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MyDraw is an advanced diagramming software application and vector graphics tool that represents a cost-effective alternative to Visio.

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What are people saying about MyDraw

Ronald Jurman Looks quite interesting, although I wish the license at least included a laptop plus desktop inclusion (versus single computer).

Downloaded the trial. Description above includes UML diagrams, which would be my focus, but I can't find anything on the website or in the program that suggests that that is the case.

Am I missing something? Or is the description inaccurate?
Apr 1 2018 at 12:39pm Copy Link
Chris @ Ronald Jurman

Activate MyDraw Product Licenses
If you have purchased a license for MyDraw, you can activate it as follows:

Launch MyDraw and create a new blank drawing
Click the File menu and then About
Enter the username (e-mail) and password of your MyDraw account
Click the Activate button to activate the software
Restart MyDraw for changes to take effect

Revoke or Transfer MyDraw Licenses

At any time you can transfer you license to another computer by deactivating it first on your current computer and then activating the license on the new computer following the above procedure. To deactivate your license on your current computer, do the following:

Launch MyDraw and create a new blank drawing
Click the File menu and then About
Enter the username (e-mail) and password of your MyDraw account
Click the Deactivate button to deactivate the software
Restart MyDraw for changes to take effect
After deactivating a license on one computer, you will be able to activate it on another computer.
Apr 1 2018 at 6:10pm Copy Link
Ronald Jurman @ Chris,

Saw that.

Going through that process twice a day sounds like a bit much,
(and if the active computer has a malfunction, SOL.)

No thoughts on UML diagrams?
Apr 1 2018 at 6:55pm Copy Link
MyDraw The licenses for MyDraw are per user/computer and are revocable - you can revoke the license you have activated in order to activate it for a different computer which uses the same OS.

Regarding UML diagrams - we currently don't provide support for UML diagrams. Our plans are to develop UML diagram shapes and specific UML diagram functionality with the upcoming versions of MyDraw.
Nevron Software - Apr 2 2018 at 1:29am Copy Link
Ronald Jurman Yep, that's the license, precisely as I understood and understand it. No question, not confused. Never stated any different, just "wished" it was different than "(single computer)".

And I clarified above why, in that the license (as stated/agreed) is a real turn off for individual buyers that use a laptop during the day (or when they travel) versus a desktop in the evening (or variations), as well as users who fear they will lose their one and only license if their computer malfunctions.

You're losing customers with that license!

As to the UML diagrams "we currently don't provide support for UML diagrams" doesn't match up well with the product description that says "you’ll be able to build flowcharts, ... , floor plans, UML diagrams, ...". If the product doesn't support them (and no, future doesn't count), don't put that capability prominently in the product description!

Don't advertise capabilities that the product doesn't have!

It looks like a decent product at a good price, but the deal has some poison pills that will probably turn many potential buyers away.
Apr 2 2018 at 10:41am Copy Link
MyDraw Thank you for your feedback, it is highly appreciated.
We will do our best to improve the user experience and licensing. The development of the UML shapes and UML diagram functionality is in our top priority list.
Nevron Software - Apr 3 2018 at 1:59am Copy Link
f vn Hi, can I open Visio files with this program on my mac, so that the Visio file is exactly the same as in this program?
Jul 13 2018 at 6:07am Copy Link
Nick H "With MyDraw, you’ll be able to build flowcharts, organizational charts, mind maps, network diagrams, floor plans, UML diagrams and general business diagrams"

How are they allowed to advertise like this when they have zero UML diagrams? There's absolutely no templates for class, sequence, use case, state or component diagrams.
Jul 13 2018 at 9:55pm Copy Link
42gr Hi there
I tried getting help from the website after buying the software but no one is responding. I'm trying to use the jump lines feature in drawing an electrical circuit. I've enabled it and tried all permutations of self and other. I can't get it to work. The help file in the product and on your website has zero references to the feature. Could you verify the feature works please. I downloaded the latest version, registered it (professional version) and also rebooted it. Not working so far.
Thanks. George
Jul 14 2018 at 12:48am Copy Link
AG Bought it, followed the directions, will not activate. No username provided, only a password. Never mind. Password supplied had an extra character
Jul 14 2018 at 8:35pm Copy Link
Jon Spain Can MyDraw import indented text files like AllClear and create the diagrams?
Mar 28 2019 at 2:00am Copy Link
MyDraw You can print and export to PDF your MyDraw drawings.MyDraw features Visio drawings and stencils import and export. This makes MyDraw a perfect tool to view and edit Visio drawings and stencils.

The user interface of MyDraw is similar to the user interface of Microsoft Office products, so you can quickly start working with it.
Nevron Software - Mar 28 2019 at 2:43am Copy Link
Jon Spain Was that supposed to be a repy to my simple question or is that coming later?
Mar 28 2019 at 2:50am Copy Link
MyDraw At the moment this feature is not supported. Please send a sample or sketch to so we can evaluate if the feature can be implemented in our software. Thank you!
Nevron Software - Mar 28 2019 at 4:30am Copy Link
Richard Blake I see from your website that purchase includes one major version upgrade. Must that apply to the next major version, or can it be deferred to a following major version? What is the current discount for paid major version upgrades, and do you have an annual maintenance fee that covers that?
The review (1/31/19) reported trouble with vsdx exports. (That implies that other imports/exports they tried were fine, which is very good.) Any comment on that? Do you find that swapping files between MyDraw and other drawing software is important to many of your users?
Mar 28 2019 at 11:39am Copy Link
Sebastian User Purchased a license. Activation fails with an HTTP 400 error. It goes through validating my credentials, though. So it's definitely a server-side error. Any help would be appreciated.

I understand that software has to be activated. I do not understand why customers are left alone when activation servers fail.
Mar 29 2019 at 12:11am Copy Link
Robert Crombie There is one feature in flowcharts that I have never found (or has not been adequate enough) -
The ability to attach a note to a shape.
The note could be very large (nearly as big as the screen).
It remains hidden until you mouse over an icon (or whatever).
There would be an easy way to dismiss it (eg move the mouse top right).
If you click in the exposed note, you can edit it.
Does today's software have this ability ?
Does anyone know of software that can do that ?

I have searched for this ability for years,
Mar 29 2019 at 1:20am Copy Link
MyDraw Sebastian User are you using a proxy server, if so please discontinue and try to activate the software without the proxy. If the issue persists we can generate a key for offline usage. Thank you!
Nevron Software - Mar 29 2019 at 1:58am Copy Link
MyDraw Hi Robert,

This is possible with MyDraw.

