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Virus Scan for FlexView

Import Database Information into Microsoft Excel

FlexView is an add-on tool for Microsoft Excel that lets you import data directly from corporate databases.

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What are people saying about FlexView

Techtoysavvy why would anyone need your software?
anyone can write SQL in excel to import from SQL server.
... plus Excel has other better visual methods to do this with GUI.
basically this is all native to Excel.
Jul 10 2016 at 4:43am Copy Link
Bruno User Hello, I would like to reword and specify the question above.

1) Excel 2010/2013/2016 have Power Query (renamed Get & Transform in 2016). In which way Flexview is superior to this in-built Excel functionalty resp. these free add-ons?

Sub-question: speed: You say Flexview doesn't choke with high numbers of records, and you imply that some other, similar products choke. Could you comment on Flexview's advantages in this, with respect to Power Query / Get & Transform?

2) I understand Flexview, as the above products under 1), is generic software which allows for data handling of any SQL db. But then, many users only need the functionality for some specific db, and then, the "Devart Excel Add-in for xyz" comes into play, which costs (single seat) 100$, and whose functionality seems to be superior.

Could you please comment on why / in which respect(s) I may be mistaken with that assertion? In other words, would I have interest in acquiring Flexview even if I only needed it for one single sql db (covered by the extensive Devart products range, and independently of the Devart price of 100$ vs. this offering's price of 55$), and then why so?

Thank you very much!
Jul 10 2016 at 5:41am Copy Link
bobby User Answer to techtosay: the flexview was not designed anyone who can write sql is for ordinary users who can not write queries. So where the excelview is used today, the query are once written by the it department and the query is saved and when it is opened by the user the query can be modified by a gui by a none technical user and saved. The power is not in functionality but in it's usability
So this is the difference by standard excel.

Not everyone can use it .
Adept - Jul 10 2016 at 8:12am Copy Link
bobby User To Bruno: 1) Powerquery is an addon where someone who has knowledge of a databasetable can get data. The user must him self create a connection, have knowledge of tables and so on. Flexview was first created when we were developing reporting tool for Dynamic Ax (economy system) for a danish bank. The users were not an Excel experts and nither the databse experts. All they needed were some experts gives them some query for data then they could select fields and filter them dynamically. At first we created the advanced queries in reportingservices, but the problem was the end-user couldnot create parameters and select fields without our help and exporting a high volume data from repostingservices to excel chokes. Flexview allow end users with no knowledge of query select the query fields and parameters. and use search syntaxes inside the filleds such as comma separation for multiple search, < means less > means larger than etc. so the usability is the strength. 2) regarding devert: I dont know your needs thats why I cannt answer about devert addon is best fit for you or Flexview. If you are an sqlexpert and need to quikly change your querydata and cells you can save 10$ by buying devert. But if you or your users does not have knowledge of the database and some one helps you to create few queries and all you need is to use the same queries but different fields and paramaters and if the data queries are so huge that you want to filter them before fetching them inside the excel then but Flexview. Flexview is not for database experts but for controllers in an agency or finacial departments, people who need the data but dont care about queries or database connections. Is simpel to understand for none technical person. I hope I answered your question.
Adept - Jul 11 2016 at 1:05am Copy Link
Bruno User Hello, Bobby, Yes, you've answered my question, and I kindly thank you! Thus:

While techies will probably skip this offer, I understand now there is a real interest for non-techies (and their employers) to buy: Their time being valuable, they (or their employers) could judge that NOT learning db and/or Excel intricacies would be the way to go, and then spending 100 bucks would be a good alternative, and 55 bucks a perfect one; the same would very probably apply to tiny offices where IT things are done by a techy, on an hourly basis: There again, it would be probably MUCH cheaper for the owner and/or his/her staff to do things with FlexView, than to have their freelance techie write scripts for them.

