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Virus Scan for HDR projects 3 Professional

Achieve Professional HDR Results In Your Photos

HDR Projects 3 Professional is the best tool on the market to get professional HDR results in your photos.

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HDR projects 3 Professional Virus Scan Report
HDR projects 3 Professional Virus Scan Report

What are people saying about HDR projects 3 Professional

Rick User I've used the standard version. It is an amazing piece of software!
Nov 2 2015 at 5:13pm Copy Link
Jan-Christoph Ihrens HDR projects 4 and HDR projects professional 4 have been released several weeks ago (at least in Germany). Version 3 ist still very good, especially at this price, but you should know that it's not the newest version.
Nov 11 2015 at 10:29pm Copy Link
Chris @ Jan-Christoph Ihrens ~

The fine print says 'Upgrades to future versions of the software will be free for the lifetime of the product.'
Nov 12 2015 at 12:13am Copy Link
Jan-Christoph Ihrens @Chris: Sorry, I didn't read it since I already own the product. That's a really great deal then. If you're into HDR photography, don't hesitate! :)
Nov 12 2015 at 1:02am Copy Link
Brad Awesome deal. Very nice software and Lifetime Upgrades to boot. Just purchased. This is definitely an unbeatable deal to say the least!

Thanks for bringing this to us, Bits and Franzis. I will be taking a close look at your other product offerings. Have been wanting to play around with HDR.

Thanks Again, Brad
Nov 12 2015 at 2:04am Copy Link
Bertie Brummel I doubt that you'll get Upgrades for free. The German web site for HDR 4 shows a price of 119 € for the _upgrade_ .

Looks like the often seen misleading usage of the terms "upgrade" and "update".
Nov 12 2015 at 2:04am Copy Link
denis User Can BitsDuJour confirm that this purchase covers ALL future upgrades? I already own this product, which I bought for a bit more than today's offer, but it doesn't cover future upgrades. There is nothing on their website to confirm it. If it does then I will definitely purchase this offer. I can't recommend it enough to anyone wanting to boost boring pics. It also links up to other PROJECTS software (that I got as freebies)software automatically.
Nov 12 2015 at 2:31am Copy Link
D Rogers How does this stack up against the ever popular Photomatrix hdr software? I was going to buy photomatrix, but this looks looks like a good value instead.
Nov 12 2015 at 2:37am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @denis User, I am sorry about the confusion regarding the upgrades. I just contacted the vendor asking him to clarify this.
BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 12 2015 at 3:41am Copy Link
Rick User Frankly, I won't care if there is an upgrade price for a new version. Most other photo editing software that I know of, charges an upgrade fee every time that a new version comes out. I buy updates to the OnOne suite, I used to buy updates to Paint Shop Pro and Lightroom. The Standard version of HDR Projects is amazing, and the Professional version does even more, in terms of fitting exposures together. To my mind, it did a slightly better job of combining than Photomatix, the leader in HDR processing. On the other hand, my Photomatix upgrades WERE free. ;)
Nov 12 2015 at 6:36am Copy Link
Christian User Constantin, no answer for the upgrades ?
Nov 12 2015 at 9:27am Copy Link
Keith Sheppard hi, why is the installation in german ? no english version install ? if I am to agree to terms of agreement, I need to understand the language !!! please provide a link to english when purchasing !!!! thanks
Nov 12 2015 at 12:21pm Copy Link
Bertie Brummel @ Keith:

It's a German software.
Usually software from UK / USA starts the setup in English. So why would you expect a different behaviour for this program?

You can switch to English after a few clicks though :-)
Nov 12 2015 at 1:02pm Copy Link
Brad @Keith, I too prior to installing was under the impression the download link gave me a German installation version. But the installer has both the German and English versions. I think if you proceed with the install from that German language screen the option will reveal itself to install the English language for your particular install. Cheers
Nov 12 2015 at 1:04pm Copy Link
Christian User When I tempt to activate the product with the good serial (copy-paste) number,
I have every time a message of connection error to internet
My Navigator works perfectly !
What do I have to make ?
Nov 12 2015 at 1:14pm Copy Link
Guy Guyadeen What is the difference between HDR projects 3 Professional and HDR Darkroom 3? Are they the same software, just with different names?
Nov 12 2015 at 1:20pm Copy Link
Keith Sheppard @Bertie, because if you are selling outside your own country, you cannot expect users/buyers to speak the language....

and ok, it's on the third screen! wow !

ie poor installation process !!!

thanks all for the answers !

Nov 12 2015 at 1:25pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Christian User, I have just contacted the vendor regarding the issue you mention.
BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 12 2015 at 2:34pm Copy Link
David Vaughan Are we allowed to know if this deal will be extended for another day?

I might buy if it is only v3. Probably buy if we will get an upgrade to v4. Definitely buy if it includes future major upgrades but that might be too much to ask even though that's what the fine print says.

The developer is probably asleep for a few more hours...

Did someone already answer and I missed it?