Below the "Shape Library" you can use the "Callout Shape library" to type a note and also move the icon. After you "drop it" if the selected "Callout Shape" has a control point you can connect that control point to the desired port or contour of the other shape.
Nevron Software - Mar 29 2019 at 2:27am Copy Link
John Charles Herzberg Do you offer a lifetime license?
Mar 29 2019 at 3:44am Copy Link
MyDraw Yes, MyDraw license is perpetual and valid for single computer.
Nevron Software - Mar 29 2019 at 3:56am Copy Link
Richard Blake @Herzberg, please understand that 'lifetime license' is not a term with a universally agreed definition. MyDraw has replied that your license will last a lifetime (presumably yours, not your computer's, since the license is transferable) - it does not expire after a year or other term. Actually, it can last multiple lifetimes, as you are entitled to transfer your license to another party. That is unusual and valuable, especially to businesses that need to reassign the software as workers come and go. That you can install the software on both your machines and transfer the license is more generous than many licenses that limit installation to one computer at a time, or even limit the number of times you can run the installer, after which [in some licenses] you may contact the company and have the count extended or reset.

The license is posted at

The license does not state that you are entitled to a lifetime of free upgrades (major version changes), or even free updates (minor version number changes). [Most licenses provide free updates, but differ in how long: typically either until the next major version, or for a year after purchase.] There is no guarantee that there will be future updates, even to correct errors. If upgrades are made available, you are entitled to them, if the software is "identified by Nevron as eligible for the upgrade". That's language I've never seen before; my only guess is that the software is eligible only if at the prior major version number, i.e. that you have acquired prior upgrades as they became available.

On it says
•MyDraw Standard licenses are perpetual
•The Standard license provides no charge upgrade to the next major version
and later, in the Sales FAQ:
How long is my license valid for?
MyDraw Standard licenses are perpetual and will provide no charge upgrade to the next paid version.
This means that it is a one-time purchase and the version you have licensed will not expire.
You can upgrade to the latest version of the application on a preferential price.
For more information regarding upgrades please contact MyDraw Sales

Version history is at Appears complete up to 3.0. They moved from 3.0 to 3.9.0 between Sep 2018 and now, but no details on those releases. Announcements at etc. Going from 1.0 to 3.9 in 1 year, 9 months is pretty aggressive. I expect v4 could be announced in the next three to six months. That should make the UML diagrammers happy.

Oddly (to me), once you have upgraded you are no longer entitled to use the earlier version of MyDraw - no moving the license back to an older copy on another machine. (Why bother imposing that restriction?) So if you have a collection of drawings that you wish to use after upgrade you better hope that the new version can properly open files saved under the earlier version. Also, if the new version saves those older files (not to mention new files) in a form that is incompatible with the earlier version, then you will not be able to exchange those files with any user still using the old version. Probably not a problem for the individual user, but a concern for a company with many users possibly at multiple locations, or anyone who exchanges their output with other companies.

The author(s) may decide to freeze the product and develop a replacement, presumably with additional features, a ground-up rewrite in a different language, etc, and give the new product a new name. You may be offered an opportunity to "upgrade" to the new product at a discount, but the license is silent on that point. This has happened to me, terminating my 'lifetime free upgrades'.

Support: "MyDraw provides free support for registered and trial users." Details at

Some companies leave prior builds of their software available for future download by licensees, so they can collect later updates to which they are entitled but didn't download when posted, or if they lost the backup of their download. Other companies make available only the current build. Nevron appears to be in the latter camp.
Mar 29 2019 at 9:20am Copy Link
Robert Crombie Mydraw replied with this -
This is possible with MyDraw.
Below the "Shape Library" you can use the "Callout Shape library" to type a note and also move the icon. After you "drop it" if the selected "Callout Shape" has a control point you can connect that control point to the desired port or contour of the other shape.

My additional query
I experimented with Visio 2010, and could not get Callout to adequately do what I wanted. Over the years a few people have asked how to do what I want, in Visio, and none of them got what they needed.
Is MyDraw different from Visio (regarding callouts) ?
Mar 30 2019 at 5:01am Copy Link
JOI Awesome deal! $34.50 on sale from $69.00!

These types of programs are usually crazy expensive..
Apr 9 2019 at 9:42am Copy Link
Chuck @myDraw - I share @Richard Blake's concern about the unclear license and aggressive development timeline. While I would love to support even though I own Visio, I find the choice difficult given you will, in all likelihood, release the next major version in the coming few months (if not weeks) at an additional cost to those who just recently invested in your product.

Please clarify your release timeline and/or upgrade policy/timeline with respect to customer purchase and release of the next major version.
Apr 9 2019 at 5:37pm Copy Link
Captain B Would I be able to install this on my desktop and laptop with a single license?
Apr 9 2019 at 10:02pm Copy Link
MyDraw @Chuck

I am sorry to inform you that the release date has not been confirmed for the moment. However, regarding the upgrade policy- if you have a version below v.3 you will have to pay 50% for the newest-v. 4.0. Additionally, if you have a version above 3.x the upgraded- v.4.0 will be free.
Nevron Software - Apr 10 2019 at 1:01am Copy Link
MyDraw @Larry Neuton

Unfortunately, you won't be able to have MyDraw running on both desktop and laptop with a single license ( at the same time). To use, for example, the desktop you need to deactivate the software on the laptop and vice versa.
Nevron Software - Apr 10 2019 at 1:05am Copy Link
Jon Spain DoesMyDraw export to Excel (as well as importing from Excel), please? Also, please offer a different license covering PC and laptop owned by same person, used at different time.
Apr 10 2019 at 1:23am Copy Link
MyDraw In MyDraw you can Import from Excel ( keeping the specified format of data) but you cannot Export to Excel. In addition, you can use it on 2 machines ( not at the same time). If the license for the software is active on the laptop, it has to be deactivated on the desktop. However, it is still 1 license.
Nevron Software - Apr 10 2019 at 2:50am Copy Link
Jon Spain Thanks, Excel export would just be a nice feature and should, in theory, be possible if you can go the other way. However, the license is just too restricted to be practical. So many other software vendors allow two owned devices but not at the same time that I'm really surprised that you can't do that.
Apr 10 2019 at 3:33am Copy Link
MyDraw You can use it on 2 machines ( not at the same time).
Nevron Software - Apr 10 2019 at 3:47am Copy Link
Chuck @MyDraw Just to clarify, if we buy this version (3.9), we will get the 4.0 version for free when it is released, correct?
Apr 10 2019 at 5:15am Copy Link
MyDraw @Chuck

