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Virus Scan for Get Focused Multimedia Course

Hone Your Focus and Get Things Accomplished

The Get Focused Multimedia Course is designed to empower you to develop focus, which will yield to incredible boosts of productivity and accomplishment.

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Get Focused Multimedia Course Virus Scan Report
Get Focused Multimedia Course Virus Scan Report
Get Focused Multimedia Course Virus Scan Report

What are people saying about Get Focused Multimedia Course

_*_ I have some questions.  Do you receive the bonus materials with this offer?  The official site says 90 day return policy, but the one on Bits says 2 months; which is correct?

Also, is there any form of DRM on the software?

Sep 6 2010 at 12:51am Copy Link
Rodger Constandse Yes, you get all the bonuses described in the product page as part of this offer. 90 day return policy is in effect.

This is NOT software. It's a multimedia course including PDF ebook/workbook, videos and MP3 audios. There is no DRM in those items.
Effexis Software - Sep 6 2010 at 7:10am Copy Link
_*_ Rodger, thank you for the clarification. I would have never guessed since the Bits du Jour tag line is: "24 Hour Discount Deals on Fantastic Software Applications".

It still looks interesting and I am courious how effective it is in people's lives.
Sep 7 2010 at 3:00pm Copy Link
Roger Thomasson @M B Yes, on rare occasion we do stray from the world of software.  But only when we have an awesome reason. Like Get Focused :-) -r
BitsDuJour Admin - Sep 8 2010 at 2:25am Copy Link
David Warnick Waiting to get this
Sep 10 2010 at 6:01pm Copy Link
Thomas O'Duffy Hello,  I've just read through the sales page for this course - and it sounds surprisingly similar to Eben Pagan's wakeup productive program.  As I've already been through that program; please advise if this differs substantially in content as to my eyes, from your description, it seems to be highly similar!  *Thomas 
Sep 12 2010 at 5:27pm Copy Link
Alan Any chance of the Productivity Software that you have being discounted at the same time?
Sep 13 2010 at 5:53am Copy Link
Rodger Constandse Thank you for the questions and suggestions.

@Thomas OD: There is definitely some overlap in ideas/concepts between this program and pretty much ANY other time management/focus program out there. Wake Up Productive is an excellent program and covers a LOT of different topics. I personally feel there is enough difference between this and other programs to make the $29 worth it, but it's up to you.

@Alan: The Achieve Planner software is not included as part of this offer.
Effexis Software - Sep 13 2010 at 6:22am Copy Link
Alan @Rodger,
Thanks for the information. I hate to really get excited about the Multimedia Course and then not have the software that's really related to it...
I'll make a decision later tonight.
Thanks again,
Sep 13 2010 at 6:38am Copy Link
Rodger Constandse @Alan: The course uses one or two screenshots of the software to show an example of a daily and weekly plan, but only because it was the easiest way to draw it. You can implement all the ideas without using any specific software.
Effexis Software - Sep 13 2010 at 1:03pm Copy Link
Alan @Rodger,
Thanks for the information. As I said before, it doesn't make too much sense to me to get the course and not the software, but I can't afford full price. I think I will purchase the Multimedia Course, but pretty much need to wait until you offer the software again on BDJ to actually utilize what the videos are teaching. There may be other software that would be able to be used, but again, why not use the software that's built by the same people that are doing the videos.
Thanks again,

Sep 13 2010 at 1:10pm Copy Link
Stefan Hauber Do the audio-files work with the sub-conconceousness and if yes, do these audio-files make sense for someone, who will basically understand the meaning, but whose native language is not english?

Is your course also working with people having AD(H)D (Attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder)?
Jun 2 2011 at 7:38pm Copy Link
Tazzie This looks great! I do have some questions, though:

1. Are the videos captioned or subtitled? If not, does the eBook contain the video content verbatim?

2. Are there transcripts for the audio tapes? Even if I can't hear a guided visualization tape, with a good transcript, I can utilize self-meditation techniques for my own version of guided visualization.