The German site that announces v4 is here (is it ok to post a URL?):
Nov 12 2015 at 5:42pm Copy Link
Floie I usually don't complain but when I tried to purchase this program the web site didn't work. Tried again through PayPal but, what appeared to be PayPal may not have been because in reviewing my activity there was nothing there but a purchase I made a few weeks ago. I am troubled by this and not feeling very secure about the information I entered on the site.
Nov 12 2015 at 11:24pm Copy Link
Christian User Thanks Constantin...
Internet problem is solved.
Nov 12 2015 at 11:33pm Copy Link
Misa User A lots of "contacting the vendor" but no single answer..... useless
Nov 12 2015 at 11:59pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Franzis Verlag GmbH has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 13 2015 at 12:11am Copy Link
projects-software Good Morning everybody. please mind that we have a different time-zone here in munich, germany.
About your questions:
@Chrstian: our prodcut manager will assist you via E-Mail with the installation process
@Guy: we´ve recently published a comparison table for all prodcuts here: http://www.projects-softw...-features/
@David: the Deal will be extended as an everyday deal.
@Bertie: i have to admit that we missunderstood the wording of upgrade and update. Patches and minor changes are free of charge, Costumers who already own a previous version get the recent one with a huge discount. Just wait for our newsletter-offer.
@ Keith: as soon as you install the software, you are asked to select the language. The initial language is of course german, because our main marked is within D/A/CH ( germany, austria, switzerland)
@D Rogers: there is a comparison table based upon our recent Version V4 with photomatix: http://www.projects-softw...hotomatix/
Franzis Verlag GmbH - Nov 13 2015 at 12:39am Copy Link
Bertie Brummel @ Keith:

"because if you are selling outside your own country, you cannot expect users/buyers to speak the language.... "

LOL. US sellers do this all the time, at least the vast majority.
Nov 13 2015 at 1:52am Copy Link
denis User BitsDuJour Team and Vincent from Franzis - Thanks for the clearing up the confusion. I purchased this offer again anyway as I needed the extra licence for my other laptops as I am based in both UK and Zimbabwe. I must add the vender's paying agent Cleverbridge are both friendly and helpful in dealing with any queries. The price today is also inclusive of tax so no nasty surprises at checkout.
Nov 13 2015 at 10:12am Copy Link
Keith Sheppard @Bertie....are you trying to justify a wrong with a wrong ? if US sellers sell in China and ONLY in English.... not very smart ! ?????????? and the whole point of an installation is also to agree to legal terms and usage of the software so how can you agree when you don't understand what is being stated. basic.

the vendor of this software kindly sent me another version.

again, BDJ. please review the fine print as I bought this with a different fine print !!! not cool to change it after the fact !

Nov 13 2015 at 11:04am Copy Link
D Rogers I went ahead and purchased this. It does the job. Basically it is a tool to fuse together 3 or 5 images. Not crazy about the presets but lightroom has tons of presets if you are into that. Also this can create a huge tiff file of 32 bits, unlike photomatrix which does 16 bits only. 20 bucks for this kind of tool is totally worth it, even though it is version 3, not 4.
Nov 13 2015 at 2:28pm Copy Link
Floie So happy this special was given another day cuz communication with my bank was hanging me up yesterday. I bought the program today and the download, registration and installation went beautifully. I'm thrilled to have this software. Will put it to very good use :)
Nov 13 2015 at 3:17pm Copy Link
Bertie Brummel @ Keith:

Looks like you're either not able to understand or don't want to accept other points of view. Every BDJ offer has a link to the vendor's website. Here it needs two left- clicks
- to open Franzi's website for HDR Projects
-to switch to the English version

and you'll find all you need(ed).

Where is your problem? Is it a lack of intelligence?
Nov 13 2015 at 3:58pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea I am sorry about the issue with the coupon code. The vendor did mention previously (beginning of November 2015) that the coupon code was to end on 31/12/2015 but for some reason it wasn't available during the last hours of the promotion.

Considering this issue, I have just contacted the vendor to see if the coupon code could be extended to work for a few more days so that everybody can purchase.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 1 2016 at 1:27am Copy Link
Doug Lietz Any word on an extension? I had left a comment yesterday about purchasing while the discount should have still been valid. But my comment seems to have been removed.
Jan 1 2016 at 5:57pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Doug Lietz, Apologies about the issue with the comments. The comments from the EveryDay deal are indeed missing but this is an issue we are aware of and we have it in our Issues Tracker.

The vendor hasn't replied yet but when he will reply and agrees to have the coupon code activated, we will be able to re-run the EveryDay deal for this product.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 2 2016 at 1:00am Copy Link
projects-software Hello, due to the different time zone the special offer was closed some hours earlier. we apologize for any inconvenience that was caused by this misscalculation.
If Florea and his timm weill agree, we will re-run the everayday deal for this product. From our side everything is prepaired already.
Franzis Verlag GmbH - Jan 7 2016 at 1:19am Copy Link

Our virus scan reports this download is 100% Clean Free Download

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