Yes, this is correct
Nevron Software - Apr 10 2019 at 5:28am Copy Link
Captain B How much time does it take to activate and deactivate the license when going from desktop to laptop back and forth several times during the day?
Apr 11 2019 at 9:08am Copy Link
Todd User UPDATED (one problem resolved, another problem surfaced):
Although cumbersome, I was eventually able to get the window resized out of full-screen mode. Once the window was resized, it appears to "stick" after the program is closed and re-started, and the GUI size drag handles and resize buttons are now working properly. So, the problem I originally described is now resolved.
Now I am trying to figure out how to unlock the trial version. I followed the directions and used the download link provided by BitsduJour, but there is no menu item (that I can find) to enter a serial number ("password") to unlock the trial mode (and remove the trial version watermark).
Users with UHD monitors beware: I purchased this software without testing it first. I run a Windows 10 Pro system with triple 4K monitors. This software misbehaves and apparently does not understand multiple monitors and/or UHD resolution. The software does work, but ONLY in full screen mode, and resizing the GUI does NOT work on my system. The resizing drag does not function, and the maximize and restore buttons (upper right hand corner) do not function correctly.
Apr 12 2019 at 12:02am Copy Link
MyDraw @Laury Neuton

It only takes a couple of seconds.
Nevron Software - Apr 12 2019 at 1:21am Copy Link
MyDraw @Todd User

To activate the license you can follow the below instructions from the link:

The software has been tested on a 4K monitor and no issue was found. However, we have not tested it on multiple 4K monitors. We will make sure to check your query and make an update if necessary.

Thank you for your feedback!
Nevron Software - Apr 12 2019 at 1:35am Copy Link
Ela S. Hallo,

Pls can you give a comparison in practice between MyDraw - EDraw - Visio?

Really like the function in MyDraw to create own forms.

Thanks and regards

Ela S.
Apr 12 2019 at 11:47am Copy Link
Felix User Helloo Ela S.
Where and how you can find the function in MyDraw to create own forms?
Thanks in advance,
Apr 12 2019 at 2:02pm Copy Link
MyDraw 1) MyDraw has a lot of Automatic Layouts that help you arrange even large diagrams with ease. It has great support for drawing themes and creating 1D and 2D barcode. MyDraw also comes with powerful Rich Text formatting, comparable to Microsoft Word. MyDraw' Visio Import and Export are among the best in the industry.

2)You will be able to upgrade from version 3.9 to 4.0 freely.

3)Yes, but you will have to transfer the license from one machine to the other and vice versa.

4)The timeline chart is not available in MyDraw, but in a future upgrade, we might include it. Currently, you can import such charts from Visio.
Nevron Software - Jul 2 2019 at 1:20am Copy Link
Jaap Aap Hi, the activation/deactivation approach somewhat worries me. If deactivation has not taken place before reinstalling (for example in case of a harddrive crash), it seems that the reinstalled software could no longer be activated? Could you please elaborate on the possibilities in such a case? Thanks!
Jul 4 2019 at 4:08am Copy Link
MyDraw In such case you can contact us and we will make the adjustments so you can use the software again.
Nevron Software - Jul 4 2019 at 4:13am Copy Link
JW I've been using a trial edition, and confess I am impressed by the capability of this program.
However, just a query about the Licensing of this software, related to this offer:
The Fine Print states that "Each license allows installation on 1 computer." whereas if I wander over to the website it states "May be used on 2 computers"
Is this a limitation applied only this particular 'deal' because it's 50% off?

Also, does this offer include the 'Subscription' for one year (to provide for any updates) ?
Aug 20 2019 at 2:48am Copy Link
MyDraw Hello @JW,

I am very happy to hear that you are satisfied with MyDraws' functionality.

Regarding the Subscription-Upgrades to future versions of the software will be free up to 1 year after the purchase. For versions after that, upgrades will require additional payment, which will be discounted by 50%. The subscription discount is valid if the order is made within 1 year after the expiry date.

For the license, it is transferrable between the machines.
Nevron Software - Aug 20 2019 at 3:51am Copy Link
JW Hello @MyDraw - thanks for that response, but did you deliberately omit to answer the main question as to the number of PCs this can be installed on?
Aug 20 2019 at 4:39am Copy Link
MyDraw Hello @JW,

Currently, we are offering 1 license per computer. We are planning on implementing the option for 2 licenses per user, as we have noticed that it would benefit and ease our users. Most likely this will be done after the summer promotion has ended.
Nevron Software - Aug 20 2019 at 5:09am Copy Link
Benjamin User It would be much better if you could allow us to deregister our license when we use your software on another computer or when we have a computer issue and that we must reinstall Windows. I recently had a lot of issues with Windows 10 and had to reinstall everything more than twice and some software with similar license system didn't allow me to re-use my serial number as after reinstallation my computer wasn't recognized and the system thought I was installing the program on a new computer while it was the same one. I had to contact the Customer service in order to be able to continue using the software.
I think you should find a more convenient license system.
Aug 21 2019 at 1:06am Copy Link
Bruque Pono Bruque
Hello !
I like MyDraw but the password you gave me yesterday does not work. I paid but I am in an evaluation mode. Tt"s not cool !
Aug 21 2019 at 3:45am Copy Link
MyDraw Hello Bruque Pono,
We have send you an e-mail, please check your inbox.
Nevron Software - Aug 21 2019 at 5:03am Copy Link
Robert Crombie There is a feature that I have not yet found in any flow charting software.
I would like the ability to have a small 'shape' (textbox) on the chart, which may have a couple of words showing.
I would then like to attach a large note/comment to that shape.
When I mouse over the shape, the note/comment shows like a giant tooltip.
If I click the shape, I have the ability to open the large note/comment, and edit it.
I have found a couple of program that nearly have that ability, BUT I have yet to find one that allows that note/comment to be as big as the whole screen (if required).
Can your program do that ?.
Oct 2 2019 at 3:12am Copy Link
MyDraw Hello, Robert Crombie. MyDraw does support adding tooltips to shapes. The tooltip text or image will then show when the mouse pointer is over the shape.

