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A Smart First-Pass Editor for Your First Drafts

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows - 8, 7, Vista, XP (SP3)
SmartEdit ScreenshotWriting and Journaling Software ScreenshotSmartEdit, Writing and Journaling Software ScreenshotSmartEdit, Hobby, Educational & Fun Software ScreenshotWriting and Journaling Software, SmartEdit ScreenshotHobby, Educational & Fun Software, SmartEdit Screenshot

So you’ve finally cranked out the first draft of your novel or short story – months and months of hard work have finally paid off, but you’re afraid to let anyone see it! Many words and sentences were cranked out late at night, and you’re worried that stupid mistakes may have crept in here, there, and everywhere. Time to make a first pass at editing, but make it easier on yourself with a copy of today’s discount software promotion, SmartEdit!

SmartEdit is a first-pass editing tool that helps you to edit your work by highlighting up to 20 areas that may need improvement. With SmartEdit, you’ll be able to detect whether you’ve overused a word or phrase, gone too far with adverbs, or mistakenly used a common misspelling. What’s more, SmartEdit is also smart enough to examine sentence structures for length, possibly incorrect punctuation, or inconsistent use of quotation marks.

Now mind you, SmartEdit is not going to make your work better from a content perspective. That’s entirely up to you! But what SmartEdit can do is to make you more critical of your work from a technical viewpoint, giving you the ability to make the entire document stronger, more professional, and ready for review by a real-world editor!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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peter schleifer SmartEdit has got various functionality for any writing, not only for "creative writing", but they are as helpful for doing any writings / papers in your job/corporation; you are even able to create word frequency lists (but only down to words you will have used at least 4 times in your text, I hope there will be introduction of complete frequency lists, too, since this would be needed to quickly check for misspellings of rare words where there is no need to put them into a checker's word list one by one, e.g. proper names and such).

They have got a free version too but that is a little bit crippled - no wonder, they have all their rights to incite you to buying their fine software! I give more details in the forum (search for "smartedit", the search box is right on their home page).

Depending on your frequency of use and your real "need" to polish your texts (which might not arise daily but only here and then), the full price might appear a little bit steep for some prospective users, but one thing is clear as day:

At the price today, this fine program is an absolute steal, I will buy, and you should do the same, even if you only count to employ it thrice a year: Then, it will be of real use for you and "pay for itself", as the saying goes!
Nov 27 2013 at 2:34am Copy Link
Darren @Peter
Thanks for the kind words Peter. In the licensed version (available today), you can adjust the word repetition checker to report on frequencies as low as 2. This option is available from the preferences dialog.
Bad Wolf Software - Nov 27 2013 at 2:53am Copy Link
peter schleifer Yes, I spoke from my experience with the free version! From the task described above - discovering rare misspellings or even, alternative terms just employed once, in a technical text where it is NOT about variety of expression, but on the contrary, it is about standardization of vocabulary, a word frequency count down to 1 (and not to 2 only) would be really helpful.

Also, your marketing - SmartEdit is rather "young" software, has existed for some good year or even two now, but it is very well developed in spite of this, readers don't take me wrong here! - is aimed at literary writing (cf. your webpage), when in fact, most of its functionality, as said above, appears also to be extremely helpful for "office work", at least for "decicive" office where that "really counts" - proposals to big customers, executive summaries of the "important kind" (in German: "Vorstandsvorlagen", meaning papers to the CEO and his immediate entourage), press releases, etc. - and here, the "market" should be about "tenfold" that of "creative writing", let alone novelists, etc. who make their living from their "pen" - and I left out lawyers and other professionals within the legal professions, and which constitute a very big market on their own!

Hence the commercial interest in introducing, with time, more functionality of interest for such professions, too, instead of serving the "creative crowd" "only" -

again, dear fellow "bitsters", I do NOT falsely pretend here that SE just serves the latter customers (see above), I'm just asking for even more in functionality for other writing professions, even if those functions might not really apply to literats. (And I really crave for the word-frequency-down-to-1!)

But even at it is, SE is one of the most useful tools out there for almost anybody who does not only keyboarding, but writing, for whatever means this might be - and that, for such a "young" program, is an admirable exploit!
Nov 27 2013 at 3:34am Copy Link
Darren We have been considering a business version. If anyone is interested, you can leave an email address at the link below, and we'll let you you know when we have something.
Bad Wolf Software - Nov 27 2013 at 4:07am Copy Link
_*_ @Darren

I purchased the full program back on August 11 (directly from an email offer); would there be any benefit to me to buy here for future updates/upgrades?

I also agree with what has been said above, and it is very helpful, versatile, program, as well as simply helping one become a better writer overall.

