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PostworkShop Artist EditionDiscount

PostworkShop Artist Edition

Transform Pictures Into Works of Art

Mac & PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
PostworkShop Artist Edition ScreenshotPhoto Manipulation Software ScreenshotPostworkShop Artist Edition, Photo Manipulation Software ScreenshotPostworkShop Artist Edition, Design, Photo & Graphics Software Screenshot

You want to be more creative, but can't bring yourself to take art classes, transform half of your bedroom into a studio, and buy hundreds of dollars of brushes, paint, and canvas dropcloths. You already have hundreds of photos that you'd love to see translated into works of how would you like to turn them into artistic drawings, paintings, and sketches in mere MOMENTS?

You can, with PostworkShop Artist Edition !

PostworkShop Artist Edition lets you apply spectacular artistic effects to your images, transforming them into oil paintings, watercolors, pastel drawings, pencil sketches, and more! With PostworkShop Artist Edition , you'll have access to over 350 styles that you can blend and modify to create your own unique look! Best of all, if you find a combination of styles that you really like, PostworkShop Artist Edition lets you save them for later use.

Since PostworkShop Artist Edition uses industry-standard file formats, you'll be able to export your creations to Adobe Photoshop, plus use Photoshop brushes in your creations!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Louis H Picked up the Pro version last August. I really like this program. It's a lot of fun and has depths to it I have still not fully explored. Very soon now they will be releasing the first Beta of Version 2.0 and the community of users are all quite excited about it. Xycod is definitely one of those companies that stands behind their products and remains present after the sale with full support for users.
Mar 7 2011 at 4:41pm Copy Link
Henrik Safegaard Hi
Could you make this offer include the Pro version to ??

Best regards
Mar 7 2011 at 11:22pm Copy Link
Louis H Version 2.0 - currently a Public Beta release (a free upgrade to owners of V 1.1) was just released today. (I'm downloading it as I type this.) It is available for both Mac and PC - 32 and 64 bit versions. (64 bit is Pro version - and when I bought this last August they DID offer the Pro version at 50% off as well - but I'll let the folks from Xycod confirm if that will be true this time around. You definitely need the Pro version if you want to use V 2 as a plugin and in 64 bit mode.)

If this kind of graphic manipulation program interests you, please do yourself a favor and give it a trial run. If you go back and read my comments from last August, you'll see I was skeptical, at first, of the pricing back then, (speaking of full no-discount pricing) but I really do feel you are getting a lot for your money (product well supported after the sale via tutorials and customer support) and I continue to consider it money well spent.

You can get a glimpse of what is new in V 2.0 at....
Mar 8 2011 at 8:55am Copy Link
Henrik Safegaard To the company -

How does one get the pro version from this offer or isn't possible ?
Mar 10 2011 at 11:16pm Copy Link
Bill Shinnick I too have the Artist version and would like a discount on the Pro upgrade. A top bit of software btw.
Mar 10 2011 at 11:33pm Copy Link
John Stevenson The Pro edition is not available in this promo event.

But if you consider that you can get Artist for $25 and immediately or later you can upgrade to Pro, this is a path to own a cheaper Pro ($75, or less if you catch an upgrade promo).
Xycod - Mar 11 2011 at 1:13am Copy Link
Henrik Safegaard Hi Jessy

There is one big problem. It's only the pro version which can run in 64 bit right?
Or does i read the comparison page wrong.
Mar 11 2011 at 1:27am Copy Link
Louis H If you want the 64 bit and plugin features of V 2.0, you have to have the PRO version.

You can see the 3 main differences at...


They are...

(In PRO version only)

Plugin Mode ***** 5 star rating from me for having this feature

64 bit build ***** 5 star rating for me - but only because I have a 64 bit system

Batch Processing (video and animation) ***** 5 star rating for me as this greatly enhances the application of this program for me

So as Jessy points out, if you want the PRO version, (and honestly - I think the recent changes in the PRO version have made the Artist version almost superfluous) it will cost you $75 instead of $99. ($25 for the Artist version and another $50 for the Pro upgrade.)

I know folks are not going to be happy that the Pro version is not offered today at a 50% discount. And I don't blame them. Perhaps Xycod will soon offer another 50% discount for the PRO version in the near future. It would have been nice, however, if the PRO version was also available today.

I HIGHLY recommend the PRO version (V 2.0) of this program, but i do not recommend the Artist version - EXCEPT for getting a $25 discount on picking up the PRO version today. Sorry Jessy. GREAT program - not such a great deal (cost wise) since only the Artist version is on discount today. Still, I feel compelled to again state that I love this program - the PRO version - especially with the new features of V 2.0!!! And to me - it is well worth $75 - but an absolutely great deal if one could get it for $50.
Mar 11 2011 at 2:55am Copy Link
Gary Kriss I would have loved to put this program through its paces. However, since my computers are 64s, it's not possible. A shame that we 64ers are cut out of a program that gets raves.