To get the ability to set shape tooltips, you should first switch MyDraw to developer mode by clicking File, then "Options" and checking the "Developer Mode" check box. After you restart MyDraw, right click any shape, select "Shape Properties" and open the "Interactivity" tab page. You will see the "Tooltip" property at the bottom of the page. Click it, select "Tooltip" instead of "Automatic" and specify the tooltip text. In the current version of MyDraw (4.1.1) the tooltip text box is single line, but we will make it a multiline text box for the next version of the software.
Nevron Software - Oct 2 2019 at 4:35am Copy Link
Robert Crombie Thanks for reply.
In the meantime (with ver 4.1.1), is there another way to 'skin my cat'
EG Can we have 'child' flowcharts and have links to them in the main flow chart ?
I could live with creating 'children' flowcharts, as long as they can easily be called from the main flow chart.
Oct 2 2019 at 4:49pm Copy Link
MyDraw Hello, Robert Crombie. Do you mean that you need something like a hyperlink shape that goes to another page when clicked? We plan to add such feature to MyDraw in the near future.
Nevron Software - Oct 3 2019 at 2:05am Copy Link
Robert Crombie I believe I mean that
I was thinking the extra pages would be stored as children of the parent flow chart.
Presumably if I store the extra pages in a sub folder (of my DO file manager), that will meet my needs.
PS I was checking out 'eDraw Max' yesterday.
Their latest version is very close to my dream.
We can add a comment, and the resulting tooltip can be as long, and as wide as the comment (no line wrapping, like their earlier version did)
The only annoyance is, they decided to place the top left corner of the Tooltip in the same spot as the clickable/mouse'able icon on the shape. that means if I have a comment attached to a shape that is near the bottom of my flowchart, then most of the tooltip is off screen. What they should have done is show the Tooltip in a fashion that it is always center of the screen. If I were coding that, i would place a small X top right (of the tooltip display), and position the mouse in the center of the Tooltip. When the user wishes to dismiss the tooltip, they just need to mouse over the X (they don't have to click it)
PPS Not planning to purchase Edraw Max for 2 reasons -
1) Too expensive
2) Does not work in XP (where I do my VB6 programming, (for friends)
Oct 4 2019 at 3:26am Copy Link
MrZebulon Hello.
My version 2.3.1 of MyDraw doesn't work with the latest Win 10/64 anymore. Two posts in the MyDraw forum but no answer. :-(
The start screen appears and disappears, that's all. No program start or further error message.
Dec 2 2019 at 7:52am Copy Link
Mitchell User I want to purchase a license. Will the activation code be sent to me in an email or do I have to activate on line. I figured out how I can paste the activation code into the blank in the about window on the file menu. That is my strong preference.
Dec 2 2019 at 9:02am Copy Link
A B What type of design elements/icons do you have for network diagrams?
Jul 28 2020 at 1:30pm Copy Link
Mark C I like what I see to a point but it does not have enough. There is no way to insert any dates, start to finish. Like for a construction job. So, you can insert the start date then add the # of days to complete the job, and the end date pops up at the end date.
Jul 28 2020 at 5:51pm Copy Link
MyDraw Hello @A B,

Regarding the network shapes, at the moment we have the specific shapes in the Network Shapes library. In the upcoming version 5.0.0, we have added a new shapes library which will contain a variety of shapes on multiple topics.
Nevron Software - Jul 29 2020 at 1:41am Copy Link
MyDraw Hello @Mark C,

Currently, we do not have this functionality, to add days to the dates.
Nevron Software - Jul 29 2020 at 1:44am Copy Link
Robert Crombie I wrote this back (in the older comments) on 29 Mar 2019
There is one feature in flowcharts that I have never found (or has not been adequate enough) -
The ability to attach a note to a shape.
The note could be very large (nearly as big as the screen).
It remains hidden until you mouse over an icon (or whatever).
There would be an easy way to dismiss it (eg move the mouse top right).
If you click in the exposed note, you can edit it.
Does today's software have this ability ?
Does anyone know of software that can do that ?

I have searched for this ability for years,
PS An answer was posted, but I am fairly sure it does not cater for all of the above (EG is hidden until clicked , or moused)
Jul 29 2020 at 3:06am Copy Link
MyDraw Hello @Robert Crombie,
We do not have the exact functionality but a similar feature is a tooltip. It can be activated in MyDraw from Shape Properties -> Interactivity -> Tooltip.
Nevron Software - Jul 29 2020 at 3:50am Copy Link
Nick User I own an IT services company and have the occasional need to create network maps and floorplans for our new office/new building network documentation. I had been using another product (initials SD) for many years, but it was getting dated, and not always the easiest to use. Last year I discovered and tried MyDraw and found it to be a superior product for my needs.

The learning curve is pretty quick, but the power and flexibility is almost unlimited. Creating and modifying network diagrams was much faster, and it's also very easy to import your own artwork or photos to really customize the equipment. My clients have commented how professional our network documentation packages are, and MyDraw helps us create the visuals quickly and cost-effectively.

This is a great product at the full retail price, but an absolute steal at 51% off.
Feb 14 2021 at 9:54am Copy Link
HJ User I installed the program, and started working with the provided genealogy form. The form allows for inclusion of first and last name an married name and date of birth and location of birth.

1. Can data that is input into a template be exported to a delimited text file? As far as I can tell, only the name and year of birth data is displayed in the form.

2. Can new categories of information be added, such as date of x, date of y and date of z.

3. Is there a way of displaying all of he input date on the diagram display?

4. Is there a manual in pdf form?
Apr 20 2021 at 10:32am Copy Link
MyDraw Hello HJ,

Thank you for your interest in our diagramming software. In regards to your queries:

1.In MyDraw there is not a standard form like a structured form to fill in for this type of data. If you have seen or aware of any data form in the genealogy field we would be happy to add it to our software so the process is more automated and structured.
2. The genogram shapes have a predefined data structure, but you can edit this format to your needs ( add/ remove/ create borderlines, text blocks, information, etc.)
3. Could you explain in more detail? If it is to input it on one sheet, you can expand the page size.
4. The functionality of each genogram shapes is in the contextual menu.
Nevron Software - Apr 21 2021 at 12:29am Copy Link
HJ User I do not think you understood my prior questions.

1. I used the genealogy template as an example. That template permits input of several items of data about each person. However, it only displays the name and date of birth.

A. Can it be made to display all of the input fields?

B. Can additional fields be added?

C. Once the various data has been entered for each person, can the whole diagram be exported to a delimited text file?

D. Is there a way for the program to import a delimited text file, so that the data will be input from that text file to the diagram?