Thank you
Nov 27 2013 at 4:08am Copy Link
Ralph Bressler I was really interested in this program so I downloaded and installed the trial. Iran it on a simple txt file. It hung after one test. I let it run for almost and hour with no change. I had to use the task manager to stop it! If it has problems with a simple text file, how can it process more complicated doc or rtf files? Does anyone have any clue what the problem might be?
Nov 27 2013 at 4:40am Copy Link
Mr_Yeh @Ralph - No problem over here when I tried it with a .docx file...
Nov 27 2013 at 4:48am Copy Link
Darren _*_
There’s no benefit in buying a new license at this time. Your current license covers all version 3 upgrades. If you haven’t upgraded recently, you should download the latest version released last week, as it contains some new functionality, outlined here:

If you contact us direct we can help you out with any problems you might be having. The typical time taken to run all checks on an 80,000 word work on an average PC would be 1-3 minutes.
Bad Wolf Software - Nov 27 2013 at 4:51am Copy Link
Ralph Bressler I restarted the program and it now seems to be progressing at least through check #3. The file is almost 10 times your example.
Nov 27 2013 at 4:54am Copy Link
Darren @Ralph
I understand now. 10 times my example would be 800,000 words, which would be over 3,000 pages. Is this a genuine document or a document you constructed for test purposes? If it’s something constructed for test purposes, especially using copy/paste where you’re duplicating entire blocks of text over and over, then the process will probably take days.

The software is designed and optimised for real world use, not for extreme test cases.
Bad Wolf Software - Nov 27 2013 at 5:06am Copy Link
Ralph Bressler I assure you this is a "real world" document. It is the text extracted from my hiking website. The good news is that the second time around the program competed the analysis and gave me some interesting results.

The new problem is that it will not export a report in any form. It says that it may be locked open by another program. What other program would be "locking" it? For that matter what is being "locked"?

The possible misused words list seems the least useful. It simply finds words that can be confused but gives no indication that they are misused. I guess this would be almost impossible but...
Nov 27 2013 at 5:27am Copy Link
Darren @Peter

Many of the checks are English only Peter. We may look into language packs in the future, but as the software analyses text and language itself, it's a lot more complex than simply translating the UI.
Bad Wolf Software - Nov 27 2013 at 6:07am Copy Link
Ralph Bressler @Darren

Why can I only export a report in PDF format? Why do the others fail and say they are locked?
Nov 27 2013 at 6:10am Copy Link
Darren @Ralph

If a file is already open, the report cannot overwrite it. (Example: locked open by Excel or Word) If you're trying to write a report to a read only location, the report cannot write. These are the only circumstances you should see that message.

If one of the above scenarios is not true, you should contact us direct, as mentioned above.

The reporting functionality has been working without incident since it was added to SmartEdit three months ago.
Bad Wolf Software - Nov 27 2013 at 6:21am Copy Link
Darren McDonald Hi,

I am a Mac user and I heard in the video that there are plans for a Mac version to come out by the end of the year.

If I purchase the software now, can I use the license to activate the Mac version when it is released?

I would like to purchase it now, even though I do not use Windows, so I can support your hard hard on making a Mac OS version.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Cheers! :)
Nov 28 2013 at 3:31am Copy Link
dan dalton Ordered the software, money taken from PayPal. 3 hours later, no software, no email. Problems?
Nov 28 2013 at 3:32am Copy Link
Darren @Darren

The Mac version will not be ready this year, and we don't have a time frame for it. Which means, we're a long way from making any decisions about licensing. The likelihood is that it will follow industry norms, in which case it would be a separate license for each operating system.
Bad Wolf Software - Nov 28 2013 at 4:03am Copy Link
Darren @Dan

Didn't we address this issue by email yesterday - 12 hours ago?
Bad Wolf Software - Nov 28 2013 at 4:04am Copy Link
Darren McDonald Hello Darren (it is strange addressing you as Darren as we both have the same names. Lol!)

Thanks for your response. I made the purchase before your response to show my support for the development of the Mac version. I am not so concerned with the timeframe. Please take all the time you need to make great software for the Mac.

Lately, for software I have purchased that exists for both OS's, the license has been valid for either OS. I thought it was to make things easier for the developer. Again, I am not making an issue of this. Please go ahead with what is easier for you so you can concentrate on development.

Looking forward to when the Mac version comes out. Since I am already on your mailing list, will you be making an announcement through the list when the Mac version is released? If not, it would be great if you could.

All the best! :)

Cheers! :)

Nov 28 2013 at 6:08am Copy Link
Darren We'll send out a notification when the Mac versions is ready.
Bad Wolf Software - Nov 28 2013 at 7:07am Copy Link
peter schleifer Re

Permit some commentary now that it cannot harm sales anymore. I'm not fond of slicing up software. Check-fo-editing software can comprise many functions, most of which are of interest both for "creative" and for "business" writers, so there is no need whatsoever to withhold some of the functionality to the the former and some other to the latter, except for perhaps generating more sales, from people who get swayed into buying both versions and then not only have to pay double price, but also have to scuffle with two two very similar tools where one would be meaningful.

Developers are free to try to maximize their business, but I am free to minimize clutter in my system, and to refuse unnecessary expenditure where it's evident that my additional expense (I am speaking of regular, expensive updates of two parallel programs here, not of the initial cost of one of the programs on bits) does not come with equivalent value.

I hope the developer will revise his plans to split one good program into two annoying twin ones; I cannot remember any WordStar, WordPerfect, MS Word offering parallel versions, one for novelists, one for clerks: They all offered full functionality to both groups of their users.
Nov 30 2013 at 5:25am Copy Link

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