Perhaps the PWS Powers-That-Be should rconsider, or do a quick Bits offer on Pro, if they really want to get the word out and expand their base of users, unless they have a different marketing strategy.

In the meantime, its back to my old standbys!
Mar 11 2011 at 5:30am Copy Link
Louis H I agree with you, Gary.

On the surface (since I am not privy to what is going on behind the scenes) I think the folks at Xycod have done themselves a disservice not making the PRO version available at a discount.

It would not even have to be a full 50% kind of offer. Simply offering it at a greater discount than the 25% currently available if one purchases the Artist version and then follows the regular upgrade path would have, in my opinion, resulted in indeed an expansion of their user base - and thus an increase in "word-of-mouth" awareness of this great - and fun - program.

I have nothing negative to say about their customer support. They really do stand behind their products and continue to provide technical help, an expanding library of "extras" and product tutorials, and "after the sale" attention to their user base.

Business management maneuvers, however, such as not offering the PRO version (ESPECIALLY in light of the recent release of a major version upgrade making the PRO version THE version to have, if one is going to more fully utilize and appreciate the program) at an additional discount (if not a full 50% off) for today's one day only deal, are, in my opinion, an error in judgment.

(At least in the short term. Long term, I believe the product will continue to grow in popularity, and I will willingly pay for the upgrade to V 3.0 when it evolves to that point in the future. (And I believe it will!) If I am still around, myself.)

Mar 11 2011 at 8:00am Copy Link
Linda Goldin I'd have purchased the Pro version, but will pass on the Artist version, just like some others who have posted. I think it was a marketing mistake to have this one-day offer and not include the Pro version.
Mar 11 2011 at 11:59am Copy Link
Software Guy IMHO, Postworkshop artist is the best value (most bang for your buck) for this type of software. Unless you need bigger than 2k by 2k in size, or need the plug in, the artist is a great value. And if you need the upgrade, just do it. you will not regret it.

Need 64 bit - I don't think so - marketing is abeautiful thing, making people believe that they absolutely need something that they don't. Gee, it is a wonder anything got done on those awful 32 bit computers!!!!! How many core i5 laptops are sold to surf the internet on DSL???? You may wish to investigate, in depth the differences between the 32 bit and 64 bit OS in win 7 and you will be quite surprisedat what you learn.

Is it better to do without and wait for that 64 bit? in the case the answer is no. I hope this helps someone enjoy this nicely done software, especially at the bargain price it is offeredhere today.
Mar 11 2011 at 1:41pm Copy Link
Louis H Yes and no, William....!

I do a lot of work with Video and it is absolutely a plus to work with a 64 bit system and programs optimized for 64 bit.

(And I would rather not assume that folks around here do not have a better understanding of 64 bit vs 32 bit than your comments appear to suggest. I get the idea most folks around here are a lot more tech savvy than the average computer user. Or than me, actually.)


This is indeed a great program and I remain happy I took advantage of the great offer I did when i picked up a copy of it last year.

Personally, now that I have been working with it, I still think $75 for the Pro version is a nice deal. (It's worth it's full price) Less, however, since I do love getting great bargains - (which is why I found myself at BDJ some time ago in the first place) - is even better.

From my point of view, one of the big advantages of BDJ is not so much the generation of sales for a product, but the more long term benefit of building a user base that will result in a greater "word-of-mouth" reputation for a program. This, of course, can be either negative or positive depending on the actual quality of the program and whatever customer support is provided after the sale.

In the case of PostworkShop, it is a great program AND very good customer support (my personal experience and opinion.)

I still think it would have been a better marketing decision if Xycod had offered the PRO version for 35 or 40% off as a direct option without first requiring folks to purchase the Artist version as well. That is not meant to be a put down or slam on the folks at Xycod. It is, after all, THEIR business and not mine. Part of the fun of BDJ for me is getting to voice my opinion on various aspects of the deals offered here.

Your mileage appears to vary from mine, and that's cool.

And it is due to such differences (your opinions of some of the programs offered here) that I have given some other programs a closer look than I might otherwise have done. So thank you for being a part of this growing community of bargain hunters here at BDJ!
Mar 11 2011 at 9:04pm Copy Link
Henrik Safegaard Hi william lagna

In my country almost half of new computers and laptops is preinstalled with win 7 64 bits now. It's simply getting standard in this part of the world.
What i mean is that developers shut be aware of that and see how the time is changing.
Most consumers here actually dont get the choice, it's simply preinstalled. The only exception is notebooks whish is popular for surfing but no one actually work with them for more creative purposes.