2. I take it from your answer 4 that there is no user manual in pdf or Word format. Am I correct?
Apr 21 2021 at 11:31am Copy Link
William W. User I purchased MyDraw version 5.01 when it was offered in February of this year, and installed it.
I found no way of registering it, and left it alone for the time being.
I now discovered the comment by Chrios of MyDraw, dated April 1, 2018, in which he explains that you have to create a blank page, drop down to the About screen, and then follow the Activate instructions.
That appeared to work (I have a MyDraw account), until I hit a crucial small screen telling me to enter name (i.e. email) and password.
There everything stopped, because entry proved impossible into the indicated entry boxes, which were dead ass a doornail.
In conclusion: I still have an unregistered (unactivated) program.

I would sincerely appreciate hearing from the developer how I can activate the program.

William W. Geertsema
Jun 2 2021 at 5:59pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @William W. User, I just contacted the vendor regarding the issue you mentioned.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jun 3 2021 at 4:19am Copy Link
Wearsie Jackson Just a really good piece of software! Great support team.

Do yourself a favor and snag this amazing deal! -- Weerz
Aug 24 2021 at 12:00pm Copy Link
Alok G In the fine print, it says "Transfer of a license to another owned computer is allowed."

However, on the website, it says "You can transfer each License Key to a different computer an unlimited number of times, as long as you have an active MyDraw Subscription. After the one-year period has ended, your License Keys are valid, but will not be transferable to a different computer."

Which one of the two is correct?

Also, as each license allows installation on two computers, it is allowed to install on one computer for the time being, and another one later after the one-year period has ended and there is no active subscription?
Aug 24 2021 at 12:01pm Copy Link
MyDraw Hello,
Thank you for your interest in our diagramming software. Until you have a subscription plan you can download upgrades and transfer your license to different machines.
Nevron Software - Aug 25 2021 at 2:34am Copy Link
Alok G Ok. So that means that the first statement, in the fine print here, ("Transfer of a license to another owned computer is allowed.") is not fully correct as this is allowed only when active subscription plan is there. Thanks.
Aug 25 2021 at 3:18am Copy Link
Ralph Montague I Just purchased your software. Have problems activating. The email sent to me does not contains a license. When I try to activate the license from the software, it is not connecting to your servers.
How do I obtain my license number?
Nov 12 2021 at 1:14pm Copy Link
geo User @MyDraw: Question on the licencing terms.
The web site states that after one year if there is no active subscription the software cannot be transferred to another PC. Is this also true for this promotion?
If I purchase and I do not install and activate the software until after the subscription expires can I install and activate on 2 PCs that the licence allows me to do in the first place? OR can I install and activate on one PC during the first year and then install and activate the second PC that the licence allows me to originally do, after the subscription expires, say for example 2 years down the road? What happens if a PC breaks down after a year an a new motherboard is installed, will I be able to continue using the software after the motherboard is replaced? NOTE: after the new motherboard is installed the PC footprint will be different, does that make a difference to the software activation?
Nov 12 2021 at 3:02pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Nevron Software has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 13 2021 at 12:11am Copy Link
Peter User From the EULA : ' If you MyDraw Subscription has expired, the License Keys that you own will continue to be valid, but will not be transferable to a different computer.'. You state in your advertising material 'Affordable Buy-Once Use-Forever licensing with an option for a subscription.'

These are not consistent and the latter may even be misleading.

Such a shame as I was about to drop the cash for a license, but your activation terms are a deal killer for me. If I change my PC at any time in the future, I expect to be able to install, activate and use fully all perpetual licenses I own, without incurring additional cost.
Nov 13 2021 at 2:28am Copy Link
geo User Unfortunately still no answer to my previous question about the licencing terms.
That translates to no purchase and a few flags going up.
Based on the licence description at the authors website it appears that this software has changed to a subscription model even though the lingo used tries to make it appear that it is not. If you need a subscription to move a lifetime use program from one PC to another say for example in 2-3 years when your hardware and op system get to the point of being somewhat old to handle other applications for example, then it is a subscription model, simple as that.
I kind of believe the author is loosing sales and erodes a good user base in the long run or maybe even in the short run.
Nov 13 2021 at 4:11pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Nevron Software has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 14 2021 at 12:11am Copy Link
Rick Also a deal killer for me: "You can transfer each License Key to a different computer an unlimited number of times, as long as you have an active MyDraw Subscription. After the one-year period has ended, your License Keys are valid, but will not be transferable to a different computer."
Nov 14 2021 at 4:22pm Copy Link
Gary Mugford I have successfully created my account at MyDraw. I go to About and click on the register and manage to frustrate myself. It's a weekend, so I don't think support is available, the perils of purchasing on a weekend. But just REGISTERING my copy of the program shouldn't require completing a Zork On-Line Adventure to do so. And I say 'MY COPY' because when I look at my licences, I have TWO, although there is only my order from Bits duJour listed.

All I am interested in is registering my software. Is that asking too much? I appreciate piracy is everywhere and this is how you folks make a living. So, there has to be a mechanism to foil the buy once, use hundred times crowd. But this licensing fails in it's core task.

The ACTIVATION FAIL cites Index and length must refer to a location within the string Parameter name: length. A couple of times I somehow managed to get to a further level error. DEACTIVATION FAILED: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Somebody forgot to use a zero-based array and executed objTarget.count at the end of the processing loop rather than (objTarget.count-1). Just a wild-assed guess at the object name, but as a Pascal programmer, I've stumbled at this kind of thing often enough. OR, it is something else entirely.

I either case, not impressive.

Looking forward to daylight hours wherever, and dealing with a person to salvage this sale.
Nov 14 2021 at 6:52pm Copy Link
Jason Howard The MyDraw License is perpetual, which means that you do not need to pay any recurring fees to continue using MyDraw after you have purchased it.

"You can transfer each License Key to a different computer an unlimited number of times, as long as you have an active MyDraw Subscription. If your MyDraw Subscription has expired, the License Keys that you own will continue to be valid, but will not be transferable to a different computer."