Jun 5 2011 at 5:43pm Copy Link
Tom Chatterton It will take me more than a few tapes to get my brain focused. :)
Jun 5 2011 at 8:20pm Copy Link
Rick Przebienda I currently own and use Achieve Planner (AP) and I've been interested in this course to supplement AP the way I use AP. I was wondering if the Media content is direct download to my computer and to my tablet or do I need to be on line to use the content? I am most interested in being able to re-do the course to fill in pieces I may have missed the first time. Thanks for your time on this.
Jun 5 2011 at 10:42pm Copy Link
Barry Heur I run multiple virtual machine using Virtual Box on my home system. Does one license and the online activation allow me to install and run Revo Uninstall Pro in each virtual machine?
Jun 6 2011 at 5:11am Copy Link
Randy Martin So, I went to the website and was overwhelmed!
I couldn't possibly focus on reading all that information.
Perhaps that's a signal I need the book.
Perhaps it's a signal Rog isn't focused on making it easy for me to read and send him money.
We'll see.
Jun 6 2011 at 5:27am Copy Link
Rodger Constandse Some of the bonus audios are hypnosis based... but they are a very minor part of the overall program.

Videos are not captioned or subtitled. The ebook material covers the same information as the videos, but it may not be an exact verbatim transcript of the videos. There are no transcripts for audios.

You can download the videos (MP4) to play offline on PC or tablet.
Effexis Software - Jun 6 2011 at 6:05am Copy Link
Rich OBrien I won't buy this because I don't have time to listen to it.
Jun 6 2011 at 10:21am Copy Link
K X I just picked up Achieve Planner. Does anyone have feedback on this course (whether used together with Achieve Planner or not)?
Sep 21 2011 at 12:21pm Copy Link
Louis H I don't know if this will help me or not, but I am willing to consider the possibility that it will as I am in some serious need for help in being able to focus more effectively on what NEEDS to get done and what does not. I have a new job working as an RN in Home Health and while we certainly have the ability to plan ahead to some extent, our days can rapidly change as one never knows what one will find going on with a patient when we walk in the door of their home. And there are also daily "disruptions" to any scheduled set up in the AM as people call and cancel a visit or request a change in time, or the occasional need for a PRN visit to assess a change in a patients condition which may require more immediate intervention.

Add into this mix the various calls for information from or to doctors, health care facilities, other health care colleagues, and the need to attend staff meetings and inservices, and it is easy to quickly lose focus on what NEEDS to get done in a particular day. And for me, once I start to lose focus it can quickly spiral out of control and before I know it I am looking at an 8 hour day turning into a 12 hour day and still not getting everything done that NEEDS to get.

P.S. I have traditionally run away from products as this due to some very negative experiences some decades ago. Yesterday evening I came home from spending a little over 24 hours in the hospital for observation to what, at first, appeared to be a TIA. It was not, thank goodness, but it was discovered that I had become dehydrated due to allowing the stress of my new job to play havoc with my ability to focus and reduce nonproductive spinning of my wheels (literally and figuratively). (I was eating "convenience" foods and drinking very little water - so as to cut down on the need to stop, or use the restroom.) So I really do need some help in this area. If I finally decide to give this one a try, I'll post a followup with what, if any, improvements I am able to achieve with this program. (It is always helpful for me when deciding about purchasing a BDJ discount offer when I can read what folks experiences are with the products AFTER they buy them. I've actually gone on to buy some things at full price due to such comments from others.)

Note to the Vendor: If you have any other programs that you feel would better meet the type of needs I have mentioned above, or any feedback as to how you believe this series could make a difference, I would appreciate any feedback you can offer. Thanks!
Nov 15 2011 at 6:52am Copy Link
Zoran Paljevic Get Focused?!

