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Instant Infographics PresenceDiscount

Instant Infographics Presence

Build Infographics Quickly and Easily

Mac & PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Internet Based Software

Check it out folks! At $37.00, you're getting a whopping 92% off of a 4-year license. But it gets better. YMB Properties is extending this to a LIFETIME LICENSE exclusively for BitsDuJour customers purchasing today.

Instant Infographics Presence ScreenshotGraphic Design Software ScreenshotInstant Infographics Presence, Graphic Design Software ScreenshotInstant Infographics Presence, Design, Photo & Graphics Software ScreenshotGraphic Design Software, Instant Infographics Presence Screenshot

If you are in online marketing, you know that the hottest, most effective tool you can use today is the infographic. They convey information that is easy to understand and digest, perfect for today’s audiences who have absolutely no time to read anything beyond a simple blurb! But how can you get into the infographics game quickly? With today’s discount software promotion, Instant Infographics Presence!

Instant Infographics Presence lets you create powerful infographics that will increase your brand authority, drive traffic to your site, and increase backlinks. With Instant Infographics Presence, you’ll have access to an online WYSIWYG live editor that continually updates as you build your work without any need to refresh the screen. Best of all, Instant Infographics Presence provides you with a collection of hundreds of elements that makes building your infographic fun and easy!

Need to walk the dog, feed the baby, or run to the bathroom? No problem! Instant Infographics Presence saves your work in the cloud, so you can always come back to it. Throw in bonus features like Undo and Redo, community sharing, and step-by-step tutorials and there’s no reason not to pick up Instant Infographics Presence today!

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Northern sp. z o.o. I tried start trial, because i'm intersting in this software, but i still receive error on webpage... :
Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /home/instanti/public_html/app/wp-includes/nav-menu.php on line 577

Warning: file_put_contents(/home/instanti/public_html/app/wp-includes/../.htaccess): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/instanti/public_html/app/wp-includes/nav-menu.php on line 578

Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /home/instanti/public_html/app/wp-includes/nav-menu.php on line 579

Warning: touch(): Utime failed: Operation not permitted in /home/instanti/public_html/app/wp-includes/nav-menu.php on line 583
May 13 2016 at 12:15am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Northern sp. z o.o., I just contacted the vendor regarding the issue you mention.
BitsDuJour Admin - May 13 2016 at 12:31am Copy Link
bvssunnydale You mention that files are saved to cloud, can files also be saved locally? Also, re licensing, does the creation belong wholly to the creator or does the software manufacturer claim ownership and/or usage of the creation? Thanks.
May 13 2016 at 2:24am Copy Link
Meindert User Is your website not functioning? Can not order this. Website is not loading.
May 13 2016 at 5:59am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Meindert User, Could you please try purchasing using another browser like IE, Chome, Firefox or Opera?
BitsDuJour Admin - May 13 2016 at 6:30am Copy Link
Todd User I purchased this during a previous promotion. I tried to log in several days ago, but get the same error that everyone else is getting. The site is down.
May 13 2016 at 6:31am Copy Link
David McCartney It's more than down...their site seems to have been hijacked by a bogus security scam.
May 13 2016 at 7:34am Copy Link
Richard User I'm with bvssunnydale. Can you save your work locally? If this product requires the publisher's website to be active for it to be usable and/or if you can't save your work locally, that's a non-starter. If so, a shame, as otherwise I'm interested in this product.
May 13 2016 at 8:59am Copy Link
Todd User You can save your work locally once created, but the work is created on the website itself. The product requires the publisher's website to be active for it to be usable. So, the subscription that I paid for (previous promotion on BitDuJour) is not usable at this time.
May 13 2016 at 10:05am Copy Link
Meindert User I think there is something wrong with this offer. I managed to order but that's all. No access to the site of Infographics and what is worrying me the most is a vendor not replying to posts stating their site is hijacked and down...... How to trust in the usefullness of a webbased tool when the website is not functioning and we do not get access and only warnings like Warning: chmod(): and Warning: file_put_contents - Hope to see a reply of the vendor here on bitsdujour.
May 13 2016 at 3:11pm Copy Link
Todd User The parent website is at , but there is no mention there of their Instant Infographics Presence site being down.