No Thanks.
May 20 2022 at 3:02am Copy Link
MyDraw Thank you for your comment. MyDraw license is perpetual, meaning that once activated you can always use the licensed software version. MyDraw's Subscription is needed if you must transfer the license key to a new machine, and want to benefit from future updates. Therefore if you are happy with the current version( functionalities, UI, features, do not need to transfer it after the 1 year has ended) you do not have to purchase the Subscription Renewal plan.
Nevron Software - May 20 2022 at 5:23am Copy Link
eb235 In short MyDraw license is perpetual on a perpetual computer.
@MyDraw : Any advice on a sound model ?
May 20 2022 at 11:04am Copy Link
Paul User I was literally seconds away from purchasing this software, when thankfully I had the foresight to check the small print in the EULA:

"You can transfer each License Key to a different computer an unlimited number of times, as long as you have an active MyDraw Subscription. If your MyDraw Subscription has expired, the License Keys that you own will continue to be valid, but will not be transferable to a different computer."

I could never agree to such terms. Regrettably, you have just lost a potential customer.
May 21 2022 at 3:10am Copy Link
Peter User I would really like to buy this, but like Paul above, I cannot agree that I can only transfer my 'perpetual' licence to another computer if I have a subscription.
Another sale lost...........
May 21 2022 at 5:43am Copy Link
Donald User It's not a perpetual license if it requires a subscription to be perpetual. I was actually thinking of getting this until I read this post. Thanks for the information.
Jul 9 2022 at 8:31am Copy Link
geo User @Peter User, agreed.
I would have purchased long time ago if it wasn't for these terms.
So, I still use my Visio copy from 2007 !!
Jul 9 2022 at 11:11pm Copy Link
Donald User I have SmartDraw somewhere on CDROM from around 2004.
Jul 10 2022 at 7:35am Copy Link
Paul I also considered purchasing MyDraw. But based on the posts (thanks for sharing) I won't.
Makes me wondering how accurate the information presented on BDJ is.
Jul 10 2022 at 11:22am Copy Link
H.J. User Dit aanbod is geen lifetime license. Als je di koopt krijg je een jaar uitgaven en geen levenslange licensie.
Dit is dus een miskoop waar je later pas achter komt.
Puur bedrog.
Aug 5 2022 at 1:10am Copy Link
Nick User This is a terrific piece of software and stands up well against Visio and SmartDraw at a fraction of the price, especially with the current BitsDuJour offer. I've been using this for more than a year to produce beautiful, attractive floorplans and network illustrations for my IT Services business and it has more than exceeded my expectations. While it may at first appear somewhat daunting, they have a great online library of tutorials that will help get you up an running quickly. They have thousands of templates, shape libraries and clipart as well as letting you import your own. Whatever types of diagrams you need to create, MyDraw has the chops to handle it.

This is a great value at its full retail price, but an absolute steal at the BDJ spend. Run, don't walk to the checkout page and get it before this deal expires.
Aug 5 2022 at 7:56am Copy Link
Richard User Description says If you do not renew your MyDraw Subscription within 30 days after the expiration date, you will later have to purchase a new MyDraw License to continue receiving the MyDraw Subscription benefits.
FinePrint says Upgrades to future versions of the software will be free for 12 months. For versions after that, upgrades will require additional payment, which will be discounted by 50%
Are both statements true?
Note: Current subscription price is $36/year
Aug 5 2022 at 8:20am Copy Link
Peter User I'm glad to see that this time, it has been made clear that you will need to pay extra fees if you want to transfer your 'perpetual' licence to another computer after 12 months. The cost of the subscription renewal is currently $36 for 12 months. Given that mysraw is on offer on BDJ for just over half of that and appears on here regularly, it might be better just to buy a new licence. Personally I dislike subscription requirements of any kind, so will once again be passing on this deal.
Aug 5 2022 at 12:58pm Copy Link
Chuck I have this, but almost never use it, even if it is a strong Visio alternative.

That said, keep in mind this software's update history:

5.0.2 (current) 5/11/2021
5.01 12/11/2020
5.0.0 11/17/2020
4.3.0 1/31/2020
4.2.0 11/19/2019


Given its glacial development pace, it may be worth acquiring at this price point, not worry about license expiration, and buy it again via BDJ when a major revision comes along.
Aug 5 2022 at 6:00pm Copy Link
Rod User You are seriously using 4 different monetizing systems?

1. Subscription
2. Subscription lock in by require full payment to resume subscruption if you let it expire.
3. License transfer locking
4. Version locking

I liked the demo but this just piles on too much. At the very least you should be allowed to transfer old versions to a new computer. Motherboards die suddenly don't punish people for having a bad experience.
Sep 29 2022 at 8:21am Copy Link
Jacen :Launch MyDraw and create a new blank drawing
Click on the File menu and then on About
Enter the username (e-mail) and password of your MyDraw account
Click the Activate button to activate the software
Restart MyDraw for changes to take effect
Activate MyDraw product licenses

I am in much the same situation as
William W. User: = 156762
I bought version 5.4 of MyDraw this year sue DuDay, and I installed it.
I found no way to record it and left it alone at the moment.
I did receive my order eMail but no license or way to activate the software.
This may be specific to the new version BitsDuJour.
Feb 18 2023 at 12:31pm Copy Link
Richard Blake url for EULA shown on Fine Print page is obsolete. Correct url is
Feb 18 2023 at 1:05pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Nevron Software has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Feb 19 2023 at 12:11am Copy Link
Gary User registration information for programs bought through BitsDuJour used to be so simple because the receipt from BitsDuJour would contain a download link and the registration code for the purchased program. Now it seems we have to wait until the developer of the program gets around to acknowledging your purchase before you get a registration code.
Feb 19 2023 at 8:41am Copy Link
Jacen all 'is explained
Feb 19 2023 at 7:15pm Copy Link
Mike Murphy i bought this 10 hours ago and still no login details so I can activate the software!

Mike Murphy
Apr 29 2023 at 3:05pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Mike Murphy, Sorry about the issue. I just contacted the vendor asking for their help with the issue you mentioned.
BitsDuJour Admin - Apr 29 2023 at 4:57pm Copy Link
Daniel K Same as Mike, i bought My Draw this morning and still no login details so I can activate the software!
Apr 30 2023 at 3:21pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Daniel K, Sorry about the issue. I just contacted the vendor for your case as well, asking for their help.
BitsDuJour Admin - Apr 30 2023 at 3:31pm Copy Link
B Kampa @Constantin: Is it safe to order? I ask because others aren't getting activation instructions.
Apr 30 2023 at 8:28pm Copy Link
bvssunnydale Hi, I do a LOT of Venn diagrams [almost exclusively] so am wondering if this app has any advantages of MS Publisher? or any advantages for creating Venn diagrams? Thanks very much.
Jun 22 2023 at 6:22am Copy Link
Paul Transfer of a license to another computer is only possible with an active license. What about just using one license from the start and using the second one on a new computer after the active license has ended?
Is it possible to activate the second license (for the first time, no transfer) after the active periode has ended?
Jun 23 2023 at 12:36am Copy Link
MyDraw Hello Paul,

Thank you for your question and interest in MyDraw!