Nov 15 2011 at 7:51am Copy Link
Louis H Why not?
Nov 15 2011 at 6:13pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Due to the overwhelming response Effexis Software has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 16 2011 at 12:00am Copy Link
MK Louis H - wait until Swift To-Do Pro comes back on offer on BDJ and get yourself a licence (or 3 as I did!):

Learn how to customise it (including priorities); learn how to setup filters; learn how to print reports with filters; and you will have one of the best task management programs out there which will get you focused.
Nov 16 2011 at 6:08am Copy Link
Rodger Constandse Louis H - The program is not specifically meant for your situation, but covers general principles that should help.

It's covered by a money back guarantee so you can try it out and if you find it's not for you, then just get a refund.
Effexis Software - Nov 16 2011 at 8:00am Copy Link
Rodger Constandse MK - This is not software. While having the right tools definitely helps, the training on the principles and techniques is also valuable. The two are not mutually exclusive.
Effexis Software - Nov 16 2011 at 8:01am Copy Link
MK This comment has been deleted due to a violation of the rules
Nov 16 2011 at 8:20am Copy Link
Louis H Something I didn't mention above is the need to frequently be in contact with doctors about changes in a patients status and the corresponding need to be able to focus in on the actual information the doctor, or other health care team member, needs to make any changes in the patient's care of plan, without spending time communicating information that does not need to be communicated.

So if this system helps me to be able to focus to where I can share what needs to be communicated without going off on time consuming tangents, it will be $30 well spent. Such an improvement alone will dramatically improve, not only my daily productivity, but my ability to be a nurse who can cut to the chase quickly - something other health care workers appreciate due to their own need to get more done in a day than sometimes seems possible.

Thank you, Rodger, for reminding me of the money back guarantee. I think, however, I should be able to get at least $30 of value from this even if it is only for my own personal life - the one I sometimes try to have outside of work..... ;-)

MK - thanks for the heads-up about Swift-To-Do-Pro. I'll keep a watch out for it's hopeful return!
Nov 16 2011 at 3:26pm Copy Link
JT Hi,

I purchased the product thru' PayPal and was immediately taken to the product page, which is fine.

After few hours, I got the invoice from the MCSSL on behalf on Effexis which is fine too.

However, there is a missing piece. I was expecting also to get a specfic download link with a password to create an user account or something of that nature... so I can visit it again few weeks from now and go thru' the info.

Which link do I use if I were to close the currently open product window.... Can the vendor provide suggestions / comments.

Nov 16 2011 at 4:06pm Copy Link
Rodger Constandse Hi Joy,

You should have received an email with the access link. Check your spam folder and I'll make sure you get another one.
Effexis Software - Nov 16 2011 at 4:16pm Copy Link
JT Hi Rodger,

Yes, I got your e-mail with the link... so I will use this link for re-visiting the order page.

Nov 16 2011 at 6:43pm Copy Link
Frank Stephens I was disappointed that no one who purchased this actually reviewed it. I just bought it, so I've only had the chance to read half of the main PDF ebook (minor error page 46, title should be "Micro Focus Boosters"). You can view the videos on the website, or download them. The entire content--almost all is MP4, MP3, PDF--is 336MB (or 320, depending upon whether you use 1,000 or 1,024 for KB). My particular MP4 codecs were damaged in WMP12, so I used QuickTime, which itself messes up WMP. I had been hesitant to order this, it's in the infomercial category, but I need to improve my focus to accomplish some important things. For me, the first dozen pages of the ebook were fluff, and much of the material is common sense, but there's also some very useful information. I only quickly checked an MP4, it's basically slides with audio, but it appeared to have complimentary information to the ebook. I think that this will be useful and was worth ordering, but like any other self-help material, it's only useful if you not only read it, but take action. I'm going to apply some of the techniques to both my personal and professional life (uh-oh, I guess that means less time on BDJ).
Nov 16 2011 at 11:26pm Copy Link
Roger Thomasson @ Frank