They also have a Zendesk help site at https://ymbproperties.zen...m/hc/en-us . I logged in (I have a paid subscription already to Instant Infographics Presence, and therefore login credentials to the Zendesk site)... the Zendesk site is up and running (of course), but I could not find any mention of any problems about the actual user site being down. I find the lack of any information on those two sites to be really troubling.

It is real shame, because frankly I found the service to be useful and a good value when it was up and running.
May 13 2016 at 4:03pm Copy Link
YMB We are looking up the server error at the moment. Please be rest assured that we will do our best to make sure all customers are happy. Infographics Presence is a great app, and our tech team are currently on the server error. Thanks for your patience while we sort through this.
YMB - May 13 2016 at 11:19pm Copy Link
LU I am getting a lot of errors when logging in:

Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /home/instanti/public_html/app/wp-includes/nav-menu.php on line 577

Warning: file_put_contents(/home/instanti/public_html/app/wp-includes/../.htaccess): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/instanti/public_html/app/wp-includes/nav-menu.php on line 578

Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /home/instanti/public_html/app/wp-includes/nav-menu.php on line 579

Warning: touch(): Utime failed: Operation not permitted in /home/instanti/public_html/app/wp-includes/nav-menu.php on line 583
May 14 2016 at 3:04am Copy Link
SKY After reading all the comments, I wanted to get the Youzign instead, which, btw, went up to 67 dollars, but discovered that they ONLY offer PayPal which is an instant and definitive deal killer for me.

So, if this company uses only PayPal, it must be a small startup which is not very reassuring as far as the word "lifetime" goes. Thanks but no thanks for both products then. Once they grow up to offer a more reputable, trustworthy payment processor, I might reconsider.
May 14 2016 at 3:15am Copy Link
Roz Fruchtman I KNOW THESE PEOPLE (AND DO business with them for years)

YMB is a VERY responsible company. I have this program and many others from them. I know these people and if there is a problem (which there seems to be) THEY WILL fix it and make sure, as they say, that EVERYONE is happy!

Roz Fruchtman @RozSpirations
May 14 2016 at 6:49am Copy Link
Todd User I just tried the site again. Now Windows Defender blocks the site and warns that it may contain a threat to my PC. It looks like the site has indeed been hijacked.
May 14 2016 at 10:35am Copy Link
Joyce Dias I own this product and know YMB having purchased all their fabulous high quality graphics products products. Their customer support is excellent and my experience with them has been so outstanding, i have even used them as a case study to demonstrate honourable selling. You cannot go wrong with this company!
May 14 2016 at 10:58am Copy Link
Richard User I tried their website also, about an hour ago. I confirm what Todd said: The site is hijacked. I had a heck of a time getting out of it. For now, DO NOT VISIT the Instant Infographics Presence website. If you do, make sure all your anti-virus and anti-malware defenses are running and up-to-date, and that your PC is current on all security patches and is not using an out-of-date browser.

The two testimonials that have been posted here: you be the judge. They seem a little over the top to me, with each one ending with an exclamation point. I myself posted a testimonial for a different product that appeared on BDJ a few days ago (Media Monkey). I gave specifics as to why I think MediaMonkey is a great product. No such specifics here except to say that customer support is excellent.

Again, it's too bad. The demo YouTube video looked pretty good. I was considering buying a license until I learned that the product depends on the website in order to function.
May 14 2016 at 12:25pm Copy Link
Ken Taylor Question: Is there any way to make the graphic picture and graphic text a clickable link?

Thank you. Standing by.
May 14 2016 at 1:12pm Copy Link
R Master I signed up for another of YMB's services, "Youzign" last year. After a few months, I got an email telling me that they were hacked and my information was taken. I too had trouble logging onto the service, and have the emails from their support to prove it.

I just tried logging in again today, before I considered purchasing this, and guess what, it won't accept my login and the password recovery page results in a 404 error. Don't need more of these kinds of problems! Pass.
May 15 2016 at 12:56am Copy Link
YMB @bvssunnydale @David McCartney Yes, you can save files locally in your desktop and load them up in the app later and continue work on them. You have full rights over the infographics you create with this app. We will not use them or modify them in a way.