Yes - activating the second license on a new computer is possible after the active license has ended. However, there are a few things to consider.
When you purchase a software license, it typically comes with a specific period of active usage, during which you receive updates, technical support, and other benefits. Once this active period ends, you may no longer receive those benefits, including technical support.

You can use the second license on a new computer after the subscription expires. However, it's important to note that the second license will only grant you access to the software version released within the time of your subscription. You won't receive updates or technical support for that license either.

We hope this clarifies the situation. Let us know if you have any further questions! We will be glad to help!
Nevron Software - Jun 23 2023 at 1:15am Copy Link
MyDraw @bvssunnydale


Thank you for your email and interest in MyDraw!

The following are the advantages of MyDraw for Venn diagrams:
Advanced diagramming capabilities: MyDraw is primarily a diagramming software, so it offers more advanced features and customization options specifically tailored for creating Venn diagrams.
Extended shape library: MyDraw provides a vast library of shapes and symbols, allowing you to customize Venn diagrams with various elements beyond basic circles easily.
Export options: MyDraw supports exporting diagrams in various formats, including vector formats like PDF and SVG, which ensures high-quality output suitable for professional use or further editing.
Cross-platform compatibility: MyDraw is available for Windows and macOS, making it suitable for users across different operating systems.

Other detailed information about MyDraw Features is available on the following page:

You can also check the available Venn diagrams predefined templates:

Hope this helps - let us know if you have any questions or require further assistance.
Nevron Software - Jun 23 2023 at 1:21am Copy Link
Gary User I purchased MyDraw earlier this year - works great. But I will soon be replacing my operating hard drive - do I need to deactivate the license on that computer first or can I just re-install it on the new hard drive and re-activate by signing into the mydraw account?
Jun 23 2023 at 6:09am Copy Link
Norwel Gordon "The Fine Print" clearly states:
"Transfer of a license to another owned computer is allowed."

(There is no mention of a very restrictive time limit, requiring additional payment!)

Yet after purchasing, installing and viewing "Licensing" in the included "HELP' section of the installed program I see:
"As long as you have an active subscription, you can transfer your license to another computer."

Which is the real case and if the latter, shouldn't this be included in "The Fine Print"?
Aug 11 2023 at 11:31am Copy Link
James User I installed this on my Mac Studio, and the program will not start. Ans their Forums are all dead (no posts for over a year). Do NOT get this.
Aug 12 2023 at 9:03am Copy Link
Peter User If I activate the first license and leave the second license unused, can I activate the second license after the 12 mont update period, or do I need a subscription?
Dec 23 2023 at 5:52am Copy Link
MyDraw Hi Peter,
Thank you for your interest in MyDraw.

Yes, you can activate the license after the subscription expires. If you don’t renew the maintenance subscription you will not receive upgrades and upgrades, but you can still move previous licenses from machine to machine and they will continue to work with the version you have purchased.

We hope this helps – please let us know if you have any questions.
Nevron Software - Dec 23 2023 at 10:36am Copy Link
Andrew User I've installed it and created a MyDraw account, but the email boxes are protected on the 'About' screen when trying to register it.
Dec 23 2023 at 2:45pm Copy Link
Todd User Buyer beware. Just like Andrew posted, I purchased this software (for the second time) in April 2023. The provided license key DID NOT work, and although I made multiple requests, it was NOT resolved. I received a response from Nevron (the publisher) that was non-sensical, as if they were ignoring the problem. The purchase was made through StackSocial, and although Stack Social replied stating they would contact Nevron, nothing ever happened to resolve it, and Stack Social eventually stopped responding.
The software itself is great, but there is a problem with their license key engine or how it validates. And to add injury to insult, although I have an email from Nevron acknowledging the purchase and providing the non-working license key, when I log into my account on their website, that purchase does not even show up at all -- only the first purchase I made in 2019 for a much older version shows up!!!
Dec 23 2023 at 9:45pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Nevron Software has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 24 2023 at 12:11am Copy Link
Jester MrDraw

The MrDraw comment is not the same as the Terms statement. What is correct?

MrDraw comment:
Yes, you can activate the license after the subscription expires. If you don’t renew the maintenance subscription you will not receive upgrades and upgrades, but you can still move previous licenses from machine to machine and they will continue to work with the version you have purchased.

Terms statement:
• Users with an active MyDraw Subscription get the following benefits:
o new version updates of MyDraw;
o transfer of License Keys to different computers;

Also there was an earlier 5.4 version with a build date of 1/15/2023 with will work with those whom bought the MyDraw on BitsDuJour on 2/13/2023. But this version may be hard to find now if you did not save it.
Dec 24 2023 at 7:54pm Copy Link
Gary User I bought MyDraw about a year ago - it is an excellent program. I've used it for all sorts of explanatory charts and drawings in my law practice. I highly recommend it.
Mar 28 2024 at 7:03am Copy Link
Todd User First, the software itself is great, and a remarkable value. That makes it a real shame that I have to report the following concerns: 1) Their license activation system appears to have serious issues. Maybe I am just unlucky -- or maybe not. They have a license activation routine in the software that requires the Internet, and they have a secure "My Account" section on their website that is supposed to reflect the user's licenses. But that "My Account" function is very confusing, does NOT provide the actual license key(s) (which I find very strange and counterproductive). The "My Account" is supposed to be keyed to the user's email address, so multiple purchases should show up in "My Account", as long as the same email address is used for purchases. I first purchased this software in 2019 (v 3.9) and did not have any problems. I liked the software enough that I purchased more licenses (and newer version) in April of 2023. But despite using the same email address, that April 2023 purchase NEVER SHOWED UP IN THE MY ACCOUNT section, and therefore I have never ben able to activate or use those licenses. That is unresolved to this day. Then, I bit the bullet and made another purchase in December of 2023. That purchase DID show up under "MY ACCOUNT", but the License Key has been rejected, and again, despite many emails, that is unresolved to this very day. So tonight (March 29, 2024), as a test, I created a totally new BitsDuJour account using a throw away email address, created a brand new account on the MyDraw website using that very same throw away email address, and made a purchase on BitsDuJour. The purchase and licenses show up under the MY ACCOUNT page using the throw away email address, but WITHOUT any license key, and I did NOT receive an email with a license key. 2) EULA discrepancies As if the above is not bad enough, in two different places in the description on BitsDuJour, it states "MyDraw License comes with 2 License Keys. Software activation is for 2 computers. The operating system can be Windows or macOS, the computer can be a laptop or desktop." --and-- "Each license allows installation on 2 computers, and MyDraw may be used at exactly the same time on each of them." That claim is repeated in the EULA on their website at . BUT, when I installed the Windows version of My Draw v5.4 tonight, the installation routine presented a EULA to which the user much click "Agree" in order for the installation to proceed, and that EULA absolutely states that the software can only be used on ONE machine, UNLESS the user purchases a SERVER VERSION of the software. So, for me, I have paid for licenses of this software for which the license key will not activate, AND tonight I purchased a license and did NOT receive a license key at all. As I stated in the beginning, the software itself is excellent and a fantastic bargain, so it is a shame that I have to report my experiences. If the developer would simply clean up my activation and license key issues, I would gladly be one of their biggest promoters.
Mar 29 2024 at 1:18am Copy Link
Peter User After resisting for a couple of years, due to what I consider unreasonable licence terms (described as perpetual, but requiring a subscription to move licence to a new computer), I am considering buying this.