Guess we'll file this under the 'shot ourselves in the foot' category ;-)

BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 17 2011 at 8:19am Copy Link
MK Louis H - glad to help. I work on multi-billion dollar engineering projects, with hundreds of sub-projects, with many multi-disciplined teams, with world-wide legislation, codes and standards running to thousands of requirements. I've tried loads of tools and Swift has been the best at structuring info, making notes, priortitising, and assigning and tracking the changing status of tasks. And so cheap too. Well worth downloading the trial and seeing what you can make of it.
Nov 17 2011 at 8:20am Copy Link
James Evans Does anyone on here have any previous experience with this software? The Screenshot is pretty bland.
Apr 4 2012 at 12:02pm Copy Link
Trucker I pass this one... it seem to be for experts...
Apr 7 2012 at 10:29am Copy Link
James Evans No reply from the vendor
Website unnecessarily verbose and full of hype
I pass on this one too . . . .
Well, I guess I have to give them credit for increasing the speed of my decision!
Apr 7 2012 at 2:59pm Copy Link
_*_ Not that I am buying but the Policy tab states it is Lifetime free updates.
Apr 7 2012 at 8:35pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Due to the overwhelming response Effexis Software has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Apr 8 2012 at 12:00am Copy Link
Dillon Geo what is this product? it seems just some PPT slides?
Apr 8 2012 at 8:22am Copy Link
Rodger Constandse Some of these comments seem to be for another product.

This is a multimedia training program (not SQL software) and there are no "upgrade issues" because it includes lifetime updates for the program... it includes ebook, videos, workbooks and other training materials.
Effexis Software - Apr 8 2012 at 10:18am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson Not sure what was going on there -- those posts definitely seemed to be regarding a different promotion. Anyhow, they're removed :)

BitsDuJour Admin - Apr 8 2012 at 11:32am Copy Link
Moses Ntam How do I request a refund for this purchase?
Apr 24 2012 at 8:39pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Please contact the developer direct, they are the ones that handle the purchases and refunds.
BitsDuJour Admin - Apr 24 2012 at 8:39pm Copy Link
DroidLuvr No comments? Has anyone used this course -- and what did you think of it? TIA
Sep 26 2012 at 1:02pm Copy Link
Yfor You guys should focus on providing screenshots that make sense ;-) Or maybe videos that work on your website.
Sep 26 2012 at 8:52pm Copy Link
Frank Stephens Ignore the infomercial nature of the website, that turns me off, too. Effexis has good products, both multimedia and software. Load the older comments to see my review. If you choose to download it all (you can access it online, instead), you get a ton of audio and video files to go with the PDFs. For me, it was a worthwhile purchase.
Feb 10 2013 at 6:19am Copy Link
Mark Johnson Is there someplace where all the online products of the creator of Effexis are listed?
If you go to and click on products, this is not even mentioned. One of the products listed there (master your time ebook) takes you to a dead link. One of the products "Get out of Debt" takes you to an infomercial website.

If you go to the website link listed for this product on BDJ, there are no other products listed at all except the one being sold here.

If you go to you get a listing of several very similar products for sale that each have infomercial websites.

The creator of the above products also sells products/services at ,, and other similar sites.

This makes me think there are all sorts of other products and websites that I have no idea about because they are not listed on any of the above websites.

This might be a fine product, but the fact there are so many products spread across so many websites makes me very cautious of any of them.
Feb 10 2013 at 9:07am Copy Link
Rodger Constandse Hi Mark,

This is a multimedia training program offered through You can see a list of the other training products offered through that site here:

The Effexis website is focused on our software products, which is why this training product is not mentioned there (and thanks for pointing out that the products page needs to be updated.)

This offer comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. If you don't like it, you get a full refund.

Let me know if you have other questions.
Effexis Software - Feb 10 2013 at 10:37am Copy Link

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