to work with a specific file/folder?

@Paul Kelly Thank you for your support.

@Robert Crombie It isn't possible to have multiple tabs as currently displayed in Windows 11's File Explorer. It is possible to dock multiple 'tiles' to form a tab-like layout, but the tabs are displayed on the bottom and not on the top.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Aug 25 2023 at 12:46am Copy Link
Robert Crombie Yeoh Ray Mond
Thanks for response(s)
My problems with W11 blocking file management were mostly with thumb drives, and particularly attempts to use a thumb drive in my Telstra (Aust) modem.
I have given up on the thumb in the modem.
Also I acquired a USB Switcher which I recommend to all that jump between PCs.

Regarding your program, I am very pleased with it. You shoud send a copy to MS's young programmers, so they can see what an unholy mess their Windows Explorer is (W11 task mgr still calls it thst)
With your program, I have settled on a single 'Window' and am using the Bookmarks bar.
If one has a few bookmarks, it can be treated as if they are tabs. That is what I will be doing.
In fact, I prefer that layout to the one that Directory Opus displays for its tabs.

I heartily recommend this program to all that are reading this.
Aug 25 2023 at 5:13pm Copy Link
Mark Snyder So I love the software and I have been using it on and off all day on a file management project moving files around. I am using Windows 11 and it crashes after I have moved like maybe 10 files. I can immediately reopen but what a pain. Now I wonder if my files being moved are safe? I do have backups but... Are there plans to make it more stable in Windows 11?
Aug 26 2023 at 12:16pm Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Mark Snyder Could you please send us at the steps to reproduce the error? Do the files need to be of a minimum size, are the source or destination folders protected folders that require special permissions, etc? Thank you.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Aug 27 2023 at 8:38pm Copy Link
Mark Snyder My drives are not encrypted/protected. I just had two explorer windows opened side-by-side and drag from left to right. I have the configuration as a favorite. When it did crash I was able to open right away and go back using the favorite to finish my project. Other apps like MultiCommander which is free does not crash.
Aug 28 2023 at 4:07am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond @Mark Snyder - I've sent you an email providing instructions on how to create a crash log so that we can reproduce the error on our side. If you did not receive the email, it may have ended up in your spam folder.
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Aug 30 2023 at 2:20am Copy Link
Mark Snyder Ok will look for it
Aug 30 2023 at 6:32am Copy Link
Randal H. I have experienced EasyExplorer crashing too, both with older version and the latest (I hoped upgrading would fix the issue). Previously on Windows 10, now on Windows 11, and a newer PC. I found that running EasyExplorer as administrator eliminates the crashing - maybe this bit of info will help.
Sep 1 2023 at 10:03am Copy Link
Mark Snyder I took Randal H advice and made it so the app run only in Admin mode. It still crashes after 5 or 6 file moves. Give this app a one star for effort. Unless the crashing issue is fixed I cannot trust the apps to move my files around and not have to worry if the files are really there. . Too bad because I love the format and ease of use. Yeoh Ray even sent me and updated version but same issue. :(
Sep 3 2023 at 6:42am Copy Link
Barry Barwick Just purchased version 3.8, but I have not received new licence number.
Dec 13 2023 at 12:50am Copy Link
Yeoh Ray Mond Sorry, will send the license key to you ASAP
Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd - Dec 13 2023 at 1:19am Copy Link
Barry Barwick Received with thanks.
Dec 13 2023 at 1:53am Copy Link
Brian W Oops. The deal disappeared while I was looking for more info about it.
Dec 14 2023 at 1:00am Copy Link

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