Thus, your kind answers have really helped to clarify things, and I hope you'll get lots of customers among those FlexView really and usefully addresses!
Jul 11 2016 at 2:28am Copy Link
bobby User Thax Bruno:

I have actually 3 big customers in Denmark which paid way way beyond the 111 USD for the full functionallity.

These customers are huge customer whose employee doesnot have time or ambition to learn about excel plus functionality and SQL. All they need is a 20 or 30 quries in different places in their database where they can get data fast and easy,

I was hoping to create a promotion so those who need it buy or contact for more function.

You are right flexview is not for techies, but for those who uses excel and does not event know what a connection string is.
Adept - Jul 11 2016 at 2:54am Copy Link
Jon Spain Did you mean to refer to Excel versions (2008 was Mac, I think) instead of Windows 2007,2008 and 2010? If so, what about 2003, 2013 and 2016?

Secondly, can one EXPORT to a database (not listed)?
Jul 13 2016 at 12:34am Copy Link
Chris Fine Print says it all~

Transfer of a license to another owned computer is not allowed.
Email license activation is required with a hardware footprint, and 1 installation per footprint.
Jul 13 2016 at 3:31am Copy Link
bobby User Hej Jon Spain:

The Addin is only for Windows users and not for mac.
At the moment the flexview is readonly with import to excel only.
Adept - Jul 13 2016 at 4:46am Copy Link
Jon Spain Thank you but please be specific about which versions of Windows and Excel are supported. Are you intending to build in export?
Jul 13 2016 at 5:20am Copy Link
bobby User Hello Jon Spain:

Not at the moment,
What exactly do you need, like taking data from Excel to an certain table ?
We can modify the flexview for companies if it is needed.
Adept - Jul 13 2016 at 5:24am Copy Link
Jon Spain Thanks, I've not thought it through. However, your references to 2007,2008 and 2010 versions of Windows make no sense as they don't exist and you've not explained which versions of Excel are supported.
Jul 13 2016 at 5:29am Copy Link
bobby User Hi Jon:

The flexview Addin can be installed on any Excel 2010,2013 and 2016.

So if you have installed Excel 2010,2013 and 2016 on a windows 2007,2008 or 2010, then it should be working.
Adept - Jul 13 2016 at 5:33am Copy Link
Rajeev Dugar Can Flexview import from Oracle Databases? If yes, upto which versions?
Jul 13 2016 at 8:25pm Copy Link
eb235 @Rajeev Dugar
Taken from Flexview website "MS Access & MS SQL server:Compatible and tested with MS Access & MS SQLserver." Apparently only Microsoft databases...

I'm afraid this product seems to be rather limited --from the point of view of a BDJ "software lover" that is.
I do understand it has been put to effective use by big companies.
But it seems to respond only to the concerns of such companies, not -for instance- the occasional user wanting to import data from some (non-Microsoft) database or to get a complete toolbox (e.g. with import **and** export) to handle data from databases in Excel.

In some ways it looks like a product made for certain (big) companies and hastily packaged as mainstream software : rather specific features, relatively high price, a number of typos on the website --and compatibility with funny Windows versions.
However it could surely evolve into a more convincing product. But is it the objective of the vendor ?
Jul 13 2016 at 10:59pm Copy Link
bobby User Thax Rajeev Dugar & eb235:

Thx for your input you are right, the software is very specific for users using Microsoft database server such as Dynamics Ax, Navision or legacy data.
Flexview was originated in big company by our consultants and the customers paid the price becuase of its simplicity. No one knows if some elese do need such software.

I dont know all BDJ lovers and what they do or love. There might be amongst BDJ users people who has a small business who does not know any thing about SQL and know some show does. So once they get the help to write the Query then they are independent,

Or there might be some Expert who has customers who use Excel and need a simple database to Excel Engine.
Our aim was to try fo find out.

Flexview is tested with Oracle database. but it might work adding an oracle connectionstring, in the same spot where you enter Database Access connection string.
Adept - Jul 14 2016 at 12:20am Copy Link

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