I downloaded the trial and started to work on making a network diagram.
The problem was that a lot of the devices I wanted to had did not have an existing symbol (XBOX Series X being one example).
So before I commit, can I add my own symbols to mydraw? if so, in what format do they need to be?
Mar 29 2024 at 3:39am Copy Link
MyDraw Hi @Todd,
We have replied to you via email. Please check your inbox for information how MyDraw licensing works and how to activate your licenses.

If by "symbol" you mean special text characters, you can insert such characters from the Insert ribbon tab. Click "Symbol > More Symbols..." and you will see a large selection of special characters.

If by "symbol" you mean a shape - please take a look at the libraries available in the library browser of MyDraw ( ). If you do not find the shape you need, you can look for an image online and then insert that image in MyDraw. MyDraw 5.4 supports EMF vector images, so it would be best to use an image in this format.

We will soon release a new major version of MyDraw - 6.0. It will come with a lot of new shape libraries and drawing templates and will also support importing of SVG vector images. The new version will have a subscription-based licensing and will also be available as a web application.
Nevron Software - Mar 29 2024 at 6:49am Copy Link
Peter User If I buy now, will my subscription give me a free upgrade to version 6?
Mar 29 2024 at 3:39pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Peter User, During today's promotion we are actually promoting subscription based licenses as following:
MyDraw 1 Year + 1 Year Free v6.0 ($18)
MyDraw 1 Year + 2 Years Free ($27)
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 23 2024 at 3:38am Copy Link
Jester Regarding the one-year updates subscription / license subscription question above, please update the MyDraw description below to clarify the actual terms.

Please note folks, below we have put the license policy for this product:
• MyDraw License is a lifetime, one-time purchase. The software can be used indefinitely.

• MyDraw License comes with a one-year updates subscription called MyDraw Subscription, starting from the purchase date.
• Users with an active MyDraw Subscription get the following benefits:
o new version updates of MyDraw;
o transfer of License Keys to different computers;
o technical support.
• You can transfer each License Key to a different computer an unlimited number of times, as long as you have an active MyDraw Subscription. After the one-year period has ended, your License Keys are valid, but will not be transferable to a different computer.
• When your MyDraw Subscription is about to end, we will send you a notification email. You will have to renew your MyDraw Subscription to continue receiving its benefits. If you do not renew your MyDraw Subscription within 30 days after the expiration date, you will later have to purchase a new MyDraw License to continue receiving the MyDraw Subscription benefits.
After you purchase MyDraw, it may be used for 24 months.
Jul 23 2024 at 10:40am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Jester, I am sorry about the confusion. You're right, the section you mention should be updated as well. I have taken it down and asked the vendor for help to update it. We will add it back once it is updated.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 23 2024 at 1:47pm Copy Link
Jester @Constantin, Thank you! One of the BEST things about is THE FINE PRINT section where we actually get to know about licensing terms, lifetime or subscription, transfer terms, install (transfer to new devices or multiple devices) and other valuable details. Often this information is hard to find out even on the vendor site. is my favorite site to monitor daily for software to try for a good price. I have found so many excellent products since 2012. Thank you again for your work!
Jul 23 2024 at 2:50pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Jester, I am glad you like us!
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 23 2024 at 3:13pm Copy Link
Chuck I'm confused. Can the software still be used once the subscription ends or not?
Jul 23 2024 at 6:09pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Chuck, After the subscription period of 2 years or 3 years (depending on which option you choose) the product subscription has to be renewed in order for you to be able to continue using the product.

In the Licensing Information section on the product website I see the following:
MyDraw Subscription allows you to use MyDraw for a specific period of time. After that period of time elapses, the subscription must be renewed to continue using MyDraw.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 24 2024 at 2:07am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Jester, Just letting you know that the vendor replied with the updated license policy which we just updated back into the promotion page, notice it towards the bottom of the promotion page text.

For the complete license policy of the product please notice the following page:
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 24 2024 at 3:35am Copy Link
Chuck @Constantin thank you for the response. Given the limitation, I will pass on this offer.
Jul 24 2024 at 3:39am Copy Link
Peter User The licence terms for this software get worse for the user every time it is on BDJ.....
Jul 24 2024 at 1:24pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Peter User, Actually this is the first time we're promoting the subscription based license of the product. Previously we did promote the Lifetime license. The difference only happened between what we promoted last time and what we are promoting now during this promotion.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 24 2024 at 1:29pm Copy Link
Mr Dave I was very impressed with this product about 8-10 years ago and used it for many projects. I found it easier than Visio and I liked the templates better. The main drawback at that time was lack of an underlying programming language where I could do things like automate scaling, typeface, positioning of different elements and search/replace all instances of text word or phrase, and apply it across multiple charts just by running it again. I needed this to ensure consistency across updates to my diagrams. I see nothing in the description about that capability so I assume it's not possible. If you don't need that, then this is a very helpful program that does things easier than many alternatives.
Jul 24 2024 at 5:33pm Copy Link

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