@Todd User @Richard User, you can try again now, I just logged in to confirm its working. The home page is here and the instant infographics presence app is here and both are loading fine

@Meindert User we apologise for the inconvenience please. Site is working perfectly fine now and the offer did mention we will be creating customers accounts manually and sending access details to your email. We are doing this in order of purchase. Please bear with us, we will send you your access details shortly.

@Lifetime Upgrades I think the errors are fixed now. If you are still getting these can you take a screenshot of the entire page and forward it to us at Thanks

@SKY At the moment our primary payment processor is Paypal as its what is widely accepted. However we are also working to integrate with other payment platforms. Can you reach out to our team ( so we can look this up and advice you dully on other payment options?

@Roz Fruchtman @Joyce Dias thanks, we do appreciate

@Ken Taylor the graphics you create in this app are dowbloadable as images. So you will have to hyper-link them on your web page or any other page where you are using them to make them clickable.

@R Master We are here for the long ride and everyday we put our best to our products, especially Youzign. I just logged in now and everything is working fine, including the password recovery page. Can you try again now? We'd appreciate if you can help us and put in a support ticket with details of the error/issue you experienced earlier so that our tech team will look it up and fix. Thanks!
YMB - May 15 2016 at 5:30am Copy Link
Roz Fruchtman @Richard User:

YOU seem to have a problem is you are going to determine if a testimonial is legit or not by whether it ends with an exclamation point!!! In this case the three exclamation point fit!

You can buy or not, it makes no difference to me. I get no commission for commenting here, I can only tell you what I know to be true - from my own personal experience.

@Bertrand, the founder of YMB is one of the most honorable business people that I know - from my own personal experience and from what I have seen with others. I have read MANY rave reviews from satisfied customers. The YMB team (that @Bertrand put together) is excellent and attentive and had ALWAYS made sure I was happy.

As I said, I get no commission or any perks for typing this, but I WILL NOT ALLOW you to demean or belittle my words - judged by whether I end my testimonial with an exclamation mark or not!

Roz Fruchtman
May 15 2016 at 12:55pm Copy Link
Richard User OK @Roz, my apologies.

We all know that gushing reviews often come from the keyboards of shills and aren't really someone's objective opinion. In the face of a number of negative comments here, and the fact that the website clearly was hijacked for awhile, your review and that of Ms. Dias seemed divorced from reality and also seemed to be somewhat coordinated.

It's good to know that you have such a high opinion of YMB. I'm sure people will take that into consideration when deciding whether to purchase or not.

Hopefully YMB will get their website straightened out, if they haven't already. Bad luck for them that this problem occurred during the BDJ promotion. Also, I'm not real impressed that it took them 2 days to respond to reports here in the comments section about their website problems, given that their promotion was active at that time. Since the Infographics app depends on the reliability of their website, one can understand why a prospective user might have some concerns going forward, given the events of the past 48 hours.
May 15 2016 at 2:48pm Copy Link
Meindert User Ok, I think we have an interesting discussion going on at the moment. I managed to order and got my login credentials. But after entering the members area and starting my first design I discovered I got just a simple version of YouZign for which I already own a lifetime license. Think it should be fair to mention in this offer that this is just a mini-youzign as it is the same online tool but with the infographics and some shapes as used in youzign. Think we can expect an offer for "Facebook cover maker" or "Twitter banner maker" or "instant whatever maker" with again the same tool with just some other shapes and buttons.
May 15 2016 at 3:07pm Copy Link
Todd User @Richard, Very well said!
May 15 2016 at 5:54pm Copy Link
YMB @All It is unfortunate that we hard server issue during this promotion which coincidentally also fell into the weekend and that delayed response. We apologize for the inconvenience. We have sent access details to everyone who purchased till yesterday, and will be sorting out purchases for the past 24hours shortly. We actually run one of the best support platforms in our industry (based on customer feedback). Check us out on Thanks for your patience and support.
YMB - May 16 2016 at 6:46am Copy Link

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