And yes, this program is great and off a kind. And of course i bought it for my kid's birthday. He is 13, but even kids run 64 bits here. More than half of his class got new computers now and all of them run win 7 - 64 bit with - 6 - 12 mb ram installed. :)
Mar 11 2011 at 10:31pm Copy Link
Software Guy Thanks Louis and Henrick,
perhaps I did not make my point well. I run a 64 bit version of windows on one machine, a 32 bit on another. And yes, surely video and mathematica require big big spaces and fast processors, but few people dabble in such things.
The point is that this is an art program getting unfairly criticized by people that do not understand what 64 bit really means. I can run 32 bit postworkshop artist just fine ON MY 64 BIT COMPUTER as I do many other 32 bit programs. If postworkshop artist runs just fine, then why are they bashing it, especially at $25? They are giving the very false impression that you need 64 bit programs to run on 64 bit computers, which is very, very incorrect. The current group of processors can run multiple 64 and 32 bit threads concurrently. Unfortunately many people believe that their 64 bit computer needs 64 bit software and pass up good software that they can use for quite some time before they inevitably upgrade it. Come on guys, help those people that may be less tech saavy to enjoy good software when it is available.
thankfully, this artist edition is still available at 40% discount on the dashboard.
Mar 12 2011 at 12:15am Copy Link
Henrik Safegaard Thanks for letting us know william lagna.

You are absolute right, a lot of programs will run on both 32 and 64 bit but it's a bit off a lottery because some softwares will not. One newer know before one has tried it or getting it pointed out by someone.
Mar 12 2011 at 1:12am Copy Link
Louis H Again, William, yes and no.

My 32 bit version of V 1.1 Pro ran just fine on my 64 bit machine. So I would imagine that the 32 bit version of V 2.0 Artist would probably run just fine, as well.

That is not my point, nor do I believe it was the point of those who posted comments they were not going to purchase the Artist version when what they really wanted was the Pro version.

And yes, some of those folks singled out the 64 bit vs 32 bit angle of things, but to label their choices to prefer to go with programs designed to take fuller advantage of 64 bit architecture as unfairly criticizing the program.....

(which I did not read in any of the comments posted this time around - which leads me to consider the possibility that the "problem" here is one of your own making due to your own views of the whole 32 vs 64 bit debate) to muddy the water and divert the discussion from what it was actually about.

If ANY one or thing was getting criticized, it was the Marketing decision of Xycod to not offer the Pro version at a discount, this time around.

And no, I will not encourage folks to purchase a lower tier level of any program if what they really want is the upper tier level of it, UNLESS (and I stress that word - capitals not meant to indicate yelling) the benefit of doing so results in a MAJOR (again capitals for emphasis only) discount gained when they upgrade.

Just a few days ago I purchased a program for a $269 discount which allows me to at any time in the future upgrade to the advanced version of the program at the standard upgrade price. I cannot use the lower level tier of the program, other than to use it in terms of an untimed "demo" to learn some of the basic features of the fuller Pro version, but i simply could not pass up the one-time discount as I now will end up saving over $470 when I upgrade.

Now THAT is the kind of deal I would enthusiastically encourage anyone to take advantage of, even if they never use the version they purchase through such a discount.

I will point out, and then move on, that by far the more important aspects of V 2.0 of PostworkShop Pro - and I apologize if I was not clear in my previous comments - that make the Artist version undesirable to me (and I stress this is based on my personal preferences and needs) are the ability to use the program in Plugin mode and utilize the batch processing functions. I would still use V 2.0 without the availability of the 64 bit version. Having it available as a 64 bit version, however, only makes it that much more easier for me to run it along side my other graphic programs.

My participation here at BDJ is NOT to sell programs for vendors, by the way. My goal to participate here is to first and foremost learn about programs I might not otherwise have heard about and have an opportunity to purchase them at a great discount, and secondly to offer an honest opinion (based on my personal experience with it) of the software being offered up for sale.

PostworkShop is a GREAT program. It is a LOT of fun. And if all people need or want is a stand alone digital painting program that will serve them well, then you are absolutely right, William. The Artist version will serve them well. In the future I will take additional time to clarify such a view of the lower level tier of a program I am commenting on as long as I believe in such a view.

None of the above, however, changes my mind that I still believe Xycod made a poor marketing decision in not offering the Pro version at a discount as well. (Easy for me to say as I do not have any responsibility for making such decisions for them!) :-)
Mar 12 2011 at 2:57am Copy Link

Please note that all comments for this promotion will be screened before posting. It's nothing personal, just a step we have to take because of a few bad apples last time around.

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